PS5's SSD is "far ahead" of those found in high-end PCs, according to Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney



How are you going to mention a CPU on the PC setup but not one on the Sony setup?

SSD (5G/s) -> CPU -> GPU (RDNA2 ~12G VRAM @446GB/s)

SSD (2.5G/s) -> CPU -> System RAM (16G @ ~25G/s) -> GPU (2080Ti 11G VRAM @ 616G/s)

Do you see the built-in cache here that the PC can utilitize that's faster than the SSD from Sony? And that's just a typical 16G configuration. It can be much much larger.
Eh? Are you genuinely oblivious to the fact that ps5 has a bespoke processing unit for streaming and decompressing the data from ssd into ram directly? No cpu involved.
Alex was part of the X discord? Like, for real?

I still don't get where "demo can't run on the XsX" comes out of this
You won't. Just people doing their daily spinning to their liking. If this was exclusive to Sony, it would have been stated. If there were discrepancies between consoles, why wouldn't Sweenie speak up about it? He has no allegiance to Microsoft, Sony, or AMD. Both consoles will still use their engine either way. Many devs are outright speaking about differences between the consoles, or which ones they prefer. One of the devs even said the demo plays pretty good on pc with a 2070. But you have neckbeards coming out of the woodworks with all kinds of naysaying.


Gold Member
Alex was part of the X discord? Like, for real?

I still don't get where "demo can't run on the XsX" comes out of this

Ironic that you told me this, not the guy I was replying to, who tried to make some super sketchy assumption based on Alex's body language in one video

What did Alex do to hurt you all?

He did not hurt me any, but he likes to deal in downplay FUD from time to time.

Where did he touch your heart? You seem to know very little about someone you want to go to bat for.


I have yet to see meaningful game loading differences between sata ssds and pcie ssds. Who knows how long it will take to load if u try to load 100GB of ram.

The ps5 ssd is 100x faster in practice than an hdd.

We aren't comparing hdd to ssd. I have ssd compared to ssd. And that's a 2X of speed. You also are coming up with silly numbers out of thin air. Stop quoting 100GB of data. That's just silly. Lastly, don't think that this is not scaled down to manageable memory. Read the paper I put up a few pages back. It'll enlighten the lot of you.


Gold Member
You won't. Just people doing their daily spinning to their liking. If this was exclusive to Sony, it would have been stated. If there were discrepancies between consoles, why wouldn't Sweenie speak up about it? He has no allegiance to Microsoft, Sony, or AMD. Both consoles will still use their engine either way. Many devs are outright speaking about differences between the consoles, or which ones they prefer. One of the devs even said the demo plays pretty good on pc with a 2070. But you have neckbeards coming out of the woodworks with all kinds of naysaying.

Dude quit clownin’, you’re just as bad as everyone else shitting up all these threads with your PCMR mouthbreather garbage.

Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
By 2021, when UE5 releases, PCs will have SSD tech similar to the consoles. By 2022, or 2023, when the first UE5 game is released, consoles will no longer be even in the same ballpark as PCs. That said, if Horizon 2 looks like that UE5 tech demo I'll buy a ps5.

Console only peeps beating their chest about having a single unique feature for a year or two is kind of silly. This is why those of us that are "non-denominational" gamers laugh at those of you who are stuck goal tending for one platform or the other.

cool story
DeepEnigma DeepEnigma


Eh? Are you genuinely oblivious to the fact that ps5 has a bespoke processing unit for streaming and decompressing the data from ssd into ram directly? No cpu involved.

The application needs to process that ram dude. It doesn't just go straight to the GPU for processing. You do know how the 3d graphics pipeline works right? That hasn't changed.
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Dude quit clownin’, you’re just as bad as everyone else shitting up all these threads with your PCMR mouthbreather garbage.
Because you don't agree with me, or logic for that matter, you resort to personal attacks? Great way to win a debate young lad 👶. You can simply ignore me if you'd like. 💋
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How are you going to mention a CPU on the PC setup but not one on the Sony setup?

SSD (5G/s) -> CPU -> GPU (RDNA2 ~12G VRAM @446GB/s)

SSD (2.5G/s) -> CPU -> System RAM (16G @ ~25G/s) -> GPU (2080Ti 11G VRAM @ 616G/s)

Do you see the built-in cache here that the PC can utilitize that's faster than the SSD from Sony? And that's just a typical 16G configuration. It can be much much larger. are you vetted agian?


The application needs to process that ram dude. It doesn't just go straight to the GPU for processing. You do know how the 3d graphics pipeline works right? That hasn't changed.
We’re not talking about running an application, we’re talking about getting data from the ssd into ram.


We’re not talking about running an application, we’re talking about getting data from the ssd into ram.

We are talking about running the application. It doesn't happen by itself. The data is fetched from SSD and stored into RAM and then processed by the GPU. Don't get into this argument unless you are willing to show me some code. I'm tired of you guys playing armchair developer where your only means for argument is from what you read online. Show me some skills or keep quiet.


I thought so too

This guy is one of the problems of the internet 2020, giving voice to idiots.
The subject thinks that he understands something because he has knowledge at best at the technical level and can contradict an engineer from a large company.

