John Kowalski
Seems like something they could fix. That they are aware of this and not in some way addressing it so far is a clear display that it isn't one of their priorities.
Now that a guard's skin has been lightened the racists will buy Beyond. Cage's plan has worked.
Now that a guard's skin has been lightened the racists will buy Beyond. Cage's plan has worked.
Seriously though, I'd be interested in knowing how many people complaining about this actually bought the game and were offended by the change when they saw this / were planning to buy the game and won't now because of this.
Seriously though, I'd be interested in knowing how many people complaining about this actually bought the game before the article and were offended by the change when they saw this / were planning to buy the game and won't now because of this. Can't imagine there were too many sales lost or gained by this move either way.
What does that matter though?
Ahahaha. That's just awful, is that for real? Was there any backlash to that?
What does that matter though?
So racism or white washing doesn't apply when you aren't going to gain sales? Because if that isn't your point I dont see how any of that matters.
My point is that if this is a problem, and their apology/explanation isn't good enough, the only solution is for QD to make a patch that fixes it. Would it be worth it in their eyes to spend the time and money to develop one if the people upset by this didn't actually buy the game or weren't going to buy it anyway? I know it'd be good in the sense that (as far as I can tell) no one reacted positively to this change and fixing it could only gain goodwill, but I'm wondering whether it'd ultimately be worth it for QD in the business sense.
So racism or white washing doesn't apply when you aren't going to gain sales? Because if that isn't your point I dont see how any of that matters.
Like I said the lighting in the engine makes a marginal difference. That's kadeem hardison. They aren't going to straight up change his model. They made explicit and intentional changes to the other npc.Here is how Cole compares:
Seems like they changed the lighting in most scenes or changed the gamma curve.
This is not whitewashing. Whitewashing is the removal of ethnic characters from true historical events and replacing them with white American actors in the movies of said events.
This is a character artist redrawing an Arabic fictional character with a lighter skin tone. The people arguing against it are literally saying all Arabic people are one singular skin tone that was perfectly represented in the original version of the game and can't be this other skin tone that they are in the new version.
Yes, because they were low res on PS3 and looked bad up close. That's the only reason they were changed, to make them look better and have more polygons on PS4. You know, the sole point of a remaster. Cole didn't need any upgrading, because he is a primary character and looked good to begin with on PS3. Nonetheless he is still affected by the lighting and shader change. They did the same upgrading process for other bad looking passer-bys as well, not just the guards in this chapter.Like I said the lighting in the engine makes a marginal difference. That's kadeem hardison. They aren't going to straight up change his model. They made explicit and intentional changes to the other npc.
"They should have been more careful/thoughtful" is really the most I feel you can say about this. I care about these issues but I don't really see a smoking gun here.
The Arab characters were dark skin in the original. Now they are light skin. How is that not white washing if you dont apply mental gymnastics? White washing doesn't just apply to historical works and movies. If you have a piece where all the characters are portrayed one way then all of them except the dark skinned ones get to remain so in another, how is that not whote washing?
Cause everyone got more white, including characters that were already white to begin with. Very dark characters also got darker, the new skin shader is going into the extremes, which you either like or don't.The Arab characters were dark skin in the original. Now they are light skin. How is that not white washing if you dont apply mental gymnastics? White washing doesn't just apply to historical works and movies. If you have a piece where all the characters are portrayed one way then all of them except the dark skinned ones get to remain so in another, how is that not whote washing?
The PR does not say whether they intent to fix it and of course they could fix it. They never pretended otherwise, they just explained how this change came to be due to technical reasons. Do you really care enough about this "bug" is the question?Reading the official PR I would be fucking naive to believe they couldn't fix this if they wanted to. Of the 1000 effects they employ in games to achieve every effect imaginable they can't fix the one that affects the skin tone of the dark characters? Yeah okay.
Whatever excuse they wanna present for not fixing it doesn't matter. If they know its an issue and they won't fix it then they are condoning its fine to lighten up dark characters. Everything else is just justifying some bullshit.
