@King Dazzar
I love them!
At first I thought these were too dry and sharp but it was just a first few seconds. Then you quickly realize that these can go deeper bass than pulse3d and I suddenly discover sounds I've never noticed before in some of music I listen too. It's an experience to rediscover my music!
The downside is of course that some tracks are less musical and more analytic but I don't find it piercing yet. I did soma A/B elite/pulse3d and Pulse3d is starting to sound muffled in comparison. Like listening to music with sheet of paper between my ear and headphones.
I also found that some tracks had sub bass that pulse3d couldn't do and Elite does no problem. it's more "full range" if you will.
That's still at EQ flat 0. I only connected to ps5 to update and then to pc to listen to music. Will test on some games maybe this evening but with the music, I can already say the separation and directionality is quite a bit better than pulse3d.
I will get to your EQ settings too soon. I just want to give them a fair flat/default chance. After all - I've got new headphones for new sound, not to make them sound like previous pair
As for negatives/question marks
-As mentioned before, the crackling/popping/fizzle was there on monday but nothing yesterday. Maybe depends on something else.
-I think 3d was more comfortable due to less suction around your ears. Elites do close your ears in and transfer all microphonics. Something to get used too. not a big deal when stuff is playing but I suppose summer will be more difficult.