Yeah, once you're no longer at full health, those Devils will hit you so hard without resistI went in with an Odin and got destroyed, next time GED again. And yeah waiting for stamina sucks.
Yeah, once you're no longer at full health, those Devils will hit you so hard without resistI went in with an Odin and got destroyed, next time GED again. And yeah waiting for stamina sucks.
I went in with an Odin and got destroyed, next time GED again. And yeah waiting for stamina sucks.
Oh, taking an Odin is a bad idea with all those 1 round devils!
And I don't think you will have a good chance with GED! Just take a Neptune, Aurora Dragon or a Fortoytops.
Yeah, that's why I replied! I put my Fortoytops up in case anyone wants him, but I think with your AMA your better of with a Neptune.Oops, right. Glad you said that, wouldve cost me another 50 otherwise.
Yes. Definitely skill her up!This dungeon has marine goblins too. If I dump these on my siren, will the skill up (if it ever happens) carry over through evolving?
I think i may FINALLY have the first stage of Frozen Soil of Prosell on farm status. All i can say is:
And if thats not enough, i took both my ADK and my wind mech from 65 to max level over the weekend, and got about 40 + eggs for my ADK. Yea, ive been busy.
Heres the team im using to farm Frozen Soil
The Echidna is there only for the boss, i pop it right away, start orb changing, and boss is dead within 3 turns
I decided to max the Wind Mech instead of the Parvati because i use it like 50+ times a day, and the Parvati basically never gets used at all, except for the rare special dungeon. But Parvati is next.
Xel, hoping your still around. Any chance we can see your Ammy today? Would make Master Ocean a lot easier.
Absolutely do not waste a king on such terrible monsters. So early in the game you should usually just match your team to the colour of your starter unless you have something better for leader. Get some evolved healers for your friends list and you'll get far.Is it worth keeping a Black + White knight in your party? Just noticed both of them are final evolutions and I don't know if I should give my king metal dragon to the black knight, since his stats seem to be pretty subpar, even at max lvl
I have a Blood Devil and Pteras, so I'm wondering if I should change them.
Went in with my ADK and Xel's Ammy. Got stomped at the boss. He hit harder than I could heal up. Guess I have to bring Crystal Aurora Dragon next time. Thought I could power through it. Sucks to waste 50 stamina ugh.
I use the same teamJust noticed you're the guy I added from facebook last week, you have the parvati too, right?
I am stuck at the last level of Polar Night Tower, Blue Guardian. lists the attack of the Leviathan endboss as 8472, but even with a 50% water resist I was one-shotted although my hp was over 6000. I tried it a second time with double resists and died on the sub-bosses because I couldn't heal fast enough. Any suggestions?
Absolutely do not waste a king on such terrible monsters. So early in the game you should usually just match your team to the colour of your starter unless you have something better for leader. Get some evolved healers for your friends list and you'll get far.
I am stuck at the last level of Polar Night Tower, Blue Guardian. lists the attack of the Leviathan endboss as 8472, but even with a 50% water resist I was one-shotted although my hp was over 6000. I tried it a second time with double resists and died on the sub-bosses because I couldn't heal fast enough. Any suggestions?
Yeah I'm planning on spending this week skilling up my Siren via Skydragon.
If anyone can put up a red 50% resist leader for me after you've burnt through stamina I'd appreciate it. I'm still trying to get the drop on fire sky before it ends.
I have a Neptune I could leave up as leader for the water dungeon. Should I go water/dark or water/light with him? I have a Pierdrawn for dark/water resist already.
Yeah, I'll leave her up. Pretty much all I've been doing is leaving leaders up. ADK gets a lot of use on the weekend is the only reason I had him up. She heals 3725/turn at the moment.
Oh, blue ripper. I will finally get one of you bastards!
Got the Blue Skydragon Nirai Kanai on my second try on Master, yay!
This dragon looks awesome, love the artwork. Hoping the stats aren't pathetic like the red dragon.
I'm happy with the Succubus, but I guess with the Mech Dragon it was more of a matter of principle after so many runs! (and yes, it didn't drop in my last few runs yesterday night).It's the other way round for me... Got 3 Mech Dragons from running expert but not a single succubus, which is the only thing I really wanted![]()
2 runs of master, but no boss drop. Will try again later. I initially went in blind and 1-shot the boss with my ADK team. I looked up the wiki and saw it had over 900K HP! Dat weakness!
As a newish player, what kind of drops/etc are you guys talking about with the advanced dungeons? Is there a quick guide to lategame drops or specials/etc I can read? I'm just used to getting everything from pulls.
That site will help you a ton. Depending on how early you are, most stuff will come from Pulls. You really don't see 'good' drops until you get later through the normal dungeon and SOMETIMES on the lower tier special dungeons.
What lvl/dungeon are you?
hes closer to 16500 damage. Your options are kill him before he kills you, odin, or resolve, resist with enough hp, 2 resists etc
That site has proven to be less than reliable, but yeah the Blue Guardian hits for 16k+ unresisted. You need either 50% water resist and ~10k HP or Odin/Resolve.I am stuck at the last level of Polar Night Tower, Blue Guardian. lists the attack of the Leviathan endboss as 8472, but even with a 50% water resist I was one-shotted although my hp was over 6000. I tried it a second time with double resists and died on the sub-bosses because I couldn't heal fast enough. Any suggestions?
I think your Amaterasu is a better Leader. A 50% resist dragon is more common then a 3k+ Healer!![]()
I have my Ammy up lvl 93 3,245 healing for people on my list. I can switch to dark neptune though if that's preferred.
Yo blackflag, are you in the spreasheet? I can't find your id #
My list is just the opposite. Since midnight, it's been all Siren all the time.Yeah that's probably true. I just looked and like 30 people on my list have blue ripper up haha
My list is just the opposite. Since midnight, it's been all Siren all the time.