PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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It works VERY well. I assume most people complan after comparing it to the PC motion controllers and the move controllers will show some slight jitter, but the controls are working almost perfectly. I wouldnt have thought that I would make so many fast and precise movements in a PSVR game, but Holoball makes it work smoothly. After practicing for a few hours, I got pretty decent at reliable aiming as well.
Sadly I'm experiencing more than slight jitter with Holoball. The tracking freezes constantly on both moves making it very difficult to have a seamless experience hitting the ball.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Also, another small tidbit that most of you might already know, but it was very notable in Pinball, so I might as well comment on it again:

I assume you guys know you can adjust camera setting by intentionally going into a "wrong" position before moving back to how you want to play, right? Some games try to prevent it, but for example in Pinball, I found the best viewing position is to rise about 30cm, reset the camera by holding start and sitting down again. That way, you are much closer to the Pinball table, moving it closer and making it much more detailed.

Kinda weird these games wouldnt include an option to adjust the camera, but I am glad that this works.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Sadly I'm experiencing more than slight jitter with Holoball. The tracking freezes constantly on both moves making it very difficult to have a seamless experience hitting the ball.

Yeah, that doesnt sound pleasant. :(
I assume you are far away enough from the screen? Thats the biggest issue I had while setting up Holoball.


Sadly I'm experiencing more than slight jitter with Holoball. The tracking freezes constantly on both moves making it very difficult to have a seamless experience hitting the ball.

When I play it on my base PS4 that's upstairs, I can only get between 1-3 campaigns done before the head tracking is completely broken. Standing up and moving and having it judder around on me like crazy makes it unplayable.

I tried it on the Pro I have downstairs, and I had no issues. I brought the PSVR headset from down there upstairs with me and the same problem happened again. I'm not saying it's a Pro vs Base model issue, but something is massively wrong with the game on my base PS4 upstairs.

I haven't tried it on the base PS4 again since re-installing. TBH I just got really annoyed with troubleshooting the game and kinda gave up on it.
So I'm all like... Just got done lifting and showering... Imma play some Holoball.

Yeah. Shower number 2 incoming.

Game is legit fun. I'm all just hammering away at the balls with both moves left and right. An hour goes by and I'm like whoa... New cardio routine inbound.


VR Unit Recieved today!
Got my v2 camera
Move controllers ordered from Amazon:

I've grabbed Bound on the Store as it was on sale and will try out the demo disk on my PS4Pro before i grab any new games.

This is a christmas present to myself so will open it all on 25th Dec.

Very excited though!

Hoping we have alot of announcements on upcoming games/experiences at PSX next week...seems a bit slow and dry on the news.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Hoping we have alot of announcements on upcoming games/experiences at PSX next week...seems a bit slow and dry on the news.

There is a steady and pretty good drip of games coming every week since launch. By christmas, there should be some more cool games waiting for you. :)
So I am thinking of getting this but the setup worries me. My tv is mounted on the wall and the PS4 is on a shelf some 3 and1/2 feet away. Does the camera have to be centered? How is cable mgmt? Is it feasible?


So I am thinking of getting this but the setup worries me. My tv is mounted on the wall and the PS4 is on a shelf some 3 and1/2 feet away. Does the camera have to be centered? How is cable mgmt? Is it feasible?

A TV isnt required to play PSVR, the camera could essentially be anywhere. Basically pointing at where you'd want to sit or stand. TV is only needed for the social screen or if doing some local MP VR games. EDIT: Also helps with setup.

The TV will still only have the single PS4 HDMI cable going to it, from the breakout box, and the camera if you want it there.
Sweet... might have to pick it up. I just need the unit, 2 controllers and the cam right? Can you still buy the black head mold stand for the unit?
Watching Crystal Rift gameplay is giving me an Ultima Underworld II meets Legend of Grimrock in VR vibe. I know nothing about the game but at $12.99 I'm so tempted.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
A TV isnt required to play PSVR, the camera could essentially be anywhere. Basically pointing at where you'd want to sit or stand. TV is only needed for the social screen or if doing some local MP VR games. EDIT: Also helps with setup.

Helps, yes, but I've successfully done a full setup including IPD measurement without a TV before.
I put about three hours into 'How We Soar' this evening and so far this is my favorite PSVR game. The gameplay itself is rather relaxed and simple: you fly on the back of a colorful phoenix, flying through rings, collecting orbs and chasing birds in each level, but the papercraft world you're in--which is constructed of the pages of an author whose story unfolds as you progess--is absolutely beautiful. Though the flight movement is slow I spent so much time flying and soaring around and just being in the world. The way you color the world as you fly by objects or near surfaces reminded me of Flower a bit. The soundtrack is lovely and the graphics are colorful, sharp and crisp (I'm on PS4 Pro). The left stick controls the direction of the phoenix, left trigger hovers and the right trigger flaps the wings of the phoenix moving you forward. Shaking the controller to "snap" the reigns for a little boost is brilliant. It's clear a great deal of heart, soul and passion was put into this very artistic, well-crafted game. I hope people recognize it as something more than just another flight game and give it the chance it deserves. It's really quite special and something to behold.


