PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Thanks, I have batman, until dawn, rigsand rez already. Holoball any good? I heard hypercube is good but its 40 bucks so ill wait for price drop...

Wayward Sky is a very polished game, but it is tad short. If you liked Robot Rescue, you will enjoy this.

I also liked Here They Lie. If you like David Lynch and Lovecraft stuff, you will probably enjoy this game. The game is fairly long and has some cool set pieces, but the visuals can be a bit rough. Both games have demos.


Thanks, I have batman, until dawn, rigsand rez already. Holoball any good? I heard hypercube is good but its 40 bucks so ill wait for price drop...
I honestly have no clue, but I think there's been impressions from people in this thread over the last few days. Danger Ball (in PSVR Worlds) scratched the VR pong itch for me already.


Almost pulled the trigger. Actually ordered it and then cancelled the order. As someone who already spent $400ish on an Oculus DK2 and has tried a lot of indie demos/early game experiences, I'm really on the fence with PS VR.

The tempting bit is that I really enjoyed VR on DK2 and the idea of a polished console VR where settings are the same for everyone, so games are optimized to be smooth experiences is really cool. Also having actual "games" versus 100s of little short 5-10 minute experiences like everything was 2 years ago on DK2 is appealing.

Since I love arcade games, Until Dawn Rush of Blood is really appealing to me. Bound seems appealing too. Rez Infinite is kinda cool but honestly I've played Rez a million times over the various versions and I'm over it. Batman demo seems neat but it's like an hour apparently. Robinson Journey has weak reviews and Here they Lie seems kinda interesting. I don't play multiplayer/online at all, so I'm just looking for full on single player experiences.

Are there enough good SP experiences out, coming soon to keep PS VR active for more than a week? Because even with Oculus DK2, I loved it for a month and everyone who came out would want to try it and love it and then after the first month or two it's been in a closest for probably 1.5 years now. Been waiting to jump back into VR until there's a good active ecosystem with some lifeblood to stay alive. I would get Vive but I figure they'll make a newer model after a year or two so I'll wait for the 2.0, but I assume PS VR will be stationary for the lifetime of it.


VEV is pretty dope, someone's gotta tell m0dus he can't be on the leaderboard of his own game though :p

Just played the water sample a few times, peaked at 650 energy but lived all 15 minutes, could of peaked higher but was going for the 1000, curious what happens then. Going to try out some more of the samples now and go to the highest camera speed.

The cat and mouse game you can play with predators is really fun, like an elaborate dogfight.

Edit: lol the note on the chair

Hit 1650 on soil as time ran out and I had just found paydirt at a sphere, bummer. Much easier with camera a max speed. Handling it well too doing loop de loops.


My PlayStation VR works! I was able to play a bunch of PlayStation World's and I had a blast. Felt the processor after my hour long session and it was room temperature! 😁


Almost pulled the trigger. Actually ordered it and then cancelled the order. As someone who already spent $400ish on an Oculus DK2 and has tried a lot of indie demos/early game experiences, I'm really on the fence with PS VR.

The tempting bit is that I really enjoyed VR on DK2 and the idea of a polished console VR where settings are the same for everyone, so games are optimized to be smooth experiences is really cool. Also having actual "games" versus 100s of little short 5-10 minute experiences like everything was 2 years ago on DK2 is appealing.

Since I love arcade games, Until Dawn Rush of Blood is really appealing to me. Bound seems appealing too. Rez Infinite is kinda cool but honestly I've played Rez a million times over the various versions and I'm over it. Batman demo seems neat but it's like an hour apparently. Robinson Journey has weak reviews and Here they Lie seems kinda interesting. I don't play multiplayer/online at all, so I'm just looking for full on single player experiences.

Are there enough good SP experiences out, coming soon to keep PS VR active for more than a week? Because even with Oculus DK2, I loved it for a month and everyone who came out would want to try it and love it and then after the first month or two it's been in a closest for probably 1.5 years now. Been waiting to jump back into VR until there's a good active ecosystem with some lifeblood to stay alive. I would get Vive but I figure they'll make a newer model after a year or two so I'll wait for the 2.0, but I assume PS VR will be stationary for the lifetime of it.
We'll know more after PSX, but there's some solid SP experiences out already. The DK2 wasn't even a real release, it's no surprise there was a drought of game releases for a dev kit. Resident Evil 7 is looming, Ace Combat 7 is apparently playable at PSX, Battlezone and Headmaster are already out, and if you do get a headset you'll be wanting to pay Rez, trust me.
I honestly have no clue, but I think there's been impressions from people in this thread over the last few days. Danger Ball (in PSVR Worlds) scratched the VR pong itch for me already.

