I first heard/found out about the PS1/PSX back in 1995 in the pages of GamePro & Electronic Gaming Monthly, but since my family had recently (like 9 -10 months prior) purchased a Sega Genesis w/Sonic 2 I had no real interest in the system (though I do remember occasionally playing the system demo kiosk our local Sears had in their electronics department while my parents did their shopping...which ironically enough was placed right next to a Nintendo Virtual Boy demo kiosk) until the summer of 1997 when our Genesis died on us (I blame the system's death on NFL QB Club 96, seriously F*** that game

) and right around that same time I had read about this (imo) cool looking game coming out later that year in the Sept 1997 issue of
Elctronic Gaming monthly (which I still have) called Tomb Raider 2. Well a few months later for Christmas we (my sister & I ) ended up getting a PS1 along with The Lost World Jurassic Park (which sucked) and Crash Bandicoot (which didn't suck), unfortunately my parents didn't realize that you also needed to get/have a memory card for the system so we couldn't save our progress until the next day when I was able to hitch a ride (since my parents had to work and I wasn't old enough to drive yet) with my Grandfather & Cousins to our local K-Mart (which is funnily enough where I purchased the Sept 1997 issue of EGM) where I used up all my B-day & Christmas money (I have a Nov b-day so I usually saved all my B-day & Christmas money to get something after Christmas) to get a Mad Catz PS1 memory card double pack along with the recently released Tomb Raider 2.
Now that story time is over here are the answers to the rest of the OP's questions
Favorite Games (sorry I just can't pick one

) - RE 2/RE2 Dual Shock Edition, RE 3, MGS, Tomb Raider 2, Tomb Raider 4, Tomba, WWF Smackdown 2, Nascar 98, Parasite Eve, Road Rash, Crash Bandicoot Trilogy, Tekken 3, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Castlevania: SotN, Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare, Strider 2, Silent Hill
First PS1 game - Lost World: Jurassic Park (Christmas present, Crash was considered my sister's game) & Tomb Raider 2 (purchased myself)
Have you ever used/touched any of the PS1 Light Guns - No
Have you ever used the PS1's Music 2000 feature - No, I had a CD walkman at the time (a few years later I'd end up getting an Ipod for Christmas) so I would listen to music that way (I used to listen to Kid Rock's Devil Without a Cause a lot especially when playing Street Fighter Alpha 3 and would really start hitting my groove right around the time "I am the BullGod" came on)
Do you still own a PS1 - No, I unfortunately don't (got rid of it about 9 years ago), but I still have a bunch (at least 30) physical PS1 games (plus about 20 digital PS1 games on PSN/PS3) and will usually play them on either my PS2 Slim or PS3 every once in a while.