What are the camera improvements on bound that people were talking about? I got the game on sale and was impressed with how it looks visually, the camera controls not so much.

I recall talk about the patch fixing some of it but couldn't find anything special apart from a zoom option or something in the settings


Bought and played some of Crystal Rift, it seems pretty fun so far. I like the atmosphere, it seems like an old school dungeon crawler just in VR.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Bought and played some of Crystal Rift, it seems pretty fun so far. I like the atmosphere, it seems like an old school dungeon crawler just in VR.

How much did you play? Does it have actually interesting puzzles and secrets?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
How great would a Room like game in VR be, just a atmospheric room with a puzzle box on a table in front of you.

Keep talking and nobody explodes might be the closest to that atm.


Love the Pinball VR game, any ideas what tables are coming next? I'd really enjoy the Darth Vader one or the upcoming Bethesda tables. Was disappointed to find the only licensed table was the Walking Dead one and it's not even based on the comics or tv show, just the Telltale game.
I've been meaning to mention on this forum MY solution. Rather than using a coupler and swapping cables, I grabbed this mofo:

HDMI Switch

It's 4K HDR HDMI 2.0 compliant.

It switches between 2 ports.

I have option 1 routed directly to HDMI 1 on the TV. Option is 2 routed directly to the breakout box, which in turn is plugged into HDMI 2 on the TV.

It works perfectly. No fuss, no mess, no damaging cables by constantly coupling and uncoupling.

Edit- I have HDCP disabled too (I don't watch blue rays on my PS4.)

Wait a minute, does this switch now really work with all them bells and whistles like HDR XYZ, 4K and all that shit? What's the catch do you need to turn off HDCP?

I'm not asking for myself as I don't have neither Pro nor 4K TV, I just know that many are looking for something like that.


I've been meaning to mention on this forum MY solution. Rather than using a coupler and swapping cables, I grabbed this mofo:

HDMI Switch

It's 4K HDR HDMI 2.0 compliant.

It switches between 2 ports.

I have option 1 routed directly to HDMI 1 on the TV. Option is 2 routed directly to the breakout box, which in turn is plugged into HDMI 2 on the TV.

It works perfectly. No fuss, no mess, no damaging cables by constantly coupling and uncoupling.

Edit- I have HDCP disabled too (I don't watch blue rays on my PS4.)

Do you need to have it connected by both HDMI cables to the TV? I only have one HDMI socket free for my PS4...


Holoball is legit!! And a stupid amount of fun for the money.

Tracking was perfect for me last night in lowish light. Although my room space wasn't allowing me to get 100% behind the ball on serve so sometimes I ended up smacking it behind me into my own goal :)

Also the AI voice creeps me out though, really feels like its going a bit 2001 space odyssey on me, but just adds to the retro future atmosphere.


Neo Member
Hi Guys,

What wired headphone would you advise to use in combination with the psvr helmet? Especially one that fits and sounds well, any pointers on what to get?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I downloaded Holoball and Carnival Games this past weekend. I looked forward to playing it, but had a horrible time tracking on both. It was jittery and glitchy, losing track of the Move controller repeatedly. First time I had ever had issues in that area.

Then I realized the problem: I had put up and decorated our Christmas tree that morning and it was placed behind where I was sitting. The lights were messing with the tracking the whole time.
I downloaded Holoball and Carnival Games this past weekend. I looked forward to playing it, but had a horrible time tracking on both. It was jittery and glitchy, losing track of the Move controller repeatedly. First time I had ever had issues in that area.

Then I realized the problem: I had put up and decorated our Christmas tree that morning and it was placed behind where I was sitting. The lights were messing with the tracking the whole time.

Lol, that's a new one PSVR ruined by Christmas decorations xD
I downloaded Holoball and Carnival Games this past weekend. I looked forward to playing it, but had a horrible time tracking on both. It was jittery and glitchy, losing track of the Move controller repeatedly. First time I had ever had issues in that area.

Then I realized the problem: I had put up and decorated our Christmas tree that morning and it was placed behind where I was sitting. The lights were messing with the tracking the whole time.



VR Legs are definitely a thing!

