see, this explains a lot to me. you're naming first party nintendo stuff (which was largely really awesome on the n64, with your examples + star fox 64), but SNES had that too for me with some absolute classics from capcom (and disney!), squaresoft, konami's finest, and a whole lot more. N64 suffered greatly from 3rd parties flocking to the PSX, so in my mind its library is not as full/rounded.
i'm just busting balls - clearly you're not alone, as seen from thecrazyfollow-up votes, it just always struck me as a weird vote, unless you grew up after the NES/SNES, personally.
*edit yeah reading some of the details here, it seems to be an age thing. kinda assumed that the way the NES rates so low too.
By and large, my favourite games are Nintendo ones.
Yeah, I played a bunch of stuff on SNES. Aladdin and stuff, but none of them were classics, aside from the fighting games. And Bomberman.
Hmmm. Actually, Rocky and Pocky was good. Wasn't particularly a huge fan of Secret of Mana. I probably liked Illusion of Time (Gaia) more.
I grew up with the SNES (and GB). Well, 'grew-up' is probably generous. To be totally hones,t I grew up with Game & Watch
And as an aside, but because people mentioned it: I frigging LOVED my Dreamcast. I didn't think the games generally held a candle to most Nintendo ones, but I spent so much time with Soul Calibur, Rez, SFIII, Project Gotham Racing, Shenmue, Seaman, Phantasy Star Online (Hell, I bought the keyboard to play this game!), and of course Code Veronica and Grandia II....good, good times, man. And played lots of demos, like Jet Grind, - I just had a lot of variety on the DC. What a great all round console.