The Sheikh you talk to directly in the game has remained unchanged, some of the other NPCs have had new models with some having changed skin textures. No ethnicities have been changed, look at the previous page the new character models look distinctly Saudi.
Many Arab gaffers have commented that this unintentional change actually is more faithful to how Arab people in that region generally look. Where is the issue?They were dark skin. Now they are light skin. It doean't matter of they still look Saudi. The darkness of your skin has many negative or positive connotations in many cultures (which is horrible). It matters. You are trying to play it off like ot doesn't but it does.
Cause everyone got more white, including characters that were already white to begin with. Very dark characters also got darker, the new skin shader is going into the extremes, which you either like or don't.
The PR does not say whether they intent to fix it and of course they could fix it. They never pretended otherwise, they just explained how this change came to be due to technical reasons. Do you really care enough about this "bug" is the question?
It looks like most of them are the same, sans sometimes clothing:
They're specifically changing Saudis.
Many Arab gaffers have commented that this unintentional change actually is more faithful to how Arab people in that region generally look. Where is the issue?
A small part of me expected darker skin. But i knew what I was actually in for.
It's almost as if porting a game from one generation to the other might require some color balance. Sweet Jesus, people wanna see controversy everywhere they look. Maybe sometimes a cigar is just a xenophobic agenda cigar.
So you are going to continually ignore my point huh?
We don't know, but they certainly either changed the lighting model a lot or the entire gamma curve. Bright stuff is brighter and dark stuff is darker.Could this happen because they stopped baking AO into diffuse maps in the new engine?
Listen, QD did address it because they were openly accused of intentional white-washing, when they are not aware of doing such a thing. Hence you clarify it, as otherwise people think you silently admit to it. Of course it can be fixed, QD never said otherwise. Maybe they will actually fix it, maybe not. They merely explained how this change came to be due to technical changes and not due to artistic intent. Being accused of racism and intentionally white washing would feel pretty accusing to me, if I actively try to not do that in my games.The very dark characters got darker and the white characters got wjite yet everyone got lighter? What?¿??¿
The PR bugs me because he is playing victim. If you don't think its a problem dont address it. But dont go in the face of evidence "oh how could you ever accuse me!!" when anyone with eyes can see that the dark skin characters got lighter. And dont blame technical reasons when this is somrthing that can obviously be fixed. There is nothing technically impossible in fixing this. You just dont want too.
This said I dont think QD is racist or anything like that. Games are technical and are subject to change with technology that has unexpected consequences. But that means when something like this happens I expect them to say, "you know what we didnt recognize this as an issue, we will fix it", not "yall are seeing shit where there is no shit" as though we are totally unaware of cultural phenomina and cage knows all.
They don't have to, because it's obvious everywhere. I just showed it.Wow they're super mad, but the actual stuff from the files they provided showed that yeah everyone is whitewashed. They're saying that some people are darker but can't show that that's the case anywhere.
Listen, QD did address it because they were openly accused of intentional white-washing, when they are not aware of doing such a thing. Hence you clarify it, as otherwise people think you silently admit to it. Of course it can be fixed, QD never said otherwise. Maybe they will actually fix it, maybe not. They merely explained how this change came to be due to technical changes and not due to artistic intent. Being accused of racism and intentionally white washing would feel pretty accusing to me, if I actively try to not do that in my games.
Then pretend he said "Caucasian-looking," or "whiter" instead of Caucasian, and the point being made still stands. The examples in the OP are beyond lighting gdifferences — if you can see their lighter skin tone, then you do have an idea what Boban's talking about.
That's a fucking strong light then.
That's a fucking strong light then.
Honestly, both look arab to me. I'm all about speaking up when whitewashing (like in Gods of Egypt) happens but this isn't really the case here. There are many white Saudis and the models (see YianGaruga's post) don't look caucasian at all. They look like a more accurate depiction imo.
The former King Abdullah:
King Salman has pursued a more aggressive foreign policy than his predecessor, Abdullah
But its not true. At all not even a little. Lmao.Vicious.
But true.
It's almost like they want this game in the headlines