PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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I was in VR in RoTR in the Croft Manor, and had two amazing experiences:

When I walked up and saw the ashtray I smelled cigarettes.
Then, there is a point where you open a door to the west wing, and it's storming outside and the manor had a tree crash thru and I literally felt a cool breeze across my legs.

VR is truly incredible, and even more so when you allow yourself to get swept up into the experience.

I have had a few moments like that. Mainly in Driveclub after races where you are sitting by the track. Once in Japan and it took me back to when I visited years ago and I was sitting in a park waiting for a friend and the wind was wiping leaves about the feeling was identical it was surreal. Then again on the Scotland track around dawn and I got the feeling of going for an early morning run with crisp air. Very strange.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Do the characters standing next to the machine move/do stuff?

They have constant animation and can interact with each other and the machine.
Source: Watched Youtube video of the Walking Dead table. At one point Clementine threw a soccer ball at the zombie on the other side of the machine and hit it in the head.


I have had a few moments like that. Mainly in Driveclub after races where you are sitting by the track. Once in Japan and it took me back to when I visited years ago and I was sitting in a park waiting for a friend and the wind was wiping leaves about the feeling was identical it was surreal. Then again on the Scotland track around dawn and I got the feeling of going for an early morning run with crisp air. Very strange.

Yes it's really amazing what the mind can do. In this way, VR can deliver experiences that no other medium can.


Ordered Battlezone during its flash sale along with Batman VR and BB just shipped out Batman today. Battlezone still preparing even tho the site isn't sold out or anything. Pretty annoyed.


Very happy How We Soar is a low-mid tier price. PS Access did a vlog on it and it looks amazing, hopefully optimised for Pro as I love that paper aesthetic.


We did the Battlezone trophy for getting all the supply points on a map and it ended up being quite hard. We even did it on a Easy/Short map.


So family time wrapping up thanksgiving. I let my mom try the job simulator and...the kitchen demo.

I probably shouldn't have had someone tap the back of her chair right before the girl killer puts her hands on your face 😅

We all had a good laugh though, herself included. Said it was like a rollercoaster ride.


Wait, Crystal Rift is an actual dungeon crawler?! Soundtrack doesn't seem that great from the trailer...especially considering most of the unique wrpg stuff we've been getting lately.


You know, I've played Ocean Descent (Shark Encounter) more times than I can count and finished The London Heist multiple times, and yet, both still bring a big fucking smile to my face every time I play them. God I love PSVR when the tech is used in a clever way!

I picked up my copy of Battlezone earlier today - thank you, Best Buy DOTD on Wednesday - and started playing that tonight. I started a campaign on Easy and got past seven or eight spaces/challenges before I got wasted. I wasn't keeping on top of enemy level so it reached level 3 and I got utterly decimated. lol. I'm enjoying it quite a bit though, I like the added variety to stages and weapons that you don't get to see in the demo. Anyone have any pro tips for success?

I downloaded Carnival Games VR last night and was enjoying it until it started throwing up errors about not being able to see the headset every five or ten seconds. Kind of annoying. I guess there's a thread going on reddit about it. At least it isn't just me, but I hope 2K fixes it soon.

Also, am I the only one who loses some degree of interest in a new VR game when I find out it's a port from Vive or Oculus? The PSVR exclusives - especially from Sony's studios - have been the best of the bunch, Batman not withstanding.
Also, am I the only one who loses some degree of interest in a new VR game when I find out it's a port from Vive or Oculus? The PSVR exclusives - especially from Sony's studios - have been the best of the bunch, Batman not withstanding.
There are some fantastic games on the Oculus and RIFT platforms that we can only HOPE might grace PSVR.


Yeah, confusing. But what it is saying is that SWBF is $7.49 and will (eventually) include the VR mission via a patch. Remember that the VR mission is free so it won't ever have its own price. You just need to buy the game to play it.

I'm actually buying it today with a 20% off code (among other games), so the price will be only $6.

