PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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I put about three hours into 'How We Soar' this evening and so far this is my favorite PSVR game. The gameplay itself is rather relaxed and simple: you fly on the back of a colorful phoenix, flying through rings, collecting orbs and chasing birds in each level, but the papercraft world you're in--which is constructed of the pages of an author whose story unfolds as you progess--is absolutely beautiful. Though the flight movement is slow I spent so much time flying and soaring around and just being in the world. The way you color the world as you fly by objects or near surfaces reminded me of Flower a bit. The soundtrack is lovely and the graphics are colorful, sharp and crisp (I'm on PS4 Pro). The left stick controls the direction of the phoenix, left trigger hovers and the right trigger flaps the wings of the phoenix moving you forward. Shaking the controller to "snap" the reigns for a little boost is brilliant. It's clear a great deal of heart, soul and passion was put into this very artistic, well-crafted game. I hope people recognize it as something more than just another flight game and give it the chance it deserves. It's really quite special and something to behold.

Looks promising. I have just finished most of Eagle Flight. Is it still worth it having played Eagle Flight?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
If anyone was still on the fence/had no clue on Wayward Sky here are some impressions:

Downloading How We Soar at the moment - shall try and write a review tomorrow. Pesky real life work keeps getting in the way.

Your verdict is perfect for this game.

Anyone else experience this? After a day of VR, I'll usually get this weird thing where I feel like I'm in VR when I'm not. Sometimes, I even think I see my actual real world "wobble" like it does in VR. Weird.

I got it the first week of playing VR games. It goes away though after your body (really your brain) gets used to it.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
I downloaded Holoball and Carnival Games this past weekend. I looked forward to playing it, but had a horrible time tracking on both. It was jittery and glitchy, losing track of the Move controller repeatedly. First time I had ever had issues in that area.

Then I realized the problem: I had put up and decorated our Christmas tree that morning and it was placed behind where I was sitting. The lights were messing with the tracking the whole time.

Sounds like the tracking for psvr is very terrible
Hi Guys,

What wired headphone would you advise to use in combination with the psvr helmet? Especially one that fits and sounds well, any pointers on what to get?
Really depends on your price range. I use Philips Fidelio X2s and love them:

but the AKGs the other guy posted above are good too, like I said, all about your price range.

Basically, you want comfortable high-end non-gaming open-back headphones for the best experience.

edit: open-back is best because it has the widest soundstage and will give you the most immersion.


Searched but couldn't find anything, is Pinball FX2 Pro enhanced? Currently on the fence with this one, wish they did a bundle deal with the tables.
Planning on getting one of these around christmastime; I've been doing some development on Vive and Google Cardboard, but I've actually not played too many VR games besides my own. Any no-kidding must-buys that I should look out for? (I'm already thinking of getting Batman, Rigs, and Rez)


Neo Member
Really depends on your price range. I use Philips Fidelio X2s and love them:

but the AKGs the other guy posted above are good too, like I said, all about your price range.

Basically, you want comfortable high-end non-gaming open-back headphones for the best experience.

edit: open-back is best because it has the widest soundstage and will give you the most immersion.

What is open-back if I may ask?
Planning on getting one of these around christmastime; I've been doing some development on Vive and Google Cardboard, but I've actually not played too many VR games besides my own. Any no-kidding must-buys that I should look out for? (I'm already thinking of getting Batman, Rigs, and Rez)
Thumper and Rush of Blood are must-buys, along with Batman and Rez which you're already looking at.

VR Worlds is great too if you're planning on demoing PSVR to friends and family. It won't give you many hours of playtime on your own, though. And Playroom VR is great, and free.
Goddamn the tracking is god awful in Batman even with the update. Everything was also so big and I was way too short. They don't offer the ability to change floor height like in Job Simulator (which, despite having issues, also tracks MUCH better) and you can't recalibrate where center is so I was drifted 45 degrees to the right by the end of my play session and couldn't do anything about it.

Also, I thought the Pro was supposed to fix the lower resolution on the edges of your vision? I never played it before Pro but it was still horrible. I had to look directly at something for it to even be distinguishable.

Overall it was a very disappointing experience. My most disappointing out of every full game I've played in VR (not counting some bad demos). There were definitely some really cool moments and I could see how it would be better with Vive, but man... bummer.


