Dude be still trippin off last nights mushrooms
Dreams is not a game but a creativity tool/engine and that is how it's being perceived I believe (thread on GAF by the dozens).
You call Sony a fool for not wanting to cut their own finger, think about this long and hard as to why they want customers to buy games.
Poor post and misinformed user all while you're an active PlayStation fan/gamer, I'm not but I do follow gaming news and development as a whole.
Dreams Player Creations Are Being Shown on Billboards Around the UK to Celebrate Game's Release | Pure PlayStation
To celebrate the launch of PS4 exclusive Dreams and to showcase incredible community creations, PlayStation UK have selected some of the best to feature on UK billboards. Across sites in Glasgow, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Nottingham and Edinburgh billboards feature creations from
Dude, they gave Media Molecule another five years to make the game fun after it was already feature complete. How can you say nonsense like they aren't giving it enough attention?I feel that Dreams is not giving the attention it deserves! .. many players see it as a unique game and do things in a cute way ..well hell no it's a wrong description
For what I experienced I will tell you what is Dreams :
Sony is fool for not putting much effort to show the world this well made Game , they are focusing on some dumb shooting games and battle royal shit
So .. why playstation did nothing for Dreams in terms of commercials?
This creative team at Mm they deserve an award man for their work on Dreams .. I never saw anything like it
That's the gist of it, yes. It would be much better if they had taken something like UE3, put their own layer of tools on top, so you can not only export everything to other platforms, but also build skills you can apply to UE4 in general. And it should have had keyboard and mouse support from day 1. That's its biggest failure, there's no reason not to have it (aside from wanting to sell overpriced Move controllers). The controls are actively killing any creative drive I have.Im in the group of people who will watch the awesome stuff on youtube and be content. I just dont know why you spend the time learning/perfecting this engine rather than an engine/program thatll help you in the real world.
Indeed dreams will sell itself.....Anybody remember how rocket league took off......All I knew that it was was a game on PLUS and boom......Dreams is nto the same like rocket league, but it's advantage it will grow with content and creators......The tools are good, the reviews are great, the word of mouth will spread...People will see it somewhere, in a youtube video, a billboard, a poster on a train and say, that exists? and they will enquire...….This is how dreams will go. Sony does not need to do a superbowl ad or la liga ads to sell dreams....Dreams is a community driven platform that needs to sell itself by word of mouth.
Besides, every time Sony and MM tried to do some kind of promo, how little it may have been, we had the gaming community whining about what Dreams actually was supposed to be and why it was taking so long.
Indeed dreams will sell itself.....Anybody remember how rocket league took off......All I knew that it was was a game on PLUS and boom......Dreams is nto the same like rocket league, but it's advantage it will grow with content and creators......The tools are good, the reviews are great, the word of mouth will spread...People will see it somewhere, in a youtube video, a billboard, a poster on a train and say, that exists? and they will enquire...….This is how dreams will go. Sony does not need to do a superbowl ad or la liga ads to sell dreams....
He obviously meant it as a metaphor mateWhat kind of shitty game you've been playing?
Honest question.
No he didn't and I understood his point later. He got more enjoyment out of Dreams slices than some games.... I misunderstood as overall quality or depth.He obviously meant it as a metaphor mate
Rocket League took off because it was given away for free. It's basically the same thing Game Pass does, create word of mouth which leads to sales (mostly on other platforms, though). Dreams will suffer the same fate as every MM game before, end up in the garbage bin and priced at $5 after a year. It would do much better if it was actually given away for free and monetize in a different way (like paying people to use their creations in your own games, then asking your players for a few bucks). At the end of the day, Dreams is just another Media Molecule engine. And the majority has realized by now that they have no interest in being creative and that 99 % of the creative content in games like LBP are pure shit. Dreams has to deal with that history. It won't set sales records. It will just die a slow death.Indeed dreams will sell itself.....Anybody remember how rocket league took off......All I knew that it was was a game on PLUS and boom......Dreams is nto the same like rocket league, but it's advantage it will grow with content and creators......The tools are good, the reviews are great, the word of mouth will spread...People will see it somewhere, in a youtube video, a billboard, a poster on a train and say, that exists? and they will enquire...….This is how dreams will go. Sony does not need to do a superbowl ad or la liga ads to sell dreams....
Dreams is hard to market and hard to explain, the marketing push for this long term if it has any legs will come through word of mouth. LBP had sackboy to leverage an angle to market it, Dreams doesn't.
what has sony done with LBP? Honest question.
