George Claw M.D.
Yeah. It sucks when you get nothing but Metal Dragons. I got 5 Metal Dragons in 3 straight runs today for a total of 15 Metal Dragons and 0 Kings or Highs. I just feed them to Pengdras, 3 at a time to make the most use of them.Man, I can't wait for Dark Pengdras. These Metal Dragons are absolutely USELESS and when you don't get a King or even a High and just get baby dragons, it's just.. wasted stamina. Eugh. Version 5.0 can't come soon enough
I usually kill 1 or both bosses in 1 shot. I run ADK/ADK/Wind Mech/Ice Mech/Aurora Ripper, all pretty high levels. ADK's orb change turns all Fire orbs to Wood, leaving nothing but Wood, Water, and Heart orbs, which makes multiple chain combos pretty easy. The Water Dragons take care of the Fire bosses which are strong against my Wood monsters, and my max level Wood Dragons take care of the rest. It's really a matter of having a strong-enough team and ability to pull off high chain combos. Also, the game auto-targets enemies based on weakness matchups, which sometimes splits your firepower between the 2 bosses. If you're not confident you can kill at least 1 of the bosses, you can manually target the boss you're most likely to be able to 1-shot. It's important to kill at least 1 before they attack if they're on identical timers. I'm assuming you have at least 10K HP? That allows you to absorb a single attack. If you can't survive 1 hit, then you obviously have to kill both bosses before either get an attack do you guys get through the last floor of master tricolor? I got 1 shotted with my dual ADK team.
I'm pretty comfortable with my gold stash at the moment, so instead of running the Tricolor dungeon, I started farming Ocean of Heaven which has a 1.5x drop rate right now. My ADK team is strong enough to penetrate Neptune's 96,000 defense, so I've been running that for the high gold reward in addition to stat bonuses, King Metal Dragons, Mystic Masks, and decent exp. Only ran it 5 times so far, but already got 2 Mystic Masks. My last run was probably the best normal dungeon run I've had since I started playing this game.