I didn't know if I should create a thread so I'll ask here. Anyone else know about the second chance deal from the taco bell contest. I got this email today.

That sounds like a phishing email to me, just fyi. Then again, not being American, I don't know how sweepstakes work in your country.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
From the review, it sounds like they at least did what I wish Eagle Flight would do; let you control flight with the DS4. I've always had a neck issue, so having to look around to fly lost its novelty pretty quick. Especially the parts where you have to quickly turn or pull up after a dive.

My neck is fine and I absolutely hate every single VR experience that uses "neck as joystick". It's godawful and needs to go away for good. It's also hamfisted, lazy and short-sighted, opting out for the easiest solution instead of bringing the medium forward through innovation.

Another big issue I have with it's implementation in Eagle Flight is that half the point of being an eagle is to be able to look around as you are flying. You can't do this at all in Eagle Flight. As soon as you try to look around to admire the landscape, you're pitching and diving all over the place as you're not allowed to look without your neck being a flight yoke.


My neck is fine and I absolutely hate every single VR experience that uses "neck as joystick". It's godawful and needs to go away for good. It's also hamfisted, lazy and short-sighted, opting out for the easiest solution instead of bringing the medium forward through innovation.
I don't mind it when it's done right or tastefully like in Danger Ball in PSVR Worlds.

Another big issue I have with it's implementation in Eagle Flight is that half the point of being an eagle is to be able to look around as you are flying. You can't do this at all in Eagle Flight. As soon as you try to look around to admire the landscape, you're pitching and diving all over the place as you're not allowed to look without your neck being a flight yoke.
Once I finished the game, it told me I had the ability to look around without changing my flight trajectory by holding the X button. I'm not sure if it's locked or they just don't tell you until after the end-game (which seemed odd to me).


How much did you play? Does it have actually interesting puzzles and secrets?

I played about 30 mins, it's not too difficult so far, although 1 hit kills you. It does seem like it will have a lot of secrets, the puzzles havent been too hard so far, although its only been 30 mins. The VR really helps the atmosphere they are trying to bring which is
in VR. (Not whatever game this is from but a cramped old school dungeon crawler)


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I don't mind it when it's done right or tastefully like in Danger Ball in PSVR Worlds.

Once I finished the game, it told me I had the ability to look around without changing my flight trajectory by holding the X button. I'm not sure if it's locked or they just don't tell you until after the end-game (which seemed odd to me).

Unless that was patched in to work before you finish the game (or on the PSVR), it wasn't working for me when I played the game at release on the Rift.
Goddamn the tracking is god awful in Batman even with the update...
I... Whaa...??
I've played though it twice with little to no tracking issue and thought it looked great. By far my favorite VR experience. My brother also played the entire game and had no troubles.
Sorry to hear you had issues.
From the review, it sounds like they at least did what I wish Eagle Flight would do; let you control flight with the DS4. I've always had a neck issue, so having to look around to fly lost its novelty pretty quick. Especially the parts where you have to quickly turn or pull up after a dive.

Yeah, there's no head tracking for movement in How We Soar. The DS4 movement is smooth enough in the game anyway.


Yeah. I'm really amazed Plus subs are getting a VR game so soon.

It's only a game that happens to have a PSVR mode.

I don't expect any game that requires PSVR to be ever on Plus.

Speaking of which I remember hearing that Futuridium EP Deluxe (which was on Plus a while back) was supposed to get a PSVR update. Anybody know what happened with that?


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Speaking of which I remember hearing that Futuridium EP Deluxe (which was on Plus a while back) was supposed to get a PSVR update. Anybody know what happened with that?

Oh yeah. I forgot about that game. I bought the EP version in anticipation ages ago.


I finally got around to installing Driveclub VR on my Pro. A lot less blurry, I can easily see the upcoming turns and play normally. No nausea after an hour, when it gave me a headache and queasiness after about 20 minutes on the non-Pro. I like it. I may even look into a wheel - but probably not.


Unless that was patched in to work before you finish the game (or on the PSVR), it wasn't working for me when I played the game at release on the Rift.

It's works in free flight from the beginning on PSVR - I used it last weekend to demo to family members. Just hold X and look around.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I finally got around to installing Driveclub VR on my Pro. A lot less blurry, I can easily see the upcoming turns and play normally. No nausea after an hour, when it gave me a headache and queasiness after about 20 minutes on the non-Pro. I like it. I may even look into a wheel - but probably not.
Really? I cannot see even a slight difference tbh.

