Bam Chowder
Working at an art school right next to an art institute is so clutch with this game. I have at least 5 Pokestops and 3 gyms all within a block radius. Too bad all I seem to catch around here are fucking Rattatas
Just caught 3 Clefairy tonight (they are super rare where I currently am). That moonlight effect.
The serves are also running super smoothly tonight.
awesome story. Happy for you and your new friends.
I love this story! So glad to hear itUse this as a catalyst to make some friends for life and become more active.
I love this. Really shows that the genius of Go is in its social interactions and the ability to bring people together like no other game ever has.
The servers have been really stable yesterday and today. Very nice.
I'm gonna tentatively agree... since about 9pm last night I've had a pretty responsive experience. I'm sure it's still nowhere close to being consistently stable for the long run, but I do feel strongly that they are working to improve their infrastructure and doing the best they can to keep up with demand.Server's were nice and stable this morning was able to hit up almost every pokestop without much issue.
Being in the vicinity of a lure should attract way more Pokemon than it does, especially if you use an incense at the same time. There should be a pokemon every 1-2 minutes imo. Right now it's like every 4-5 minutes. There's a lot of waiting around.
Being in the vicinity of a lure should attract way more Pokemon than it does, especially if you use an incense at the same time. There should be a pokemon every 1-2 minutes imo. Right now it's like every 4-5 minutes. There's a lot of waiting around.
That's because the game encouraged you to run or walk, not standing in a same place for 30mins. Try pop incense then run or when you commute), pokemon will pop out every 1 minuteBeing in the vicinity of a lure should attract way more Pokemon than it does, especially if you use an incense at the same time. There should be a pokemon every 1-2 minutes imo. Right now it's like every 4-5 minutes. There's a lot of waiting around.
Incense is much more effectively used when moving (by design); lures are actually sort of based on "waiting around" in the broadest sense... someone drops one and players descend on a location and hang out in its general vicinity for the duration, catching stuff when it pops and telling others around you if anyone spots something. They're for chillin'. Actually 1 pokemon per minute for 30 minutes sounds pretty intense to me, especially when you consider that the spawn rates for multiple overlapping lured pokestops can already get pretty high.Being in the vicinity of a lure should attract way more Pokemon than it does, especially if you use an incense at the same time. There should be a pokemon every 1-2 minutes imo. Right now it's like every 4-5 minutes. There's a lot of waiting around.
i thought by better he meant higher tier pokemon, not higher CP. my bad
yeah, CP definitely goes way up
i'd save your dust until you are at least 15. if i could go back i wouldn't use any dust until level 20
don't use battery saver mode. i used to use it but it fucks everything up.
Honestly, this is something I am interested in, but my Python knowledge is non-existent unfortunately. Even if I'm not able to get to a Pokemon in time, it would help catalog some of the rarer spawns in town. It does break the game, but with the tracking as broken as it is and the lack of any good spawns in some areas, well... I don't feel too bad right now.
I would like to see a feature sort of like this put in the game. Even if it's more of a Pokedex tells you a general area nearby where the Pokemon might spawn.
# if pokeid == '10':
# s = ','
# lat = '%.6f' % poke.Latitude
# long = '%.6f' % poke.Longitude
# seq = (pokeid, lat, long)
# msg = s.join(seq)
# me = 'from'
# you = 'to'
# s = smtplib.SMTP('',587, timeout=120)
# s.ehlo()
# s.starttls
# s.login('login','passowrd')
# s.sendmail(me, you, msg)
# s.close()
# print 'Email Sent'
Damn! Good catch, congratulation!Ran like an idiot outside, now covered in sweat to catch this.
My best catch of the day, phew.
First time ever I do that, I never do that even when I forget something to buy for a recepy.
I'm a happy nooby-idiot (=^-ω-^=)
Edit: time to read the guides in the OT!
Checked what was around before I went to bed, and got a Kadabra and a Bulbasaur right outside my house lol.
Goodnight PokeGAF!
Not sure about legendaries, but there are rumors Gen II will be added by the end of the year.
So, how do you all manage keeping enough Pokeballs to keep going during long trips catching Pokémon?
I mean, my neighborhood has nothing for miles. So, that leaves me with:
- Don't do cardio at the gym, go to the park. (8 or so Pokestops, 3 gyms, and countless Pokémon spawn points)
- Sundays when I help with a church stream at our local campus, I can go hunting / gym fighting during breaks in between services (10 or so Pokestops, 3 gyms, and countless spawn points)
But there's no place I can just park and get Pokeballs every 5 minutes or so, like at my office. There's no stops there either.
So, about twice a week I'll be at the park and I go through basically every Pokeball I have, because in a couple of hours I'll catch around 150 or so Pokémon and the stops are too far apart to really camp out at if I want to maximize my item collection.
It's great exercise, but I'm probably going to spend money on this game to make that big push from 15 or so to 20. Not that I mind, Niantic / Nintendo gave me a great excusre to go out and such with friends, but it's kind of a bummer that I can't seem to find a sustainable loop for this game.
Got to level 12, almost 13. Have about 50 Pokémon to evolve so once I hit 15 I'm hoping to just pop a lucky egg and get to 20.
Damn! Good catch, congratulation!
I want a Magmar and a Lapras. That's all I ever wanted. D:
Jesus christ, you have 44 Pokemon and managed to get a Nidoking?!
He's my favourite and I only have 23 Nidoran candy so far, after 80 Pokemon in my dex, Nidoran too rare here![]()
I find it kinda funny looking at other peoples Pokedexs'
You have pokemon that are really rare to me yet you don't have a Spearow, a pokemon that i see 20+ times a day.
That's because the game encouraged you to run or walk, not standing in a same place for 30mins. Try pop incense then run or when you commute), pokemon will pop out every 1 minute
No they wont. The game is broken, for me the maps brought the fun back since now I can actually find the Pokemon. Seems like Pokemon only stay spawned for 13 mins, so its not like you can get across town to catch one.these maps are gonna ruin the fun sadly. the game got too big for its own good
The map isn't accurate. Once in the area you still have to move around a bit.Can't someone modify that script to show the same information as the Nearby tracker does (distance) instead of exact locations? I don't want to use the full map, feels like cheating.
these maps are gonna ruin the fun sadly. the game got too big for its own good
Can't someone modify that script to show the same information as the Nearby tracker does (distance) instead of exact locations? I don't want to use the full map, feels like cheating.