Oh, was that confirmed? No way to buy it separately without the main game? Regardless, I'll pick up the game just to be safe, since it's on sale.
And Star Wars VR :p

Oh yeah, that too!
I look at that as something I don't have to pay for though.

After blowing 60 bucks on Robinson, wasting 15 on Holoball and paying 20 for Carnival Games (Sony refunded me the 10 dollar Black Friday sale difference though) I am sort of looking ahead at what games do I REALLY want to experience and how much do they cost.
Tethered, Batman, and Holoball have been the killer apps for me so far, though I've blown a lot of money on lots of other titles too, most of which are fantastic. I continue to be amazed at how quickly time flies when I have that headset on. It's jarring to come back to the real world and realize that 3 hours just passed like it was 5 minutes.

I was skeptical of this tech at first and took the plunge out of boredom one day. I am convinced that most of the people who are saying things like "VR is a gimmick" and "it has no good games" are crazy. It's most likely justification for having not tried VR or not wanting to spend the money. It is very clear to me now that this is the future.
The social screen is great.
My brother came over yesterday to play Batman from beginning to end. I was just going to do some cleaning around the house while he played but there I was for two hours working with him as a team to find the riddler trophies. I would catch some things he would miss and vice versa. There was one thing he found that he physically had to twist his body to find. We were both surprised to find something there. So cool.
I wish I had my camera rolling when
Killer Croc
made his appearance. No exaggeration, his feet came off the ground nearly a foot.
So yeah still loving PSVR since launch. Looking forward to getting into Teathered and I will pick up VEV this weekend for sure, especially since I'm rocking one of Modus's awesome free dynamic themes.


Just bought abound, is there a big patch coming? Should I wait for it?

The follow camera is what most people are waiting for. As of 9 days ago:

"What is the status on the new 'follow' camera system?

We have almost finished it! It's going to be pretty similar to Robot Rescue. Also we will enable options to:

remove camera blinks,
choose continuous rotation around the character
disable variable height from the ground

It's going to be nice for those experienced VR users :). If we will polish it quick, then we will enter into heavy QA's and expect the patch not sooner than 3 weeks from now ( yep :) )"

The follow camera is what most people are waiting for. As of 9 days ago:

"What is the status on the new 'follow' camera system?

We have almost finished it! It's going to be pretty similar to Robot Rescue. Also we will enable options to:

remove camera blinks,
choose continuous rotation around the character
disable variable height from the ground

It's going to be nice for those experienced VR users :). If we will polish it quick, then we will enter into heavy QA's and expect the patch not sooner than 3 weeks from now ( yep :) )"


Great! I have high tolerance for motion sickness, so this is welcome news.
Well, I ended up buying Battlefront for $9.99 at Gamestop and Trackmania Turbo for $13.99 at Target.

I will pick up Bound, Space Rift, and may be, Carnaval Games/Holoball from PSN on Monday.

Overall, I did not spend much this Black Friday, which is a nice change of pace.


There are some fantastic games on the Oculus and RIFT platforms that we can only HOPE might grace PSVR.
I think my disdain is aimed more at when PSVR gets something from either and it's gimped for reasons unknown. Look at the NBA2K VR GIF earlier in the thread. There is no reason it shouldn't support Move controllers and offer the same gesture control.

Now, I would love for Lucky's Tale to come to PSVR, but I'm pretty sure that's an exclusive that will never be on anything but Oculus.

Also, Feral Rites by Insomnic looked cool in the trailers, but again, likely Rift exclusive.


Gameplay for Arizona Sunshine out in a couple of weeks for the Vive and Oculus.

And it was announced awhile ago that it will make its way onto PSVR.

I hope it comes out soon on the PSVR after the PC release date because it looks pretty cool, I like that you're having to scavenge as well.

That looks great. Not too creepy either. Hope it comes to PS VR too.
So, PSVR was a huge hit for Thanksgiving. Didn't really get to demo that many games, because people kept wanting to try the same games they saw others playing, mainly Playroom and Rush of Blood, with a little bit of Batman.