I bought holoball (even though I doubt I can play it (space issues). I might look at it today.
If any of you are on the fence, I say go for it. Great SP experiences and a great VR headset even with the Pro/HDCP issues it has I still feel the experiences are worth it.

When you set it up, you will have a different setup from everyone else meaning room, position, lighting, etc. You'll find what works for sitting, standing, tracking move controllers, etc. There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for every game since they each seem to have their own requirements.

It's a great bit of kit.


VEV is legit guys, for $5 it's incredible bang for your buck. If you got that $10 Pro credit, spend half of it on this. Very relaxing in the early going but one you hit the levels with hostiles it can get pretty complex with the risk/reward nature and moves at a pretty quick pace (faster than Jackal lol).


My game shop has a bundle they're holding for me...and I'm on the fence.

Ugh, not sure if I should pull the trigger now or wait a while.
Trying it is believing it, my friend. Look for a GameStop or Best Buy doing demos and check it out for yourself. I did that and it sold me on it. No regrets since.

You can find demo days/times on


Uh..would you believe...I that memo?

I challenge you to displace me!

Hold on, throwing up. Evasive maneuvers!!! Actually joking, motion in this is handled so perfectly. Not having a horizontal plane to base your orientation makes if feel like the game is spinning instead of the game spinning you :p


Non-shitty quality video

2nd on spinal now, was able to break 1500 on all levels! What a rush that can be. (I posted some more thoughts and impressions in the VEV VR launch thread, loved every second of this m0dus).
Trying it is believing it, my friend. Look for a GameStop or Best Buy doing demos and check it out for yourself. I did that and it sold me on it. No regrets since.

You can find demo days/times on

Oh I've tried it. I live here in Taipei and I tried it in the VIP lounge way back in February at the Taipei Game Show. I also tried a recent demo in the massive underground shopping mall that houses all of the game stores.

The thing is, every time I try it I want it more and more. But my hesitation stems from the fear that I could drop that huge chunk of change on it and end up not really playing it a lot after the first couple weeks.

Job Simulator is a VERY convincing reason, though. lol


Oh I've tried it. I live here in Taipei and I tried it in the VIP lounge way back in February at the Taipei Game Show. I also tried a recent demo in the massive underground shopping mall that houses all of the game stores.

The thing is, every time I try it I want it more and more. But my hesitation stems from the fear that I could drop that huge chunk of change on it and end up not really playing it a lot after the first couple weeks.

Job Simulator is a VERY convincing reason, though. lol
Gotcha. Well, FWIW, I picked one up the day after its release (10/14) and I have been playing it almost daily since. I got Batman with it and PSVR Worlds the next day. Since then I have bought Rush of Blood (predicated off loving the demo), Eagle Flight (from good impressions here), Battlezone (I liked the demo), Tethered (based off impressions), Robinson (the game I wanted it for), Carnival Games and Bound (couldn't beat the sale prices), and downloaded Playroom VR (one of my fave experiences). The only game I've gotten and don't enjoy is VEV. Sorry, m0dus. :(

The crazy thing is a few traditional games I was pining for have come out and I haven't touched any of them since getting PSVR.


i wish the games had options for more traditional walking and camera controls. i'm curious to see what they do in resident evil 7. i haven't experienced any motion sickness in any vr games. my only complaint with here they lie, for ex., is that you "walk" so damn slow. without the walking-shake-cam-effect that most first person games have, it doesn't feel like walking anyway, more like gliding. if i have to glide, at least let me glide fast (developers, if you're listening)
I stopped by GameStop tonight and was surprised to find the Collective Minds PSVR charger stand. I'm looking forward to having my PSVR setup be a little more organized.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Why the F does EVE not have any control customization? I am so pissed with this game. It's a hurl factory -- not because I cannot stomach VR, but rather these controls are asinine. My brain will not accept how stupid these controls are, and the disorientation caused by fighting the hundreds of hours worth of muscle memory of flying in others games, makes me literally ill.

