PS5's SSD is "far ahead" of those found in high-end PCs, according to Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney

Not really.

RROD/YLOD - You ship the console to the manufacturer; they repair it.

Bad SSD - You ship the console to the manufacturer; they repair it.

Most people weren’t fixing their own RROD/YLOD issues. Well, except for people that saw success wrapping their Xbox 360s in a wet towel. Lol
That was taken care of after there was an outburst if it happening on the regular. They needed to extend the warranty and everything.


Sweeney is hated as well because of the whole Epic shitstore and Epics scummy tactics, plus the constant bullshit that comes out of his mouth.

He isn't the most hated in the gaming community though, compared to the ones I cited, hes not hated all.

Why is this tweet getting posted so often on GAF?

Who is TigerCA123? Why does he think a deleted tweet to an article that is still on the WCG website mean the XsX can't run the UE5 demo? What proof is this?

Oh shit, this true?

Is it true that a random dude made a random tweet about another tweet (to an article that is still up) got deleted?

700 followers, PS logo as his header. Legit.
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He isn't the most hated in the gaming community though, compared to the ones I cited, hes not hated all.
He's hated on the PC scene. There have been plenty of threads on here about him and the shitstore, and his bullshit quotes trying to justify their scummy tactics. Its only because he;'s learnt to shut up lately and its died down a bit.


Sweeney is hated as well because of the whole Epic shitstore and Epics scummy tactics, plus the constant bullshit that comes out of his mouth.
Don't PC gamers always talk about the benefits of an open platform and competition?
And doesn't Epic give a bigger percentage to developers?
I don't see the issue with Epic, really?


Gold Member
Why is this tweet getting posted so often on GAF?

Who is TigerCA123? Why does he think a deleted tweet to an article that is still on the WCG website mean the XsX can't run the UE5 demo? What proof is this?

Is it true that a random dude made a random tweet about another tweet (to an article that is still up) got deleted?

700 followers, PS logo as his header. Legit.


Windows Central is also a hardcore fanatic site, so I don’t know why you are getting so bent out of fanboys dunking on fanboys.

Two yodels cancel each other out.
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Ouch. How many L's can MS continue to take this week? They need to do a proper next get game reveal.
From what I can see, Windows Central took down their tweet..... looks like there was definitely a problem.

What are you guys talking about?

The article is still up.

They deleted a tweet so that means that the XsX can't run the demo?


He's hated on the PC scene. There have been plenty of threads on here about him and the shitstore, and his bullshit quotes trying to justify their scummy tactics. Its only because he;'s learnt to shut up lately and its died down a bit.

The pc scene doesnt matter though, those guys wait for us console master racers to up the game all the time, and tthe port bagging too, ugh.

I'm joking around obviously, lets not make this thread about who is the most hated person in the gaming community please :messenger_winking:


Why is this tweet getting posted so often on GAF?

Who is TigerCA123? Why does he think a deleted tweet to an article that is still on the WCG website mean the XsX can't run the UE5 demo? What proof is this?

Is it true that a random dude made a random tweet about another tweet (to an article that is still up) got deleted?

700 followers, PS logo as his header. Legit.
I don't see the reason to delete the tweet, if there was nothing outrageous said in it.... series X is 2 flops higher than PS5, that is a factual statement.
So...where was the issue they saw? It does make you wonder.... not saying SX can't run it but maybe there are stipulations?
I don't see the reason to delete the tweet, if there was nothing outrageous said in it.... series X is 2 flops higher than PS5, that is a factual statement.
So...where was the issue they saw? It does make you wonder.... not saying SX can't run it but maybe there are stipulations?

Bruh corporate/official accounts delete tweets all the fuckin' time

Who knows why they deleted it, or who told them to, or what happened behind the scenes.
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Because you're not a PC gamer, as you always like to tell us.

PC Gamer here, I am unphased by Epic shilling money to developers. If I really wanted to play a game (ex.Borderlands 3), I would not wait for it to hit my store of choice (Steam).
I don't see the reason to delete the tweet, if there was nothing outrageous said in it.... series X is 2 flops higher than PS5, that is a factual statement.
So...where was the issue they saw? It does make you wonder.... not saying SX can't run it but maybe there are stipulations?
Maybe the article is giving more views to an open engine that is available on ALL hardware, that was debuted on PS5 hardware?
By 2021, when UE5 releases, PCs will have SSD tech similar to the consoles. By 2022, or 2023, when the first UE5 game is released, consoles will no longer be even in the same ballpark as PCs. That said, if Horizon 2 looks like that UE5 tech demo I'll buy a ps5.

Console only peeps beating their chest about having a single unique feature for a year or two is kind of silly. This is why those of us that are "non-denominational" gamers laugh at those of you who are stuck goal tending for one platform or the other.
Don't you consider what you're doing "goal tending" as well? Let them beat their chest, who cares. Anyway SSD's will get faster, no doubt about that. Actually by the time the PS5 releases there will be quick SSD's already. But isn't it the architecture in the systems and how the SSD is integrated into it that makes it unique? Which I'm sure the PC will some how get around, whether it be just Brute force via Insanely powerful GPU's, CPU's or new architecture.
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Anyone watch the Digital foundry video?. That Alex guy seemed somewhat uncomfortable. He wasn’t his usual bubbly self popping of about RT etc. Maybe just tired.

When reality comes home.

Yeah man, the absolute dread and agony of seeing a really awesome demo run on the PS5 must have just ruined his life. I wonder if he will ever be the same again. You nailed it.