Playroom was great for getting up to 5 players involved at a time, so more people could participate, including little kids. The voice modulator for the VR player had people rolling. It's such a great gimmick.

The few who got to try Batman loved it, but unfortunately each session had to be cut short since it's a pretty long game when trying to let as many people get a turn as possible. But they loved the experience.

Rush of Blood was a huge hit for those who played it, but I was surprised how much the spectators also got into it. Part of it was seeing the reactions of the person playing, but the spectator screen had people on the edge themselves, too. People screaming, "On your right!" and such.

Anyway, if this thing was more mainstream priced, I think it could be as big or bigger than Wii was. It definitely has that viral appeal with instant "gotta-have-it" factor. That said, a few of the adults didn't flinch at the price and were already looking into getting one ASAP. They were already PS4 owners but didn't really know much about PSVR before my party.
Mildly excited. Teleportation movement really annoys me. Especially when we have games that show that you can have locomotion w/o teleporting.

Mmmm, what games show this? Teleportation is much more motion sickness friendly and btw, the high immersivity of the vr let your brain forget about the limitation in one minute.
Mmmm, what games show this? Teleportation is much more motion sickness friendly and btw, the high immersivity of the vr let your brain forget about the limitation in one minute.

Here They Lie and Robinson's: The Journey are two examples that I can think of on PSVR. I enjoyed Accounting and Onward on Vive. I've not had any motion sickness on any of them. Just having the option would be nice.

Laguna X

Nintendogs Member
Gameplay for Arizona Sunshine out in a couple of weeks for the Vive and Oculus.

And it was announced awhile ago that it will make its way onto PSVR.

I hope it comes out soon on the PSVR after the PC release date because it looks pretty cool, I like that you're having to scavenge as well.

I'm hoping this turns out great. Looks interesting.
Here They Lie and Robinson's: The Journey are two examples that I can think of on PSVR. I enjoyed Accounting and Onward on Vive. I've not had any motion sickness on any of them. Just having the option would be nice.

Yep, I do not get motion sick either. I played Robinson and Here They Lie for hours with old school FPS controls and had little problems. I find teleportation controls less immersive. Options are good.


It's been over a month now since I was lucky enough to win a PSVR from Taco Bell and I'm finally joining in on the fun. My PS4 Slim bundle arrived today and the first game I decided to play was Proton Pulse, which seemed appropriate considering I first played the demo for it 2 years ago when I owned an Oculus DK2. It was really the first VR game demo to make me a 100% believer in VR gaming because it worked great and was genuinely fun.

I'm instantly in love with the PSVR headset.

Using the DK2 used to be such a nightmare, as anyone who owned one can probably attest. It was so unreliable and such a hassle to use, which I know was expected considering it was a dev kit, but I eventually sold it because I didn't want to deal with it anymore.

So far, my experience with PSVR has been completely hassle-free. I don't even have my PS4 hooked up to a monitor or tv yet. Just using the PSVR headset for everything. Love it!

Gonna try out Uncharted 4 in cinema mode next, then Playroom and Rez after that. I'm so stoked.


Tethered, Batman, and Holoball have been the killer apps for me so far, though I've blown a lot of money on lots of other titles too, most of which are fantastic. I continue to be amazed at how quickly time flies when I have that headset on. It's jarring to come back to the real world and realize that 3 hours just passed like it was 5 minutes.

I was skeptical of this tech at first and took the plunge out of boredom one day. I am convinced that most of the people who are saying things like "VR is a gimmick" and "it has no good games" are crazy. It's most likely justification for having not tried VR or not wanting to spend the money. It is very clear to me now that this is the future.

Holoball is literally a killer app (My kid broke the downstairs tv by smacking it with a PSVR remote). All dead TVs aside, a couple things. Tracking on the remotes seems super weird. Most of the points against me seem to be me hitting the ball dead on and having it fly up and backwards or down and backwards into the net. I put about 3 hours into it and for the life of me cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm within the play box but that's it. The play box is issue two, it doesn't do a good enough job of reinforcing you to stay within the bounds of it. I firmly believe you should get a play area warning when you leave the box. It's not collision detection but it's definitely a good place to start.

