I've been having a great day so far. As I stated earlier, I managed to get enough Dub-Mythlit to devolve my second War Deity Saint Minerva and ultimate evolve her into War Deity Dark Minerva.
I then farmed som Pengdras and used the Sapphire Dragons I got yesterday to max lvl my Lakshmi and evolve her by finally getting the Mythlit I wanted (while Pengdra farming, huzzah!)
So now I find myself with no real goal for the day. No special dungeons I need to farm, no need for Pengdras. So I FINALLY decide to continue with the normal dungeons, which I haven't touched in who knows how long. Cleared Tower of Nature (the whole thing!) and the first level of Tomb of Saint - Expert. And now I'm finding myself with a full stamina bar again

What to do....
For Fire team you should try farming a Titan in the Tower of Giants for that heal to fire orbchange. That is definitely doable and will help you form a much better Fire team. EDIT: Phoenix Knight is also good for water to fire orb change if you have him
For Wood you really need a Highlander, which unfortunately isn't easily farmable (only in the 2 Heroes dungeon which is on Legendary difficulty!)
In both teams the Toydragons (Fortoytops and Flare Drall) are good for their orb changing only. Flame Drall for heal orbs to Titan and Fortoytops for heal orbs to Highlander. Both Toydragons also have the added advantage of emergency healing. Unfortunately Fire and Wood teams don't have a Siren in their attribute, so that's the best you can get.