PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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I just can't get over how awesome holoball is. The most fun I've had gaming in a long time. Also maybe the first VR title that feels more like a game and less an experience. Keeps me wanting more!

Holoball is fucking AMAZING.

I have to force myself to stop or its just "one more time" over and over again.

The tracking is great.

You are THERE. You are no longer in the living room.

Im blown away
Holoball is fucking AMAZING.

I have to force myself to stop or its just "one more time" over and over again.

The tracking is great.

You are THERE. You are no longer in the living room.

Im blown away

Have to agree with everything you said. It's a relatively simple concept, but the game just gets VR so right. Damn near essential stuff.
Holoball is fucking AMAZING.

I have to force myself to stop or its just "one more time" over and over again.

The tracking is great.

You are THERE. You are no longer in the living room.

Im blown away

How far are you away from the camera? I can't seem to get the game calibrated right and I always seem to be just barely in the box. I don't have any issues with any other game. Frustrating.
Holoball is fucking AMAZING.

I have to force myself to stop or its just "one more time" over and over again.

The tracking is great.

You are THERE. You are no longer in the living room.

Im blown away

Yep! Also, you can use 2 move controllers for 2 racquets if you feel inclined to do so, just found this out last night lol


Holoball is fucking AMAZING.

I have to force myself to stop or its just "one more time" over and over again.

The tracking is great.

You are THERE. You are no longer in the living room.

Im blown away
Could not agree more! Game is a must have for psvr owners


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
^^^ Curious.... how do you know there is no Move support like the Vive version?

Oh sorry, I was watching videos on it, but I guess it was an older PC build then.

Well hoping for the best and I really want it to be good. :p
Unfortunately PC impressions werent that hot so far.
Finally able to get into my psvr that I bought 3 weeks ago. I've got Batman, Holoball, and Bound I'm my cart right now and am considering another.

Until Dawn, Thumper, or something else? Are the items in my cart a good start or should I go a different route?

Also, how is SuoerStardust VR?


Finally able to get into my psvr that I bought 3 weeks ago. I've got Batman, Holoball, and Bound I'm my cart right now and am considering another.

Until Dawn, Thumper, or something else? Are the items in my cart a good start or should I go a different route?

Also, how is SuoerStardust VR?

Until Dawn and Thumper are both great titles. Highly recommend both:
You arent "swinging" it though. Just button presses.

Yeah I'm a little skeptical (judging purely by YouTube videos) that CR is going to deliver what I want (which is closer to Vanishing Realms).

Surely someone somewhere is working on the first person adventure VR rpg that I'm craving though, right?


Ubisoft have announced Werewolves Within, Eagle Flight and Star Trek Bridge Crew will feature cross-platform play with Vive and Rift owners.

Does Sony need to OK this?, because isnt Rocket League supposed to be in the same situation but Sony hasn't allowed it yet. Perhaps its a different situation with Uplay involved.

Rocket League is already cross platform between PC and PS4. It's PS4 with XBOX One that's the issue.

Ah yes, right, so seemingly they are ok with PC, but not other consoles.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
After an hour of failing at the highest difficulty level of Holoball, I finally beat it.
I am totally done now, but I want more... as soon as I can lift my arm again. :D


After an hour of failing at the highest difficulty level of Holoball, I finally beat it.
I am totally done now, but I want more... as soon as I can lift my arm again. :D

lol yeah I practically threw my arm out because I was trying to hit the ball too hard. I think pushing that hard and not getting any real world physical resistance makes it worse or something


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Give me your opinion after you play some. These guys have me on the fence.

What do you want to know? The only real downside is the space needed for it, as you need to stand/sit 3-4m away from your TV. Atm, the most interesting modes are the 4 different difficulty levels. Finishing all content (ignoring highscores) might take you around 5 hours, depending on how good you are at this game, but the highscores give it a lot of replayability and there is apparently MP on the way.

Its the only PSVR game so far that actually endangers your surroundings, because of how intense and fast the game and your motions might get. :p

The tracking works great, 98% of the time, I know exactly why a mistake happened, and the motion of the ball becomes surprisingly accurate once you learn how to control the ball. Reminded me a bit of my table tennis times actually, especially with the spin you can put on the ball

Most of the PSVR experiences are very deliberate and slow on your own movements to facilitate for having a headset on and avoiding potential motion sickness. Holoball is a very welcome change of pace as it gets very physical.
Everybody who likes the idea of being challenged while throwing a virtual ball against a wall should grab it.


Finally able to get into my psvr that I bought 3 weeks ago. I've got Batman, Holoball, and Bound I'm my cart right now and am considering another.

Until Dawn, Thumper, or something else? Are the items in my cart a good start or should I go a different route?

Also, how is SuoerStardust VR?

Until Dawn is good, especially with a group of people.
Thumper, however, may be my game of the year (it is between that and Bound).

Thumper is the first game I have ever played where getting the minimal passing score is a triumph. In the later levels, getting a "C" feels like an accomplishment. By the end, I wasn't going for high scores, I was going for survival.


Rez's Arena X is cool but its it looks like im looking at a low res video that I have control of.