I really like it, I just feel, like most PSVR games, the camera holds the thing back. The remote tracking just feels off.


I am looking for some sub 20 bucks vr games to pick up with the discount code. Can someone recommend me so must play vr titles withing that price range? I am going to pick up the cheap battlefront for the vr mission, Im also looking at tumblr does vr enhance the game experience?


I am looking for some sub 20 bucks vr games to pick up with the discount code. Can someone recommend me so must play vr titles withing that price range? I am going to pick up the cheap battlefront for the vr mission, Im also looking at tumblr does vr enhance the game experience?
Batman: Arkham VR is a must-play, IMHO. Rush of Blood is awesome too. There is a demo of the latter on the disc packaged with the system.


I beat Bound last night in VR. Enjoyed it but hated the camera. Wish I knew there was a patch before I played.

Weird. I think Bound has an amazing implementation of static camera control in VR.

Stupid question: you know you have control of the camera with the right stick?


Weird. I think Bound has an amazing implementation of static camera control in VR.

Stupid question: you know you have control of the camera with the right stick?

Yeah, I think it made for some pretty angles but it was too static and forced constant right-stick flicking. I'd much prefer an option for a standard follow-cam with fully rotational right-stick camera controls.


Gameplay for Arizona Sunshine out in a couple of weeks for the Vive and Oculus.

And it was announced awhile ago that it will make its way onto PSVR.

I hope it comes out soon on the PSVR after the PC release date because it looks pretty cool, I like that you're having to scavenge as well.

Does the character ever shut up? I like it when it is done well like in the Uncharted games but most of the other developers just fail at doing the self aware character.

The game has slow zombies but you can move pretty quickly through teleportation, I hope that does not make things too easy (or only difficult because the movement sucks in small corridors).

Holoball is literally a killer app (My kid broke the downstairs tv by smacking it with a PSVR remote). All dead TVs aside, a couple things. Tracking on the remotes seems super weird. Most of the points against me seem to be me hitting the ball dead on and having it fly up and backwards or down and backwards into the net. I put about 3 hours into it and for the life of me cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm within the play box but that's it. The play box is issue two, it doesn't do a good enough job of reinforcing you to stay within the bounds of it. I firmly believe you should get a play area warning when you leave the box. It's not collision detection but it's definitely a good place to start.

I really like it, I just feel, like most PSVR games, the camera holds the thing back. The remote tracking just feels off.

The tracking of the Moves was already great in Sports Champions on PS3 so I am not sure why you have such big issues with it. Unfortunately, Holoball has not been released in Europe yet so I can't say anything about the game.


Batman: Arkham VR is a must-play, IMHO. Rush of Blood is awesome too. There is a demo of the latter on the disc packaged with the system.

Thanks, I have batman, until dawn, rigsand rez already. Holoball any good? I heard hypercube is good but its 40 bucks so ill wait for price drop...


I've got $10 of PS4pro cash to spend by the end of the month and wanted to get something for PSVR. I really only have VR Worlds, Thumper, and Rez. Anything that I should really see to drive home how awesome VR can be? It doesn't necessarily have to cost $10 or less.


I am looking for some sub 20 bucks vr games to pick up with the discount code. Can someone recommend me so must play vr titles withing that price range? I am going to pick up the cheap battlefront for the vr mission, Im also looking at tumblr does vr enhance the game experience?

Tumble VR is on the demo disc, you should try it first. I liked the Headmaster demo and am about to buy it so I will report back when I have played it more.
Any digital sales going on for VR games? I bought a VR headset for my son for Christmas but don't have any games. We're a digital-only household since we game share on two PS4's.
I've got $10 of PS4pro cash to spend by the end of the month and wanted to get something for PSVR. I really only have VR Worlds, Thumper, and Rez. Anything that I should really see to drive home how awesome VR can be? It doesn't necessarily have to cost $10 or less.

Until Dawn is a great game. Rigs is good if you are looking for a multiplayer shooter.
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