What does OP want SONY to do?
PC and modding isn't SONY at all.not sure about op, but i’d like to see them put out a pc version and embrace the modding community.
Wouldn't that screw over those that bought the game?I think it still needs some more time with the community before Sony goes all out on a big Dreams marketing campaign.
Sony should make the game free with the PS5 and highlight all of the amazing things the community have been polishing for a couple years.
Anyone else think it was a mistake to make Dreams a new IP instead of continuing the LittleBigPlanet franchise? LBP as a franchise had huge potential, it still baffles me how little Sony did with it. With Sackboy they had an iconic figure they could’ve carried through future generations. If Dreams was part of the LBP franchise, and the story mode actually contained Sackboy, then no one would be confused about what Dreams actually is.
LBP’s aesthetics are very unique, and should have been continued (at least in story mode). They should’ve just called it LittleBigWorld, which is what people have been hoping for ever since the first LBP came out! The marketing would have written itself: Hey, it’s LBP, but now in a fully traversable 3d world! It could’ve been Sony’s answer to both Mario and Minecraft.
Instead we got this bizarre reveal at E3 2013 which left everyone confused. And instead of playing with Sackboy in a cool 3d world with iconic LBP aesthetics, we get three weird, disconnected campaigns. Overall I think it’s a huge missed opportunity.
I don’t see how it would. The PS5 is 8 months away. New players means more content for those that purchased it at launch.Wouldn't that screw over those that bought the game?
Seems like the type of game that is pointless to market.
yall didn’t make any of this, you just dragged assets from a game already made into this engine. So bizarre.
People are talking about that Fallout 4 project because everyone knows Fallout, it's going to be harder for truly original and creative projects to break through and become popular, much like in the "real" gaming market.I really have no idea what this thing is. People say you can “make games” in it but then I see that Fallout 4 thing and think, yall didn’t make any of this, you just dragged assets from a game already made into this engine. So bizarre.
If they want to promote dreams they need to show off actually original creations. If this is just A way to play crappy bootleg versions of real games then nobody will care.
Jim Ryan is far more in touch with the PlayStation community than the previous US management.Sony is not fool... stupid is the Best definition
And more with Jim Ryan
Indeed dreams will sell itself.....Anybody remember how rocket league took off......All I knew that it was was a game on PLUS and boom......Dreams is nto the same like rocket league, but it's advantage it will grow with content and creators......The tools are good, the reviews are great, the word of mouth will spread...People will see it somewhere, in a youtube video, a billboard, a poster on a train and say, that exists? and they will enquire...….This is how dreams will go. Sony does not need to do a superbowl ad or la liga ads to sell dreams....
Criminal actions from part of Sony... I have the compromiso ti get concrete genieThey did the same thing with the Gravity rush games and Concrete Genie for some stupid reason.
Jim Ryan is far more in touch with the PlayStation community than the previous US management.
He’s old school Sony who made the PS3 a roaring success in Europe. While the US division threw in the towel.
The fools are those that think Dreams should be marketed as a traditional game. It needs to be nurtured and built into a platform that serves PlayStation for the next decade or more. Maybe even used to discover the next great talents and innovative experiences.
Calling Dreams a near endless supply of "free" games is worse than claiming GamePass is all you need. Quantity over quality. Most of the "games" on Dreams are worth messing around for 5 or 10 minutes max and pretty much nothing is the quality of actual published games.
No, they didn't, they modeled them from scratch within Dreams. That's why it's so cool.
Remember what we do with those mobile games that steal their art? Don't see why it should be any different with these. Creation is original work. Not copying what somebody else created. I've even seen some blatant copying of audio samples from movies. Lawyers love Dreams.
But they are making money. The game is selling because it provides access to this content. And the copyright holders on the other hand HAVE to protect their rights by claiming strikes, otherwise they can lose their rights.They have a copyright form on their website:
They make it really easy to request removal of stuff if it infringes on anything, but because nobody's making money from their individual creations (or from outright copying existing material), I doubt lawyers are going to give a solitary shit about Dreams. It'd cost companies a lot of money to prevent people from... not making any money.
I could see it being a problem if/when people start uploading entire music albums for free or something like that, but how many people are realistically going to go to the trouble of repeatedly creating new PSN accounts just to upload albums and then get Dreams-banned?