Real kicker is I like Alex, but his background is not that of a graphics engineer. He use to do coding and web stuff from what i know. Has a good handle on pc tech, and a lot of engine jargine. But talking on a pure level of engine back end stuff when it comes to development he seems to have tunnel vision in his assessment.


Guys...Tim is a salesman salesman salesman. Just remember that.
When his team goes on stage with a Series X version, he will sell the same time.
And then the same thing when he joins Nvidia Ampere presentation. He may even return today with Jensung! 🤷‍♀️


We are talking about running the application. It doesn't happen by itself. The data is fetched from SSD and stored into RAM and then processed by the GPU. Don't get into this argument unless you are willing to show me some code. I'm tired of you guys playing armchair developer where your only means for argument is from what you read online. Show me some skills or keep quiet.
Only you are talking about running an application. Trying very hard to obscure the fact that consoles have a seperate i/o processor handling the dma between storage and ram without any cpu load.

Why the trolling bro, why all the effort.


Gold Member
Because you don't agree with me, or logic for that matter, you resort to personal attacks? Great way to win a debate young lad 👶. You can simply ignore me if you'd like. 💋


You won't. Just people doing their daily spinning to their liking. If this was exclusive to Sony, it would have been stated. If there were discrepancies between consoles, why wouldn't Sweenie speak up about it? He has no allegiance to Microsoft, Sony, or AMD. Both consoles will still use their engine either way. Many devs are outright speaking about differences between the consoles, or which ones they prefer. One of the devs even said the demo plays pretty good on pc with a 2070. But you have neckbeards coming out of the woodworks with all kinds of naysaying.

We are talking about running the application. It doesn't happen by itself. The data is fetched from SSD and stored into RAM and then processed by the GPU. Don't get into this argument unless you are willing to show me some code. I'm tired of you guys playing armchair developer where your only means for argument is from what you read online. Show me some skills or keep quiet.
This is how I feel about several people on here who read something online, then can't explain how or why something works.




PC enthusiasts acting like they won’t spend another 2000$ in upgrades along the next three years.

Also “PC”, I have a PC. My PC won’t give me 4K60, hell it doesn’t give me 4K60. Gives me 1080p with almost every setting at max though. Wait, that’s not PC enough?

You’re the 1%, remember that when you try to spread your wings and get the whole PC platform under your shadow. Fact: vast majority of PC gamers will need more than a 399-499$ upgrade if they want to match the PS5/XSX. They will need a whole lot if they want bragging rights.

When consoles are compared to PC, the comparison should be the average gamer, not the 1%.
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Sweeney said it himself directly. The whole thing was a PS5 showcase.

It was Tim (Epic) that confirmed that the demo needs to have less detail to run on Xbox.

Watch the interviews read the quotes from the actual developers. Tbey say the same without ssd this level of detail aint possible.

This is what Sweeney said

“This is not just a whole lot of polygons and memory. It’s also a lot of polygons being loaded every frame as you walk around through the environment and this sort of detail you don’t see in the world would absolutely not be possible at any scale without these breakthroughs that Sony’s made.”

While Epic wouldn’t comment on any potential performance differences between the PS5 and Xbox Series X, Sweeney confirmed that the features shown today, like real-time global illumination and virtualized geometry, are “going to work on all the next-generation consoles.”

Yes, today was about praise for the PS5 BUT that does NOT have to come at the detriment to the XsX. You have to reach to find "XsX can't run this demo" in anything written today. For all we know the XsX has made big enough breakthroughs as well.
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Watch the interviews read the quotes from the actual developers. Tbey say the same without ssd this level of detail aint possible.
Yet one of the very same devs said it's available on both, next gen consoles, it runs pretty good on pc, it's coming to phone, and you could get reduced performance from running on a HDD (so ps4 and Xbox 1 could suffer if they release games in 2021). Watched the videos, read the articles, and have seen the comments. It's possible. The devs themselves said so.



How are you going to mention a CPU on the PC setup but not one on the Sony setup?

SSD (5G/s) -> CPU -> GPU (RDNA2 ~12G VRAM @446GB/s)

SSD (2.5G/s) -> CPU -> System RAM (16G @ ~25G/s) -> GPU (2080Ti 11G VRAM @ 616G/s)

Do you see the built-in cache here that the PC can utilitize that's faster than the SSD from Sony? And that's just a typical 16G configuration. It can be much much larger.
PS5 doesn’t use CPU to take SSD data to RAM... there is co-processors to that job.


This is what Sweeney said

Yes, today was about praise for the PS5 BUT that does NOT have to come at the detriment to the XsX. You have to reach to find "XsX can't run this demo" in anything written today.
All the techniques shown are possible on the XsX. No disagreement.

But if any of that demo was pushing 5.5gig stream, then XsX would not be able to sustain the same result. I though I was clear on this in my prior reply to you. Why ignore such a basic premise.

