I don't know if somebody else posted before, and I don't care
Just got 42k exp for evolving stuff with a lucky egg lol
It's not really a bug. As you can see on pokevision, the game use per call charge, which link to a part the google map, so if they want they litteraly can just flick a switch and the three step thing will work again (which explained how the pokevision or the python script can show you the pokemon, it bypass the lock niantic put on the app). But there is the problem. To enable per call charge for every device with the current amount of player will thrash the server (which explain why the pokevision has to put the 30s limit on their app). I think they want to roll out all server, update the server accordingly then they will "fix" the three step bug.As it should be. Its niantics fault for not bothering to fix the fucking there steps bug.
So whats the trick. have a lineup of pokemon ready to evolve, activate 1 lucky egg and then evolve them all?
Pretty much, you get normally 500k per evolution which is doubled with lucky egg. Plus half of them were evolutions I've never had before so the exp for registering to the Pokédex was also doubled. So 1k per evolution + any additions to Pokédex. I likely won't hit that high since a lot was from adding to Pokédex. Probably did 25-30 Pokemon if I had to guess.WOah.
So whats the trick. have a lineup of pokemon ready to evolve, activate 1 lucky egg and then evolve them all?
So whats the trick. have a lineup of pokemon ready to evolve, activate 1 lucky egg and then evolve them all?
I mean or whatever you have a lot of... I had 700 doduo candies since that's like all I see so that was almost 14k right there.To add on to that, Pidgey, Weedle, and Caterpie all give you the best bang for your buck. Any evolution gives you 500XP at the base level (double that with Lucky Egg), so Pokemon that only take 12 or 25 candies to evolve are best.
i wonder when they add another generation...i want my lugia...pls give me legendarys
.Not sure about legendaries, but there are rumors Gen II will be added by the end of the year.
So, how do you all manage keeping enough Pokeballs to keep going during long trips catching Pokémon?
I mean, my neighborhood has nothing for miles. So, that leaves me with:
- Don't do cardio at the gym, go to the park. (8 or so Pokestops, 3 gyms, and countless Pokémon spawn points)
- Sundays when I help with a church stream at our local campus, I can go hunting / gym fighting during breaks in between services (10 or so Pokestops, 3 gyms, and countless spawn points)
But there's no place I can just park and get Pokeballs every 5 minutes or so, like at my office. There's no stops there either.
So, about twice a week I'll be at the park and I go through basically every Pokeball I have, because in a couple of hours I'll catch around 150 or so Pokémon and the stops are too far apart to really camp out at if I want to maximize my item collection.
It's great exercise, but I'm probably going to spend money on this game to make that big push from 15 or so to 20. Not that I mind, Niantic / Nintendo gave me a great excusre to go out and such with friends, but it's kind of a bummer that I can't seem to find a sustainable loop for this game.
Got to level 12, almost 13. Have about 50 Pokémon to evolve so once I hit 15 I'm hoping to just pop a lucky egg and get to 20.
I don't think so. I think popping two would just give you an hour of double XP instead of half an hour.do lucky eggs stack?
Disappointing that you can't play in rural areas. I'm on vacation out in the country and there are literally zero Pokemon around here.
Have we figured out for sure if biomes are a thing in this games? Keep hearing rumors that certain types of pokemon are more common in certain areas, like desert or beach. It kinda seems like bullshit but I'm level 9 and have yet to encounter a single fire or electric type so who knows..
So Pokegaf, any other pokemon as cool as a horse thats on fire?!
Every individual building on my college campus is a pokestop.
Yep this. So many water pokemons by the lake near here. Rattatas and pidgeys everywhere elseThe only one I know for sure is water pokemon do show up a good bit near water sources. I work near 2 ponds, so a bunch of Water pokemon show up often, gotten like so many Magikarps.
I'm close to level 15, my damn great pokeballs (or all?) have started curving on their own, that's some grade A bullshit right there
I'm close to level 15, my damn great pokeballs (or all?) have started curving on their own, that's some grade A bullshit right there
Servers seem really snappy and stable this morning. Still have the 3 "feet" bug though. They really need to fix that shit soon, I want to know where these pokemon are.
Sorry if this has been ask, but is the tracking feature in the bottom right actually reliable? Too often I find the Pokemon that end up spawning are not listed at all.
Edit: bad move Niantic, your fans are waiting and watching you.
Pssh, people are so damn entitled.
Yeah, Niantic. Get your social media manager on the backend team so he can fix server related bugs. Ridiculous.
Pssh, people are so damn entitled.
Yeah, Niantic. Get your social media manager on the backend team so he can fix server related bugs. Ridiculous.
I think most people are being reasonable about it actually. Looks to me like they came into this without any sort of community manager or PR guy, which is pretty silly. Most people would be satisfied if they said they're aware of it and working on it, or that they did it to lighten the server load, but it's literally the silent treatment at this point.Pssh, people are so damn entitled.
Yeah, Niantic. Get your social media manager on the backend team so he can fix server related bugs. Ridiculous.
nope he's a rapper, not even a very relevant one. lolIt's badly expressed but the fans went salty because it has been days that we've 0 news/communication from them and then suddenly fans discovered that Niantics do instead take the time to tweet to a random dude on Twiiter (I think ex streamer?).
While when the server went sht and we're having the 3 steps perma bug no word from Niantics, so yeah, fans went "salt", lol I can understand them.
Went shopping, caught a Venomoth and evolved Sandshrew along the way.
Can't wait for the South Park pokemon go obligatory episode.