I think if it looked as sharp and clear as Until Dawn, it would have been amazing. The particle effects while being a nice touch, if you look closely (I mean they are in your face), they look low res as shit. Yuck.

If this ever comes to Vive, I think that will be the definitive way to play it if it renders that whole level at a higher resolution.

Until Dawn is good, especially with a group of people.
Thumper, however, may be my game of the year (it is between that and Bound).

Thumper is the first game I have ever played where getting the minimal passing score is a triumph. In the later levels, getting a "C" feels like an accomplishment. By the end, I wasn't going for high scores, I was going for survival.

It's great playing the regular mode in VR, even better than just stereo 3D when that launched on PS3. The special Battlezone like VR mode is a bit ordinary.

Thanks! I ended up with Batman, Holoball, Bound, and Thumper. Now to dive in :)


If someone can confirm whether or not Crystal Rift has Move controller and/or PS4 Pro support, I'd appreciate it.

Bah. To answer my own question, I used Google's cached feature to access the PSN store web page in Poland where the game is already available. This is what it says:

A grid-based dungeon-crawler, in classic first person perspective.
Crystal Rift is inspired by classic dungeon games such as Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder with grid-based movement. It has been developed primarily for Virtual Reality headsets, but is also a great experience for those without headsets.

It's an experiential horror challenge game that takes the player through a series of increasingly mysterious locations. Crystal Rift has 26 levels, with unique styles and settings, to provide many hours of gameplay. The player slowly uncovers the narrative and story through exploration, discovering dark secrets and following the path of those who have come before.

* Classic dungeon crawling experience with grid-based movement, monsters, hidden rooms, pressure plates, trapdoors, fireballs, challenges, tactics and more.
* Designed for Virtual Reality first, which leads to a rich immersive 3D environment with details you can lean into and see, this also presents perfectly in 2D.

1 player
1GB minimum save size
DUALSHOCK®4 Vibration Function
HD Video Output 720p,1080i,1080p
PlayStation®VR is compatible with this product.
PlayStation®VR and PlayStation®Camera optional

Hmm, I may pass it up and wait for a real sword swinging game with the Move.
I like the camera control in Bound a lot. It produces beautiful cinematic frames.

Yeah, I just started playing this last night. I get why some people would want the traditional follow cam, and it should totally be an option BUT...

...the camera that's there is pretty damned amazing. There are some breathtaking cinematic shots that happen organically through playing and just getting used to how the camera functions. It only takes a few minutes to get used to.

In fact, i'd argue that the game would lose a lot with a follow-cam. For what the devs are going for, there's just no way that a follow-cam can capture some of the moments that the current camera system gets.

So I guess I'm just advocating for the option/choice. As long as this current system stays, and the option of follow cam is there, you've got the best of both worlds.

As is, this game is definitely beautiful.

btw - what does the button do that causes the swirls and tapestry to form around her? I hit a button while playing w/o being prompted, and that happened. There's no real tutorial. So far, haven't needed one. Still curious, though. Looks like a shield, but there don't appear to be any enemies.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
It is a shield. There are enemies.


I purchased Holoball. Pretty damn cool! It's the closest we've gotten to TRON VR.

Thankfully my living room is large so I have plenty of space. You definitely want to make sure you have enough before buying. The game will warn you three times. As cool as this game is, it's not worth possibly breaking your TV or anything.

The gameplay feels great. It supports two Move controllers (for two paddles) but I found that one in my dominant hand was enough and felt most natural. I also like the "tractor beam" function where you can re-grab the ball after you hit it in case you send it the wrong direction. The play space makes your living room feel like a huge warehouse and the 3D effect of the ball coming at you is great. After 30 minutes, I didn't feel tired (which surprised me) but I was sweating buckets from my brow. Make sure you play in a cool room otherwise you'll be drenched.

Unsurprisingly, there's not much content wise here. It's just space pong. Different difficulty, a few modes and even a practice room. Still, scoring points against the A.I. always feels satisfying, the control is tight and the music is kick ass.

Another very welcome feature is how it supports the social screen. People on the couch can switch between different camera angles and can even take control of the A.I. for versus play. I wasn't able to test the latter that but I did take off the headset and check out the different camera views which looked cool.
In fact, i'd argue that the game would lose a lot with a follow-cam. For what the devs are going for, there's just no way that a follow-cam can capture some of the moments that the current camera system gets.

Τotally agree with you

And I have a feeling that there is more variety in the same areas. Also when the girl comes near you is amazing . It is like you are there and walk together in her memories in order to feel them/her.


Unconfirmed Member
Been playing Bound for the first time and even though it's really awe-inspiring in VR, the camera makes it a little hard to enjoy. It's either crane your neck in all kinds of directions or flick the right analogue stick and watch a slideshow. Wish the camera would just track and rotate like a normal third-person game.
Any advice for Eagle Flight, the mission where you have to protect your partner from a million vultures and hawks? It's very frustrating, I've tried and she's died like 10 times.


Store updated.

Grabbing How We Soar, Pinball FX2 and Crystal Rift. Though I wonder if I should wait t'il next week since I already have Steins;gate 0 and FFXV to play.
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