It's exceedingly light on content, ridiculous attempt at a story, and dumb. It's also an amazing VR game that is very much a showpiece, in my opinion. You get a great sense of presence, much like Superhot, where you duck and physically maneuver around the environment.How is Mortal Blitz? Looks like Time Crisis to me in a sci-fi universe.
How is Mortal Blitz? Looks like Time Crisis to me in a sci-fi universe.
I may check it out down the road. I just got my VR last week, and I am looking over the catalog trying to find the closest thing to the old 80's/90's light gun games.If you don't care about the money, you'll have fun with it. It's a solid little ride, but for people with a gaming budget, I might not go crazy with a recommendation.
that or Dick Wilde would be your best (current) bet.I may check it out down the road. I just got my VR last week, and I am looking over the catalog trying to find the closest thing to the old 80's/90's light gun games.
I may check it out down the road. I just got my VR last week, and I am looking over the catalog trying to find the closest thing to the old 80's/90's light gun games.
My only complaint is the ability to crouch and lean IRL is a must. You cannot play it sitting down, I tried. It's basically been shelved until I have more room to play it.How is Mortal Blitz? Looks like Time Crisis to me in a sci-fi universe.
If I had enough room to play Farpoint without issue do you think I'll be alright with Superhot? Granted I don't really have any "extra" space either.
It's one of the most feature complete game on PSVR now. Horde mode (1 map for now, future update 2 maps coming), Campaign around 4~6 hours that can be played with both Move or Aim. You can also play online in both horde/campaign. Every campaign map is quite distinct, bringing you to several different places. You do simple stuff like find a key to unlock doors and progress, but with the latest patch, playing with Aim controller is really fun.
So Im wondering is the game more fun to play with the Aim controller which I have or two move controllers? I know they changed up the game to work with the aim controller, but dual wielding guns in vr is fun. I just bought superhot vr so Im going to pick this up on a sale probably...
Edit: Thanks guys lol. now I just looked at mortal blitz and I want that. Cant keep up with these vr game releases...
That's a really tough one. Some people aren't used to locomotion with Move controller (yes, you can move freely by pressing X and turning camera left or right using square and triangle, and strafe any direction while pointing one direction) but the interaction, picking stuff up are definitely more fun there, if you have a large space that allows you to pick stuff up from the ground, it's really fun to physically reach out to stuff instead of depending on the magnet item power.
BUT with the Aim, camera turning, moving is so much better, interaction is not as fun though, you just point at stuff and press the interact button. As for shooting, I haven't tried Move post patch, but pre-patch it works really well for me. Aim controller with gun sight post-patch is really good, you will be shooting enemies FAR away. Maybe first run go for Move and second run go for Aim. Aim feels more like a sniper game and I love it. Also both of them uses separate progress, so you can change anytime.
While Mortal Blitz is short, it has one of the sharpest graphic on PSVR. Sound quality is below average, but the game is extremely fun. DLC coming very soon, paid and free ones I believe. Very immersive and fun game, one of my favorite game, high replayability because of how solid the shooting and tethering enemy is.
Thanks I didn't think about the movement with the move controllers. Probably start with the aim controller then move. Yea, blitz graphically looked really good. Don't know if it's worth $20 for 1-2 hrs of gameplay.
One thing that's bothering me is how shitty of a job most gaming websites are at previewing and reviewing PS VR games. Hard to keep up with releases or find information about PS VR games...
I've played more than 6 hours of Mortal Blitz for sure. 3 difficulties and 50 "training/challenge levels". The game is something like Time Crisis. Gameplay is solid enough for you to keep replaying/show it to friends. But this is another game that requires a huge space too, you will have to physically duck down behind objects.
This is the best place you can follow with thoughts/mini reviews and upcoming games without any bs. PushSquare and Pure Playstation are the only two sites that covers most of the PSVR news including game updates, they're pretty good at it. But yea, any latest game announcement, you are in the right place.
Lol the game is an experience, for sure. I'm about to turn 38 and it is a bit of an adventure. These young bucks don't know that struggle, yet.
Anyways, the level that was killing you invisibly, was it level9?
If so I had the same issue until Istarted going on the side of the flag pole that the flag was waving on.
For the life of me I couldn't figure out the logic to that puzzle until I looked it up.
Do we have an expectation for when The Inpatient is releasing?
Do we have an expectation for when The Inpatient is releasing?
No cross play in Arizona Sunshine is very disappointing.
I think Until Dawn is free on PS+ at the moment, in case you didn't pick it up yetRight now I'm replaying Arizona Sunshine, while kinda farting around my way through Rez and Polybius.
It occurred to me I've never beaten Rush of Blood, which is a shame. After all my current projects I'm going to do it. Then, in anticipation for the Inpatient and celebration of the end of summer, I'm gonna finally play Until Dawn.
Slasher and teen horror flicks are like my everything, and the end of summer means Halloween season so I'm pretty feeling jazzed right now.
This'll get me through to Destiny 2 lol
Oh, I totally did. I tell you, I could not believe my luck. I was inches from buying it.I think Until Dawn is free on PS+ at the moment, in case you didn't pick it up yet
Play as a pirate seeking the legendary Seven Sea Artifacts in a vivid VR world.
