Yes, €799 is already with 23% VAT that is normal for EU.
What's the point? It only shows that USA has smaller tax then EU, but that's not Sony's fault

. If US had one single tax like 23% VAT then the price of PS5Pro would be something like $860.
Again - $699 (so without tax) translates to €628,59. Then you are adding VAT and it's €773,16. Now if we remove the VAT from €799, then it'll be €649,5. That translates to $722,78. As I wrote, more or less the price of stand

But I agree - there were times (and still are depending on accessory like stand) when the prices where translated 1:1 between dollar and euro. I don't know if there's some other tax applied at Sony (like for the electronics) in EU so that could matter, or is it only convenience for them.