Superhot VR: Is there a menu? Am I ever able to replay previous levels? I have friends who want to start from the beginning, but I'm midway through the game.
For real. I can't remember the last time I played through a game after beating it.Seriously if you've always wanted to look down a scope and pop enemies head, Arizona Sunshine is the best thing now. Playing with the first rifle now with holo-sight is so damn satisfying.
I was halfway through it, disappointed as hell from all the hype I'd heard, when I got an Aim. It was a terrific zombie-killing power fantasy back then in spite of it's best efforts to be shit.So Arizona Sunshine is good? Havent been following it since release, but I know the impressions here at least initially werent the greatest. If its good, Id love to pick it up!
Also, SUPERHOT is amazing! Hard, but amazing!
I am loving Superhot VR.
Is there a way to calibrate better? I'm having that problem where I can't reach certain things cause the floor is too low.
Now I'm tempted to grab AS and stop waiting for a sale. Thanks guys. Real helpful!!
my wallet
But I'm looking at how much I'm spending on Tuesday with all those other VR games coming out.
And I was somewhat interested in infinite golf, but what the hell, is the only mode in the game the one that lets you "drive" your ball to the hole? Or at least that's what it looked like on the trailers on Steam.
EDIT: nevermind, misunderstood what you meant, rewatching the trailer now, yea, that's weird.
Looks like it's just one of the mode/powerup, a lot of gameplay are showing normal minigolf putting.
I'm more concern on the maps layout, it looks pretty flat with a few obstacle so far, hopefully there's a lot of crazy stuff going on.
I am loving Superhot VR.
Is there a way to calibrate better? I'm having that problem where I can't reach certain things cause the floor is too low.
Now retailers have begun their pre-order campaigns for the videogame in anticipation of a release later this year.
Just a heads up:
Amazon NA has Star Trek: Bridge Crew for $30. Physical edition.
Super Hot is amazing but the pixelation is gross, even on the pro. Hope they can improve that. Going to move furniture tomorrow to have a proper session.
My quick review of Superhot VR:
Fun when it is working, some of the most frustrating gameplay when it isn't. I don't understand why sometimes I start RIGHT on top of a weapon and other times I have to reach 5 feet from where I am. Why does it not always place you in the exact same place? It is really dumb. Also, picking stuff up that is below your knee cap is pretty much impossible.
The game recenters every round.
As for picking stuff up, set your camera high up (head level or even higher) pointing down, stand far away and you can pick up everything without any problem.
I have done all of that. I have rearranged my setup a million times to try and fix these trash tracking issues, but nothing works so far. Really frustrating.
Another frustrating thing is the lack of a level select. Or ANY options or anything. Sometimes I recalibrate and my hands are 20 feet away. Great system they got there. Really fun being stuck on a level because I am expected to pick stuff up at my feet but I can't, so now I am forever stuck on this dumb level with no way to play the game and enjoy it back when I didn't have to deal with the tracking below the knees stuff.
Farpoint bundle arrived this afternoon.
Had some weird problem getting the Aim controller to pair with the PS4, but a reboot fixed it.
Enjoying Farpoint so far, one very minor criticism is that there didn't seem to be a prompt to tell you about the rotation options. I played for a few minutes thinking that either the right stick on my Aim was broken or that the game only let you turn by rotating your head, then I found the smooth turning option in the pause menu and now it plays like a proper FPS.
The weapon tracking is very immersive. Loving the holographic sights.
Well, this game came out of nowhere, lol:
Quar! Battle for Gate 18 (PS4/PSVR) October 27, 2017
HTC Vive's Best Strategy Game Heads To PlayStation VR
Dude, Arizona Sunshine.
After AS and Farpoint, every game using Aim should just add Holographic sight and stop trying to use iron sight. I don't want to spend 5 secs trying to look down a tiny hole.
Superhot seems like a ton of fun so far, but I can't get the throwing to work even a little bit. If I move fast it seems like the motion cuts out, if I move slow the weapon just floats down.
Grab the item, press and hold move button, "push" item toward target and release move button at end of throw. Took me a while to get the hang of that, pushing and holding movenis key, release on "throw".
In kinda looking forward to Apollo 11 but have tempered my expectations. Can you give any details? How long is it? How many areas? Etc.To anyone looking forward to Apollo 11 VR: don't expect much! I reviewed it for a German video games site, and can not recommend it. Not much content, and most is rather bland.
But I think they might have learned the right lessons and their next project, Titanic VR, looks much more promising. I backed that on Kickstarter.
Oh, so holding the button charges the throw? Man, thats probably what was tripping me up.
I'll give that a shot.
In kinda looking forward to Apollo 11 but have tempered my expectations. Can you give any details? How long is it? How many areas? Etc.
As someone who has a limited amount of space, any advice on thebit in Superhot? I can occasionally"Any Last Words?"but it isn't consistent, which sucks as I'm still trying to nail the parts the bullets,
I love the trophy notifications on Superhot, I think it's the only psvr game that has them. If you've not seen them, a post it note drops down the screen that you can grab and read then throw away.
Lol the game is an experience, for sure. I'm about to turn 38 and it is a bit of an adventure. These young bucks don't know that struggle, yet.Polybius...
ok, how can i say this... the game made me absolutely lose my shit TWICE in less than 40min.
im not very good (reflexes of a 35 yo), but i got pretty far on my third try, then had to pause. i look at the pause screen carefully to make sure i press the right button to get back in the level, it says "press r1 to return to title screen" or sth, i think ok whatever i do dont press r1, so maybe i'll press circle to return to the game like in a lot of games. NOPE, that also quits the game without warning. lost all my progress and i curse the game to hell. FUCK. HOW? WHY?
i breathe deep, its ok, its just a game, i'll try again.. i start from beginning and test the pause screen again, this time circle DOESNT quit the game. WTF? wow, what fucking bullshit. but ok, i forgive and forget. several levels later while i'm really in the zone, i start losing my shields one by one to something i cant see, is it coming from behind me?? i dont know, certainly feels that way because nothing from the front is hitting me, it isnt even hectic at all, i can clearly see ahead. but i lose my shield, and again, and again, and again, and again.. 7 times. and im dead, i couldnt do anything to stop it. FUCKING KSKDKDKASSDFFG
i seriously dont want to even boot the game up again because im sure there's more sadistic non-sensical ways it wants to punish the player at the worst fucking moments.
1/10 game so far. triggered me 10/10 though.
Lol there's one of the endless modes where I seem to grab everything but a gun, just lob it at the red buggers and try again!So that's what happened last time I died! Grabbed my trophy notification instead of a gun!
So supposedly that GameStop pre-order guide is coming out tomorrow(?) suggesting those 6 games are available to pre-order. I don't think we got any info previously on release date for No Heroes Allowed! VR but that booklet is saying 2017 release.
Kind of weird for VRFocus to suddenly point this out? As if they just got an instruction to advertise you can pre-order it now.
Also we can at least confirm the book is indeed from EU. I will say the book is very very real. Whether it's SKU error, which would be extremely weird for 3 major retailer to mess it up, or it's really coming.
Wait until one fires and then move to the right. Also, funfact: each of your hands can block one bullet.As someone who has a limited amount of space, any advice on thebit in Superhot? I can occasionally"Any Last Words?"but it isn't consistent, which sucks as I'm still trying to nail the parts the bullets,
Topping up with some info:
You need a good amount of space to move your arms in all directions and you'll find yourself moving around to catch that falling weapon a fraction of a second quicker. I've managed to punch a wall with this game that I've never been close to before. It's move only, no aim support as you need both hands to grab stuff.what kind of space do I need for Superhot? and does it work with the AIM controller?