Have fun in Infinite Minigolf, a never-ending minigolf experience! Take part in tournaments and challenges, use arcade-style powerups, and experience unique gameplay, great graphics, and more.
An action-packed multiplayer VR game, Smashbox Arena throws players into a shootout battle of team versus team, power-up versus power-up. Combatants can play single-player, party up with their friends, or face off against opponents across the globe.
Theseus is an immersive VR experience that offers a new take on the myth of the Minotaur. Enjoy a mix of exploration, story, and combat, with a strong cinematic feel. Do you have what it takes to unveil the truth that lies at the heart of the Labyrinth? racing in a tiny world! Childhood imagination comes to life as tiny racers boost around your body, jump overhead and drift around bends inches from your face!
Hmm, I really enjoy playing even the horde mode alone, didn't really mind MP stuff since it's not PVP. But it's quite understandable because only PSVR got two handed weapons patch.
Smashbox Arena is the one concerning me. Pure PVP game with no cross play.
Big week for PSVR:
Heroes of the Seven Seas
Infinite Minigolf
Smashbox Arena
Tiny Trax
Awesome list, definitely buying thesus and heroes of the seven seas. Might get infinite golf as well
Should be getting a PSVR on Tuesday. I'm concerned for my wallet given the EU sales at the moment.
I've downloaded a ton of demos and also bought World's so hopefully that's enough to keep me going.
Slasher and teen horror flicks are like my everything, and the end of summer means Halloween season so I'm pretty feeling jazzed right now.
This intrigues me. I can't imagine how that might work.You're gonna absolutely love it, then. It's a teen horror fan's dream. It's violent, campy, and intense. Not to mention good replay value. Play it with your camera plugged in.
Give it time and pay attention to the little details even when the game is going at fucking light speed it seems hahah. Invisible enemies at first to you might be one of these until your eyes adjusts and picks them up later:Polybius...
ok, how can i say this... the game made me absolutely lose my shit TWICE in less than 40min.
im not very good (reflexes of a 35 yo), but i got pretty far on my third try, then had to pause. i look at the pause screen carefully to make sure i press the right button to get back in the level, it says "press r1 to return to title screen" or sth, i think ok whatever i do dont press r1, so maybe i'll press circle to return to the game like in a lot of games. NOPE, that also quits the game without warning. lost all my progress and i curse the game to hell. FUCK. HOW? WHY?
i breathe deep, its ok, its just a game, i'll try again.. i start from beginning and test the pause screen again, this time circle DOESNT quit the game. WTF? wow, what fucking bullshit. but ok, i forgive and forget. several levels later while i'm really in the zone, i start losing my shields one by one to something i cant see, is it coming from behind me?? i dont know, certainly feels that way because nothing from the front is hitting me, it isnt even hectic at all, i can clearly see ahead. but i lose my shield, and again, and again, and again, and again.. 7 times. and im dead, i couldnt do anything to stop it. FUCKING KSKDKDKASSDFFG
i seriously dont want to even boot the game up again because im sure there's more sadistic non-sensical ways it wants to punish the player at the worst fucking moments.
1/10 game so far. triggered me 10/10 though.
Pre-order for The Inpatient went up. Confirmed physical release. Seems like those games in that guide book are up for pre-order in these few days. Come on FO4.
Is that book supposed to be an in-store employee use or is it an actual magazine that you can get? If so, someone from EU try looking for it in gamestop!
So I tried SUPER HOT at my nephews yesterday. It horrible.
The camera was directly in front of me like 3 feet off the ground and I was standing up maybe 3-4 feet away and it was having an INCREDIBLY difficult time letting me do anything. I felt like I couldn't reach and grab hardly anything, everything felt very difficult to do.
Was it a technical problem?
So I tried SUPER HOT at my nephews yesterday. It horrible.
The camera was directly in front of me like 3 feet off the ground and I was standing up maybe 3-4 feet away and it was having an INCREDIBLY difficult time letting me do anything. I felt like I couldn't reach and grab hardly anything, everything felt very difficult to do.
Was it a technical problem?
So I tried SUPER HOT at my nephews yesterday. It horrible.
The camera was directly in front of me like 3 feet off the ground and I was standing up maybe 3-4 feet away and it was having an INCREDIBLY difficult time letting me do anything. I felt like I couldn't reach and grab hardly anything, everything felt very difficult to do.
Was it a technical problem?
Give it time and pay attention to the little details even when the game is going at fucking light speed it seems hahah. Invisible enemies at first to you might be one of these until your eyes adjusts and picks them up later:
-FLAG POLES: make sure you hit the side that the flag is facing
-Shooting arrows from above
-Lasers/hot lava lanes that turn red and if you go on them they'll zap your shit with something fierce.
The hot lava/laser lanes come into play at much later levels though and they are almost invisible at first cause you don't even look for them. Until you go WTF keeps killing me!?
I think Polybius is downright genius though cause meticulous level design and progressive progression like this take a lot more work than people begin to imagine. Hope you stick to it cause once it clicks, you won't ever wanna let go lol.