- Demo( 1 minute into a match ): Whoah....slow down there. Ugh... ok let's try head aiming/turning. After 1 more minute... "fuck that i am out"

Could not pass $19 price error on GMG

- Day 1( 5 minutes in Training mode ): Oh this is fine... head turning is actually not bad. After 5 more minutes...
Chief: "It's time to stretch our legs! Follow me to the elevator!"
Me: Ugh....ok i will take it slow. Let's also adjust turning speed and deadzone in settings.
After 5 more minutes...

-Day 2
Ok...let's try to actually finish training mode ffs.
After 15 minutes of slow and methodical gathering and shooting orbs on lowest turning sensitivity...."this is actually fun but that's probably enough for today"

-Day 3
After ~40 minutes of practice arena orb hunting ( was able to up sensitivity a bit as well ) + first deathmatch with bots

-Day 4
After 1+ hour of jumping/strafing like a madman in practice arena + second match against bots

Really cool game. AI is really forgiving so far from what i have seen but i am still not ready to try MP yet :p

Same story with other games like Driveclub VR and even Batman Arkham VR( i had a few problems even with teleporting at first but they went away really fast and was able to 100% this amazing game )
Feel pretty good about upcoming RE7 right now. I hope they will update demo so people like me could practice a bit and get used to locomotion before full game release.

Anyone else noticed much more frequent night dreams after using the VR headset? Few times i even thought that i am in a helmet during a dream lol. I guess those VR experiences at least shook the stagnant brain activity i had for last few years if not something else.... which is really cool. I don't mind free VR stuff every night xD
I can only sympathize. We went through this process. Without going into too much detail, it was by far the most...cumbersome and frustrating element, even though it is definitely an absolutely necessary. Though ours resulted in a better game for it since we were prompted to add more comfort options, but it took a lot of back and forth to keep the freedom of movement intact.

I.E., it's not hard to make some cert testers sick ;)

I was curious about this. As some are highly susseptable and other aren't, I'm assuming the testers aren't the same for every game so hypothetically some games might get more testers who are very sensitive and others might get those who are unbothered.

I wouldn't be surprised if the reason we haven't seen War Thunder even though it was suppose to be a launch game and has been at many trade shows on the PSVR is because it can't pass testing.


Completed Battlezone VR normal mission (medium length) solo last night :)

Had to fight three nemesis tanks.

@grinchy : got the hacker tank, well chuffed

  • Medium length campaign to ensure data to upgrade weapons and buy lives
  • Used the light tank to dodge incoming fire
  • Prioritise data for weapons first, you need to be able to defeat heavy tanks, nemesis tanks and turrets from a distance, need the right weaponry for that
  • Bought a shield boost
  • Then prioritised Lives, need at least six I think
  • Then improved shields (this is solo)
  • Defeat all shield generators before the AI core
  • If you lose a life before the AI core, close the application and try again, all lives are for the core
  • Don't let nemesis tanks have line of sight on you, manage them from behind a static object
Hi Guys,

What wired headphone would you advise to use in combination with the psvr helmet? Especially one that fits and sounds well, any pointers on what to get?

I recommend the Turtle Beach Stealth 350VR headset. It's lightweight, sounds good, has separate volumes for game audio and chat and is made to fit over VR headsets comfortably.


Barely played the 3 games that came out yesterday, so not really in place to offer much impressions. FFXV got my attention all evening yesterday.

Pinball is really neat, feels like you're in front of a real table. Too bad there's only 3 for the initial asking price.

How We Soar looked promising, I'm kind of sad that I don't get that tingling sensation from being up high in vr anymore. My anti-anxiety meds are probably in part to blame I guess.

Crystal Rfit looks like a good time too, if you can endure jump scares (I think you can turn them off though). I don't mind the push to attack and no motion controls (though it would be nice to get something like Vanishing Realms on PS VR). But I'm not sure how I'm supposed to block. Game says "Hold b to block" or something?

Where can we find a list of upcoming PSVR games [with at least tentative release dates] through the end of 2016 and beyond? there you go.
Anyone else experience this? After a day of VR, I'll usually get this weird thing where I feel like I'm in VR when I'm not. Sometimes, I even think I see my actual real world "wobble" like it does in VR. Weird.


Anyone else experience this? After a day of VR, I'll usually get this weird thing where I feel like I'm in VR when I'm not. Sometimes, I even think I see my actual real world "wobble" like it does in VR. Weird.

I got that when I closed my eyes when I went to bed Friday night, and in the next morning same thing. And I hadn't played VR on that day.
Anyone else experience this? After a day of VR, I'll usually get this weird thing where I feel like I'm in VR when I'm not. Sometimes, I even think I see my actual real world "wobble" like it does in VR. Weird.

When I got mine at launch and basically played for hours every day I had this. The biggest culprit was job simulator.
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