Look, 3rd party games for the most part will likely target XsX streaming capability and as a result will look better on XsX. Some may scale up and down giving PS5 the edge. Nothing more to it.
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By 2021, when UE5 releases, PCs will have SSD tech similar to the consoles. By 2022, or 2023, when the first UE5 game is released, consoles will no longer be even in the same ballpark as PCs. That said, if Horizon 2 looks like that UE5 tech demo I'll buy a ps5.

Console only peeps beating their chest about having a single unique feature for a year or two is kind of silly. This is why those of us that are "non-denominational" gamers laugh at those of you who are stuck goal tending for one platform or the other.

As someone who games on PC and Playstation... I will be thrilled to have a console with specs that don;t completely pale in comparison with my PC. My guess is that high end enthusiast SSDs will be faster than the PS5's once PCIE 4.0 goes mainstream but I expect the PS5's SSD to hold its own easily with the vast majority of mainstream PCs
Yet one of the very same devs said it's available on both, next gen consoles, it runs pretty good on pc, it's coming to phone, and you could get reduced performance from running on a HDD (so ps4 and Xbox 1 could suffer if they release games in 2021). Watched the videos, read the articles, and have seen the comments. It's possible. The devs themselves said so.
Do you honestly think android mobile will be anywhere near this,?

Pc nvme ssd is no faster than sata ssd in practice. Ps5 is 18x faster than sata thanks to compression.

Maybe the ssd wont be an issue or directstorage solves this. Soon we will have nvidia event that should clear things up.
ethomaz ethomaz

yet again

“This is not just a whole lot of polygons and memory. It’s also a lot of polygons being loaded every frame as you walk around through the environment and this sort of detail you don’t see in the world would absolutely not be possible at any scale without these breakthroughs that Sony’s made.”

While Epic wouldn’t comment on any potential performance differences between the PS5 and Xbox Series X, Sweeney confirmed that the features shown today, like real-time global illumination and virtualized geometry, are “going to work on all the next-generation consoles.”

The XsX is never mentioned, wasn't mentioned by anyone today, maybe they can't because of NDAs, who knows, but saying that Sony's breakthrough made the demo possible doesn't mean the XsX can't also run the demo. For all we know MS engineered a big enough breakthrough of their own to handle the demo fine
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What time is it?
Sounds like the PS5 is engineered in such a way where the SSD really can be used like a giant RAM pool. It's good to see industry heads confirm it, although this is pretty much what Sony has been claiming all along.

I hate to say it, but what if there is no workaround for this problem but at least games install / restore a lot faster?

PS3 installation was a pain. I still boot up the PS3 nowadays and it's so sluggish compared to PS4. That said, PS4 updates, patches, and installations are still "go make a sandwich" tier, but you can jump into the game faster in many cases. That was one of the original selling points of PS4, after all: you could partially-install a game and jump in. I believer there are loading comparisons between PS4 and X1 and PS4 performs better.

It's better than PS3. And the loading is miles better than the load speeds and limitations on my favorite SEGA Saturn or PS2 games, but the PS4 can still take minutes or hours to install/patch a single game.

If the SSD is fast, installation itself for a PS5 title should be very quick. The bottleneck would be re-downloading the files or ripping the files from the disc, but at least one facet of the installation process has been sped up. How long does it take to fully install Red Dead Redemption 2 on a PS4 Pro and download and install the latest patches? About 2 hours, I found out about 2 weeks ago. On the PS5, maybe a similar installation would only take 6 minutes. Another option would be partial uninstallations, where you uninstall the "core" of the game but retain the patches and save files (PS4 already kinda allows this). So a game might be 100 GB fully installed and patched, but you can store a backup of the installation that only takes up 20 GB and reduces the time it takes to reinstall from 6-8 minutes down to 1-2 minutes.

Still a pain, but less of a pain.

I'm not saying this is how it will work in the PS5, but I could see it working something like that.

PS5 needs an archive to local storage option. Re-downloading isn't a great option if you live with data caps.


ethomaz ethomaz

yet again

The XsX is never mentioned, wasn't mentioned by anyone today, maybe they can't because of NDAs, who knows, but saying that Sony's breakthrough made the demo possible doesn't mean the XsX can't also run the demo. For all we know MS engineered a big enough breakthrough of their own to handle the demo fine
“This is not just a whole lot of polygons and memory. It’s also a lot of polygons being loaded every frame as you walk around through the environment and this sort of detail you don’t see in the world would absolutely not be possible at any scale without these breakthroughs that Sony’s made.

How you watched the demo is only possible on PS5.
You can have it in other platforms with less details and slower loaded assets.

At least until PC brute force with PCI-E 7GB/s late this year.

He didnt. He's making it up.
Yeap all sites made up the same quote from Tim :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Do you honestly think android mobile will be anywhere near this,?

Pc nvme ssd is no faster than sata ssd in practice. Ps5 is 18x faster than sata thanks to compression.

Maybe the ssd wont be an issue or directstorage solves this. Soon we will have nvidia event that should clear things up.
It's been preached to you over and over, yet you keep posting the same thing repeatedly. Why don't you understand PC isn't suddenly obsolete because they operate differently? Have you heard about DDR4? Should I just quote the same responses to you again?

Why not explain why PC would suddenly be at a disadvantage now? Instead of repeating the same, false things, over and over lol?
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