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Rate The Sony State of Play June 2nd, 2022

Rate it

  • A

    Votes: 185 29.8%
  • B

    Votes: 233 37.5%
  • C

    Votes: 119 19.2%
  • D

    Votes: 54 8.7%
  • F

    Votes: 30 4.8%

  • Total voters
if they hoped that the sixteenth final fantasy would excite me again. They didn't understand anything.

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Gold Member
I'm not interested in VR and the best looking games are all multiplatform so a C. RE4, SF6, and the Deadspace game look so good!


E3 used to be so much fun.
Grand showcases with someone on stage.

I gave it a B

I want FF7R-2
Expected nothing, so I left pleasantly surprised. Still don't give a damn about the VR games and most indies aside from Tunic. A solid B or 7.5/10 presentation.


One thing is clear, if Playstation wants buy Square (like the rumor said) instead of Capcom, they are big idiots.
Best state of play yet. Definitely wasn't a showcase. I'm mainly in for the VR, but pleasantly surprised that I'll be getting Stray for "free". Also liking the Horizon patch considering I'm about half way through the game.

It was too casual oriented. Big franchises. Established formulas. Remakes. Aesthetics over innovation.

A complete bore.

Hopefully PlayStation took their dump here and has something exciting to show everyone in September.


Gold Member
I gave it a low B. FF saved it for me. I'm into many horror games and when the first few things were Resident Evil I was kinda turned off. Callisto is new, but still horror, didn't help matters.

Stray looks good, unique though I really wished they would have shown a bit more. All the VR stuff dropped some point off for me. Horizon and RE was at least an example of the quality of VR being improved. Something about seeing hands detached from a body just irks the shit outta me, though. Street Fighter 6 looks good, but I haven't played since 4. Not with games like Guilty Gear Strive out there. I might get back into SF with this one though.

Overall though, if we are comparing to other State of Plays, this might as well been E3. I don't wish to encourage this though. I want Sony to do a real show. Pandemic is no longer an excuse. Get Jim's ass out there.


Solid B for me. Many styles of games, it feel diverse and cool. I didn't expect big reveals anyway so it may helped for a good impression.
Calisto, Seasons, SFVI, Stray, FFXVI, the VR games, that's cool stuff i'm eager to play.
And I'm sure Sony has some big guns in store for september.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Pleasantly surprised at how good it was.

Stray launching on the new service and the Spider-Men going to PC were legit megatons. I also never played RE4 so I'm looking forward to that.

The Callisto Protocol looks like scary fun. Also the Dec 2022 date. 2022 might be an under rated great year for gaming if nothing else gets delayed.
In the sense of "quality of the show" it was good, in the sense of "making me excited for Playstation or really feel like I need a PS5 some time soon" it wasn't good at all, every game that I'm interested in was multiplatform with the lone potential exception of Stray (although the fact platforming seems purely scripted was a rather huge dagger to my interest in the game).

Like I'll definitely get a PS5 some time soon for games like Spider Man 2 or the next Naughty Dog game, or if Sony buys Persona 6 exclusivity, but this SOP did absolutely nothing for increasing my interest in getting a PS5, which to me seems like a failure but that's just my opinion. Hopefully their "showcase" does better, whenever that is
Just changed my vote from a B to an A, now that I had some time to think on it. It was a about as good as one can realistic expect from a third party focused 30min State of Play.

FFXVI, RE4R, SF6... those are big games for a SOP.

Their real event is probably happening in September again and I expect God of War Ragnarok to either get officially delayed or get a release date relatively soon.

I also expect a proper PSVR2 focused event in the future, they showed way too little.
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Just watched it, I voted B. I think the big thing that makes this feel way better is the consistency: pretty much all games looked interesting. Could’ve used some more new info on upcoming first party titles but I think we’ll get more of that during Geoffs event and the late summer event.

FFXVI looks really promising and The Callisto Protocol is quickly becoming my most anticipated game of Fall outside of GoW.
Watching Final Fantasy XVI end the show was like...



Gold Member
I really enjoyed it, but also disappointed that a lot of the bigger titles appear to be for 2023. But boy, 2023 is going to be absolutely stacked!

I am looking forward to trying out Stray. That looks like a neat title.


I'm probably living in an alternative dimension where people score an A for this thing...
B already seems a stretch but A? Lmao.
Some people get excited for some stuff you don’t and that’s fine.
FF, RE4 and Calisto Protocol make this an A to me.


A- overall.

If I’m able to snag a PSVR 2, RE4 remake with VR content, REVIII Village VR, Horizon VR, and Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners ch.2 will all be likely purchases.

Stray getting a solid release date was welcome news.

The Callisto Protocol looks fucking sick.

Spiderman to PC does nothing for me but it’s a nice get for PC players.

Street Fighter VI had a pretty hype trailer.

FFXVI closing trailer was epic.

Very concise and to the point State of Play, with not much downtime. Probably the best SoP yet.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
but let me understand this should be the show that go against the Ms one coming the next week?
I dont think so.

Sony for the past few years have major showcases not labeled State of Play, they're usually labeled something Showcase.

If next week is MS's major showcase, then Sony's that will focus on first party games/studios is the one to compare it to.
If those multiplat announcements are indicative of marketing deals then Sony has done a good job. We have to remember that Sony’s marketing deals include clauses about subscription services so these games are ones that’ll likely enter extra before GamePass.

As timings go, with Harry Potter, TLOU and GOW at the tail end of this year and then these announcements/partnerships leading up to Spider-Man next year, Sony look to have a good slate lined up.

I think they definitely need to do more with Indies. Having a professional showcase for those games (which will be a bulk of day one extra games if we are honest) would go a long way.


If I had to rate it, I would give it a B. A solid showing in general, but FFXVI is the only game that I am interested in.


I'd rate it a B+, they got great support from Capcom and Square Enix and the indies/smaller titles were generally really cool.
RE4 remake, SF6 and FFXVI made the show really worth it.
Now I wonder if GoW will get a dedicated SoP, if there will be a dedicated trailer during Summer Game Fest or if we'll have to wait for the full Playstation Showcase later this summer.
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