Reality Bites.


Those sweet RayTracing checks won't be coming in the Alex Mail anymore, eh?


Great Hair

There are no single nvme, m2 drives (all limited to pciex. 4xlane) capable of
5.5GB/s raw
10GB/s compressed
22GB/s seeking aka getting the data as fast as possible

It took Linus, the canadian lesbi ... wearing sandals and earrings in 2020, like 20x SSDs (intel enterprise 8TB U2 drives) to reach 30GB/s on a prof. raid server board, card.

To reach similar PS5 numbers or even surpass them:
get enough storage, raid0 them, between $500 to $1,000 (4x drives), keep in mind raid0 sucks as OS (seek times increase = takes longer to get files)
raid card not limited to 4x PCIex.lanes another $200? (highpoint ones, dunno price)

But they suck balls or used to anyway, i wouldnt use one as OS drive

They get stupidly hot and throttle down. Gen5 will deliver single drives capable of 2x Gen4 drives in 2021? or 2022.

Even if cooled properly, having to unplug the gpu everytime you wanna access your m2 below it? Fuck no! double check your motherboard layout, avoid the m2 below GPUs ... should they constantly fail on you.


Gold Member
Yeah man, the absolute dread and agony of seeing a really awesome demo run on the PS5 must have just ruined his life. I wonder if he will ever be the same again. You nailed it.

Reality Bites.


Those sweet RayTracing checks won't be coming in the Alex Mail anymore, eh?


You don’t need to stan for that guy, you’re trying too hard. He has his own track record for all to see.


Anyone watch the Digital foundry video?. That Alex guy seemed somewhat uncomfortable. He wasn’t his usual bubbly self popping of about RT etc. Maybe just tired.

When reality comes home.

I thought so too

This guy is one of the problems of the internet 2020, giving voice to idiots.
The subject thinks that he understands something because he has knowledge at best at the technical level and can contradict an engineer from a large company.
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Gold Member
Well there are people like you speaking false things, and spinning everything around to your agenda, so why not? At least I'm speaking facts

People like me, eh? I have only been quoting Sweeney himself. Keep the fight stronk though, and thank fuck we have you here to set all of us fellow nerds straight. Get Sweenster on the horn, he needs you to tell him what for!

Flex yo facts! 💪
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Not necessarily. Dumbing this down quite a bit:

Todays PC Setup
SSD <--> CPU < --> System RAM <--> GPU RAM

SSD <--> Unified RAM

I've said this multiple times, their are development pipelines in place to address this issue on PC. However, as of today those limitations are still there regardless if the SSD in your computer exceeds the speed of the PS5's SSD


How are you going to mention a CPU on the PC setup but not one on the Sony setup?

SSD (5G/s) -> CPU -> GPU (RDNA2 ~12G VRAM @446GB/s)

SSD (2.5G/s) -> CPU -> System RAM (16G @ ~25G/s) -> GPU (2080Ti 11G VRAM @ 616G/s)

Do you see the built-in cache here that the PC can utilitize that's faster than the SSD from Sony? And that's just a typical 16G configuration. It can be much much larger.
Does it have a second drive in there? Otherwise you couldn't record if that is the case. Saving games, game updates, system updates, saving screenshots, video, installing a game, moving a game over to a different drive, etc, will all write to the disk.
u probably put a usb thumb drive
Especially if you're constantly uninstalling games to make room for new ones, as a good many people who aren't in the know about this kind of thing will be.
even consumer grade cheap ones can handle 3600 full game installs. Will someone install games 3600 times in 5 years? That is ignoring sonys drive may have higher endurance
What are you guys talking about?

The article is still up.

They deleted a tweet so that means that the XsX can't run the demo?
The tweet implied the xbox had more tflops and it wasnt indicative. Implying superior xbox version. The article has a disclaimer that it might not have an advantage.
People like me, eh? I have only been quoting Sweeney himself. Keep the fight stronk though, thank fuck we have you here to set all of us fellow nerds straight. Get Sweenster on the horn, he needs you to tell him what for!

Says the guy who spun a deleted tweet just a few minutes ago lol. Just wait till the demo is available to the public. Or when pc architecture doesn't change, because a $500 console.
Indeed, X discord group anyone? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Alex was part of the X discord? Like, for real?

“This is not just a whole lot of polygons and memory. It’s also a lot of polygons being loaded every frame as you walk around through the environment and this sort of detail you don’t see in the world would absolutely not be possible at any scale without these breakthroughs that Sony’s made.”

While Epic wouldn’t comment on any potential performance differences between the PS5 and Xbox Series X, Sweeney confirmed that the features shown today, like real-time global illumination and virtualized geometry, are “going to work on all the next-generation consoles.”

I still don't get where "demo can't run on the XsX" comes out of this

You don’t need to stan for that guy, you’re trying too hard. He has his own track record for all to see.

Ironic that you told me this, not the guy I was replying to, who tried to make some super sketchy assumption based on Alex's body language in one video

What did Alex do to hurt you all?


Also, c'mon dude, don't call me a stan. That's just a bullshit way to try to dismiss someone's argument. I don't stan for anybody. I am wrong all the time, maybe I am wrong this time, but I am being genuine.
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Gold Member
Says the guy who spun a deleted tweet just a few minutes ago lol. Just wait till the demo is available to the public. Or when pc architecture doesn't change, because a $500 console.

What did I spin? I asked if it was true my dude.

So you’re telling me these SSD IO and software stacks won’t make their way to the PC? Naga please!
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