Seems exactly the same.
Goddamn the tracking is god awful in Batman even with the update. Everything was also so big and I was way too short. They don't offer the ability to change floor height like in Job Simulator (which, despite having issues, also tracks MUCH better) and you can't recalibrate where center is so I was drifted 45 degrees to the right by the end of my play session and couldn't do anything about it.

Also, I thought the Pro was supposed to fix the lower resolution on the edges of your vision? I never played it before Pro but it was still horrible. I had to look directly at something for it to even be distinguishable.

Overall it was a very disappointing experience. My most disappointing out of every full game I've played in VR (not counting some bad demos). There were definitely some really cool moments and I could see how it would be better with Vive, but man... bummer.
Really? Huh. I didn't have any tracking issues and I thought everything was much smaller than it should have been. Of course, after the opening sequence.


No Batman tracking issues for me either.
Oh hey Hyper Void (cross-buy) is on Plus next week. Free PSVR-compatible game get!
Read carefully. The PS3 version is free next month, not the PS4 version which has the VR component.

For all of you I hope that changes because I have the game and it is my favorite all-around "game" so far for the headset (I'm not counting "experiences"). Technically it is more simply a 3D game as opposed to a VR game (as is Thumper), but the effect on a classic genre is awesome nonetheless.

Someone compared it to Tempest, but I say it is closer to Gyruss with a huge amount of variety in the stages. In fact, the only thing I don't care for about Hyper Void is the name. Well worth the price I paid for the game when I bought it last week.


Goddamn the tracking is god awful in Batman even with the update. Everything was also so big and I was way too short. They don't offer the ability to change floor height like in Job Simulator (which, despite having issues, also tracks MUCH better) and you can't recalibrate where center is so I was drifted 45 degrees to the right by the end of my play session and couldn't do anything about it.

Also, I thought the Pro was supposed to fix the lower resolution on the edges of your vision? I never played it before Pro but it was still horrible. I had to look directly at something for it to even be distinguishable.

Overall it was a very disappointing experience. My most disappointing out of every full game I've played in VR (not counting some bad demos). There were definitely some really cool moments and I could see how it would be better with Vive, but man... bummer.

The tracking for PSVR has kinda just made me want to avoid all standing games from now on. Unless Sony puts out a software update that helps things, it's just not worth the hassle to me to set it all up for standing games and have the tracking be all wonky because of the camera-based tracking limitations. You have to be so conscious of the visibility cone of the PS4 camera when all you want to do is be immersed in VR. It's a huge issue IMO.
I finally got around to installing Driveclub VR on my Pro. A lot less blurry, I can easily see the upcoming turns and play normally. No nausea after an hour, when it gave me a headache and queasiness after about 20 minutes on the non-Pro. I like it. I may even look into a wheel - but probably not.
According to the Digital Foundry video, the only real difference is reflections on top of the cars, which you don't even see if driving in first person.
I... Whaa...??
I've played though it twice with little to no tracking issue and thought it looked great. By far my favorite VR experience. My brother also played the entire game and had no troubles.
Sorry to hear you had issues.

Really? Huh. I didn't have any tracking issues and I thought everything was much smaller than it should have been. Of course, after the opening sequence.

Yeah, I don't know what it is. It remained this way after a hard reset and nothing else acts like this. I acknowledge that my experience was unique but I'm not sure why. My setup works for other standing games like Job Simulator (although still not great -- standing is a problem with PSVR in general).

It's a shame because I know other people really enjoyed it.

The tracking for PSVR has kinda just made me want to avoid all standing games from now on. Unless Sony puts out a software update that helps things, it's just not worth the hassle to me to set it all up for standing games and have the tracking be all wonky because of the camera-based tracking limitations. You have to be so conscious of the visibility cone of the PS4 camera when all you want to do is be immersed in VR. It's a huge issue IMO.

Yeah. I thought standing would be how I prefer to play VR but you have to be so far from the camera for it to work and the upward angle my camera needs to take must make that even worse.