Like, how fucking hard is it to add some options for pitch, yaw, roll on the sticks and buttons? It's infuriatingly obtuse, and from a PC dev! Wtf?

$60 game, no single player. No control options. And a VR game too, where you should be thinking about player comfort... nope. Obnoxious.
Why the F does EVE not have any control customization? I am so pissed with this game. It's a hurl factory -- not because I cannot stomach VR, but rather these controls are asinine. My brain will not accept how stupid these controls are, and the disorientation caused by fighting the hundreds of hours worth of muscle memory of flying in others games, makes me literally ill.

Like, how fucking hard is it to add some options for pitch, yaw, roll on the sticks and buttons? It's infuriatingly obtuse, and from a PC dev! Wtf?

$60 game, no single player. No control options. And a VR game too, where you should be thinking about player comfort... nope. Obnoxious. has control customization. The last update the game had was for control customization, it allows you to map pitch, yaw, roll, etc. It's under settings in the main menu I believe.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything has control customization. The last update the game had was for control customization, it allows you to map pitch, yaw, roll, etc. It's under settings in the main menu I believe.
Thank christ... I didn't know about the update. I've been trying to play it since launch and always get so annoyed/ill after 10 mins. Every time.


I am slowly starting to build up VR as I am buying the headset this upcoming month. Currently have the new ps4 camera, move controllers, batman vr, and bound. Out of playstation worlds, Eve valkyrie, and RIGS, which one would you all recommended to pick up first as I am going to get one of these tomorrow.
FUUUuuuu... just noticed a scuff on my PSVR lens. A small spot looks blurry while playing. I went to wipe it thinking it was just a smudge, but it's definitely damaged. Pretty sure it's from one of the guests who were wearing glasses while trying it out. I'm past the return period, so I'm hoping Sony will replace it under warranty. Their site does say it can be worn with glasses after all. Last time I ever let someone play with glasses.


There aren't any launch bundles anywhere as far as I know. It would be nice if Sony would give everyone VR Worlds though.

Can you get an extended warranty on PSVR like you can the PS4?


war of titties grampa
I stopped by GameStop tonight and was surprised to find the Collective Minds PSVR charger stand. I'm looking forward to having my PSVR setup be a little more organized.
Got the last one at my GameStop. So good. GoT accessories for the headset and ps4 in general!
i wish the games had options for more traditional walking and camera controls. i'm curious to see what they do in resident evil 7. i haven't experienced any motion sickness in any vr games. my only complaint with here they lie, for ex., is that you "walk" so damn slow. without the walking-shake-cam-effect that most first person games have, it doesn't feel like walking anyway, more like gliding. if i have to glide, at least let me glide fast (developers, if you're listening)

RE7 has incremental turns - they tried to demo it but its definitley a game that needs a longer hands on. You tap the controller to turn in 5 degrree turns
FUUUuuuu... just noticed a scuff on my PSVR lens. A small spot looks blurry while playing. I went to wipe it thinking it was just a smudge, but it's definitely damaged. Pretty sure it's from one of the guests who were wearing glasses while trying it out. I'm past the return period, so I'm hoping Sony will replace it under warranty. Their site does say it can be worn with glasses after all. Last time I ever let someone play with glasses.

that's me actually. Have a small scratch on my PSVR. its not too problematic but it was a WTF moment when I saw it. Was quite saddened. - I wonder if its me or my friend's girlfriend's glasses (mine's plastic, hers is a metal frame)


FUUUuuuu... just noticed a scuff on my PSVR lens. A small spot looks blurry while playing. I went to wipe it thinking it was just a smudge, but it's definitely damaged. Pretty sure it's from one of the guests who were wearing glasses while trying it out. I'm past the return period, so I'm hoping Sony will replace it under warranty. Their site does say it can be worn with glasses after all. Last time I ever let someone play with glasses.
Man... I can feel that one 😔. Sucks. Now I'll be making sure "I" don't let anyone use my PSVR with glasses.
So I've had PSVR for a week as my friend at work has let me borrow it. Had great fun with some of the demo's. But the real highlight was my Mum experiencing VR for the first time, and of course I had to make sure she shit herself, so I whacked on the Until Dawn: Rush of Blood PSVR demo.

Anyway I thought I'd share the video here in case any of you guys wanted a laugh!!

