Vincent Alexander
Bastion is one of my favorite games of all time. Transistor, while I enjoy, does not hold as fond of a place. If you've tried this many times and you can't get through, I would call it and move on. However, please do give Bastion a try. It is amazing in all regards. One of the sexiest, loveliest narrators you'll ever listen to, making all sounds entering your ears after sound like rusty cogs grinding against a chalkboard. The battle system is responsive and quick too, and probably right up your alley considering what you've said about Transistor.This is a bit off-topic, but I've started Transistor like 4 times, the fourth being yesterday preceding Pyre's launch. I'm struggling to get into the combat here. I love the amount of customisation with the abilties, and their variable passive and active traits. But it's hard to find a flow in this game. The time stop ability is very neat, but I feel like you're just waiting for it to come off cooldown just to repeat it, real time combat feels really sloppy. It's a real shame, because the world seems super neat, and the game looks gorgeous, and holy fuck that soundtrack is perfect. Curious to see if Pyre is going to feel like a slog to me, too, or whether it really works for me after all.
Maybe I just need to commit to Transistor and really get into it, it's not a lengthy game. Never played Bastion either.
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This wait is killing me.