Maybe I just need to remember to hard reset more often, I know that contributes to tracking accuracy. But I haven't had any problems with seated VR recently that I can recall.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Goddamn the tracking is god awful in Batman even with the update. Everything was also so big and I was way too short. They don't offer the ability to change floor height like in Job Simulator (which, despite having issues, also tracks MUCH better) and you can't recalibrate where center is so I was drifted 45 degrees to the right by the end of my play session and couldn't do anything about it.

Also, I thought the Pro was supposed to fix the lower resolution on the edges of your vision? I never played it before Pro but it was still horrible. I had to look directly at something for it to even be distinguishable.

Overall it was a very disappointing experience. My most disappointing out of every full game I've played in VR (not counting some bad demos). There were definitely some really cool moments and I could see how it would be better with Vive, but man... bummer.
Wow, this is so at odds with my experience. I was super-impressed with Batman (and that's playing it after I played some demos on Vive). I didn't have issues with drifting or tracking, and things looked properly sized to my height. Visually stunning too. Maybe they really messed things up after that "improved tracking update", I didn't try the game after that update came out.

I can suggest you to try the following - ALWAYS cold restart the console before playing any new game. This will make the tracking tenfold better than if you just continue playing for hours while going in and out of Rest mode. Also - try artificially increasing the ocular distance to be larger than what it should be. It's been confirmed that the wider you make it, things in PSVR become smaller.


Yeah, I don't know what it is. It remained this way after a hard reset and nothing else acts like this. I acknowledge that my experience was unique but I'm not sure why. My setup works for other standing games like Job Simulator (although still not great -- standing is a problem with PSVR in general).

It's a shame because I know other people really enjoyed it.

Yeah. I thought standing would be how I prefer to play VR but you have to be so far from the camera for it to work and the upward angle my camera needs to take must make that even worse.

Maybe I just need to remember to hard reset more often, I know that contributes to tracking accuracy. But I haven't had any problems with seated VR recently that I can recall.

Yes, do that.

Additionally, don't turn on the headset until you are standing in the place you want to play and have put the headset on.
Wow, this is so at odds with my experience. I was super-impressed with Batman (and that's playing it after I played some demos on Vive). I didn't have issues with drifting or tracking, and things looked properly sized to my height. Visually stunning too. Maybe they really messed things up after that "improved tracking update", I didn't try the game after that update came out.

I can suggest you to try the following - ALWAYS cold restart the console before playing any new game. This will make the tracking tenfold better than if you just continue playing for hours while going in and out of Rest mode. Also - try artificially increasing the ocular distance to be larger than what it should be. It's been confirmed that the wider you make it, things in PSVR become smaller.

I thought about messing with ocular distance but I know mine was already correct so I chose not to fuck with it for the sake of one game.

I usually hard reset when tracking becomes a problem and I feel like I had powered off the console fully between play sessions but I guess I can't be sure.

Maybe if I'd actively thought of it I would have but I only really played it twice. (Three times if you count the very first time I tried it and only did the parents' death scene -- didn't notice any issues in that brief period.)

Yes, do that.

Additionally, don't turn on the headset until you are standing in the place you want to play and have put the headset on.

Now this I didn't realize. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't; I always just recenter with Start.


I thought about messing with ocular distance but I know mine was already correct so I chose not to fuck with it for the sake of one game.

I usually hard reset when tracking becomes a problem and I feel like I had powered off the console fully between play sessions but I guess I can't be sure.

Maybe if I'd actively thought of it I would have but I only really played it twice. (Three times if you count the very first time I tried it and only did the parents' death scene -- didn't notice any issues in that brief period.)

Now this I didn't realize. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't; I always just recenter with Start.

Yeah I normally get little to none wobble or tracking issues. But if I am playing a sitting game, and then switch to a standing game, ESPECIALLY if I adjust the camera in between, everything goes wonky.


Read carefully. The game is cross-buy, so yes we will get the PS4 version as well.
Here's what the page says:

Full Lineup
Invisible, Inc., PS4
Stories: Path of Destinies, PS4
Hyper Void, PS3
Tiny Troopers Joint Ops, PS3 (Cross buy on PS4 and Vita)
Color Guardians, PS Vita (Cross buy on PS4)

Notice that two games are listed as cross buys when they come to PS+ next week? Notice that Hyper Void is not one of those games, and is listed solely for PS3?

Like I said, I hope that listing changes for you guys because it is FANTASTIC fun in VR, but currently it doesn't seem as that version will be offered on Tuesday.
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