Also here is a list of games/experiences that stood out for me:

Tumble VR
Thumper VR
Alumette film
Job Simulator
Wayward Sky
And my favourite of them all, was Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

Would love to get it for myself sometime soon when I have the spare cash! Was much better than I had expected in all honesty.


Well I'm definitely impressed •_•

Here's the full video of that entire run. You can get a good feel for my strategy, just keep moving forward and no sharp turns to double back (so you don't get eaten). Constantly shift direction to keep the blockers off my line and no slowing down or stopping to collect the one or two particles you miss. I'd be interested to know if this is how you intended the game be played on survival.

My full impressions: I love the premise of the game, it was executed well. Great amount of humor, albiet my high school CS teacher would murder you for being "Unprofessional" (the frown face for no rank on a level). The game is challenging but not difficult once you truly learn the mechanics, but I could see how some would get frustrated if it never clicks for them. I like the change of pace between survival and exploration levels. Survival gives you a real sense of urgency and fear, going for a high score becomes a lot more complex endeavor. The idea that you need to identify specific structures as being the most likely spots of energy adds a fun mechanic, in VR it's very fun searching your entire field of view for these structures. That being said there is way too much pop in and not being able to see particles until you are close enough really hinders your ability to know if it's a structure you've been to or not already (and you have to assume using the energy to get there is worth it without knowing how many particles are actually there). I had trouble in the water level seeing the red particles in the background (I have mild color blindness), I'd stick with blue particles for all levels, whatever has the most contrast (not just the brightest). The game does control like a dream though, being chased by 4-5 blockers at a time and weaving in/out while collecting particles is a rush. Fast camera is literally a must, I'd almost default it to that for the survival levels. Setting your position up to be on a line that allows you to collect the majority of the particles in one pass is a must. Heading directly into a cluster doesn't always make sense, picking off half by choosing a smart line then doing a large loop around worked out best to avoid hostiles. The shockwave mechanic was never used by me, the ability to knock enemies off by clipping then against a structure was a better method when score chasing since the penalty for a shockwave was 50pJ. It'd be interesting to charge this shockwave another way, like absorbing 200+pJ gets you a free shockwave...

Make the leaderboard searchable for your score and who is around you, the game begs you to chase a high score but only lets you see your number rank and the top three. What will it take to get me from 7 to 6? The bonus levels were a great treat, humorous, thoughtful, and relaxing, I'll hunt down the rest of those Easter eggs :)

A lot of these are minor quibbles, they didn't hinder my experience, but I could see how some, like the pop-up could totally ruin it for another if they were already frustrated. It definitely isn't forgiving while you are still unsure of the mechanics.

But loved it, best VR game to me that allows full 3D movement. Ultimately both relaxing and intense game all packaged into one. Ooh and the soundtrack is great as well! There's something for everyone here.
so looking at the '$340 ps4 pro' thread, I checked target's website, and I think psvr would work with it to.

meaning you can buy a psvr in store at target for 15% off, aka $340
Had a bunch of friends over yesterday to try out PSVR. A couple of them had already tried it out at Best Buy with me over the summer, but this was more or less their first extended VR experience. They all had a good time, albeit with one or two breaks in between. Biggest hits were probably RIGS and Job Sim. At least one or two of them are definitely going in on VR now after that.


Neo Member
Anyone got issues with shadows on the first level on rush of blood on pro ?
The shadows are flickering on some places in the tutorial part .
LTTP here, but I finally checked out Bound for the first time last night...

holy shit, this game is should be required playing for everyone with PSVR. The IQ is insane, the controls are super tight and the art is incredible. Can't wait for the next patch to 'fix' camera movement.
LTTP here, but I finally checked out Bound for the first time last night...

holy shit, this game is should be required playing for everyone with PSVR. The IQ is insane, the controls are super tight and the art is incredible. Can't wait for the next patch to 'fix' camera movement.

My only black friday purchase, looking forward playing it :)

Hope we'll get some serious Psvr sale before the end of this year. Still need Thumper, Batman and Hypercube.

Edit: just played it for an hour, it's superb :)


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I can finally play EVE, thanks to control customization. It's pretty cool.

Have to say though, cannot really detect any difference playing on Pro. Though admittedly I haven't played it on reg PS4 for a few weeks.


Trackmania is so, so cool. The first person tracks with the ramps... OMG.

It sucks that it isn't the whole game in VR but it's better in some ways because they can really use VR to its fullest on the tracks they did make.
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