i think what you meant to say was
"If you want to talk about the number of gameplay mechanics, we probably have a lot more than normally any single game would have,"
I didn't know Ready at Dawn was code for Platinum games.
i think what you meant to say was
"If you want to talk about the number of gameplay mechanics, we probably have a lot more than normally any single game would have,"
Well, I kinda said that in a post of mine as well. The Gaffers probably took their time (finding all the collectibles etc.) vs the youtuber. However, at least the youtube video gives you an idea of how long it vs people on GAF just throwing around numbers without evidence. Looking at various evidences from across the net, I think I will spend around 8 hours on this one, which isn't bad at all, but the lack of a new game+ is disappointing.
This is what Im hoping for. And I really hope RAD gets a chance to make it happen. Theyre very talented devs, evidenced by the engine theyve built for the game, and I absolutely want to see them expand on what they have. For a 1st new-IP AAA console game on a new engine, The Order looks like a good first step.
What risk does this game take?
Using more than one button in a QTE.
I have a feeling it will be in the used bin soon, though. Same thing happened with Wolfenstein.
I wonder how many people who were concerned about the length have been put off buying it.
You could also finish Far Cry 4 in 15mins if you wanted to.![]()
What risk does this game take?
You know, I hesitate to make a comparison to movies considering a cinema ticket costs the same regardless of whether it is a huge hollywood blockbuster or an indie movie that was kickstarted...
But, wouldn't you feel cheated if you went to see some hyped up blockbuster, paid your usual ticket price and it was all over in an hour?
Sorry for the question but there are a lot of The Order threads around with news all over them:
- does it feature a New Game+ mode?
- can the Platinum be obtained in one playthrough only?
Well, there's no new game + as there's no systems in the game that would lend to it (no upgrades, stats, resource collection). There's at least 3 difficulty modes, with Hard being recommended by RAD and those who've played.
why would there be a new game+? There is nothing to unlock. What are you going to do with a new game +? There is chapter select.
I like how people saying, "there's nothing wrong with a game of 5 hours"
Well, when it's single-player only and charging $60, there absolutely is.
Sure, quality over quantity but 5 hours for a strictly SP experience is ridiculous. Stop justifying it.
Note: I'm not saying The Order is only 5 hours, however these rumors are concerning.
Wtf? People here ask for an impressions thread, Rapier gives them one, and he, myself, and a couple of others give our impressions, but now none of that matters because of one YouTube video that conveniently fits certain peoples agendas? So whe're all lying, is that what you're saying?Well, I kinda said that in a post of mine as well. The Gaffers probably took their time (finding all the collectibles etc.) vs the youtuber. However, at least the youtube video gives you an idea of how long it vs people on GAF just throwing around numbers without evidence. Looking at various evidences from across the net, I think I will spend around 8 hours on this one, which isn't bad at all, but the lack of a new game+ is disappointing.
why would there be a new game+? There is nothing to unlock. What are you going to do with a new game +? There is chapter select.
I like how people saying, "there's nothing wrong with a game of 5 hours"
Well, when it's single-player only and charging $60, there absolutely is.
Sure, quality over quantity but 5 hours for a strictly SP experience is ridiculous. Stop justifying it.
Note: I'm not saying The Order is only 5 hours, however these rumors are concerning.
It seems to me that through the history of this forum we always have a lot of concerned posts over total playtime concerning every game that comes out. For all the deep concerns though have we ever actually had a game come out that was deemed a terrible value based on length? I can't think of one game I have played and thought - WTF! Thats it!! Only BLANK hours!!!
Sorry for the repost I put this in the wrong thread.
Sorry for the question but there are a lot of The Order threads around with news all over them:
- does it feature a New Game+ mode?
- can the Platinum be obtained in one playthrough only?
Hehe, but it has co-op and multiplayer![]()
Yep. I wonder how many people even care for the game or are just trolling.
Look at this thread:
I like how people saying, "there's nothing wrong with a game of 5 hours"
Well, when it's single-player only and charging $60, there absolutely is.
Sure, quality over quantity but 5 hours for a strictly SP experience is ridiculous. Stop justifying it.
Note: I'm not saying The Order is only 5 hours, however these rumors are concerning.
With the way the game has been billed, this has been a long time coming. People are usually quite hostile when it comes to video games being "cinematic experiences." I don't know what proof is out there, but hearing about people watching 5.5 hour gameplay videos from start to finish, has me thinking that the game is in line with most people's expectations of it. There's a hostile reaction, but I personally think it's a good thing. I don't want full-priced glorified movies taking over the AAA gaming space. I don't want devs thinking that the market is alright with this line of thinking. But, hey, that's just how I see things.
There's a right way and a wrong way to make and market this kind of game, and from everything I'm seeing and hearing of it, this is the wrong way. It doesn't help that they're doing interviews filled with words that amount to absolutely nothing.
It seems to me that through the history of this forum we always have a lot of concerned posts over total playtime concerning every game that comes out. For all the deep concerns though have we ever actually had a game come out that was deemed a terrible value based on length? I can't think of one game I have played and thought - WTF! Thats it!! Only BLANK hours!!!
Sorry for the repost I put this in the wrong thread.
1. Don't know
2. Guy got platinum in 10 hours so yes
1. Don't know
2. Guy got platinum in 10 hours so yes
That thought process doesn't make games better, it just leads to AAA bloat.
"People will complain it's too short so lets toss out a crafted environment. Just put everyone in an open world with a checklist of tons of boring shit to do for items and achievements."
I know right? This is cheaperDude, why play games when you can just talk about them on the Internet?
You never answered my question. Any examples of a recent game that takes risks?
I don't agree that being short is inherently a bad thing. I think that's just why I have such a disconnect in these threads. I'm not in the market for ketchup; I want to buy a fulfilling game experience. If that's 5 hours, then it's 5 hours. If it's not fulfilling, it has other issues.
All I know is, come Saturday and Sunday mornings. I'm going to have a whole lot of used copies of The Order 1886 in my store. And a bunch of pissed off customers who felt ripped off by the game's length if they beat it between 5-8 hours. I see it every single time when a game of this sort is released.
Is the Tomb Raider reboot better because it has multiplayer?
Is Dead Space 2 better because it has multiplayer?
Why would you watch a whole play through of the game on youtube? I can maybe understand if you peeked for a bit, but the whole game? Those who do so really had no intention on being the game in the first place. Then they will show up on these threads and complain about the game. I just don't get it.
Burn....Least you can charge nearly full price for a second hand game tho.
All reports?I wonder why lots of people dismiss the length issue by saying how great a short experience can be too.
Yet, from all reports, this isn't just a short game but a really bad one too. Shallow gameplay, shallow story, underdeveloped setting. It's just pretty bad from every angle you look at it.
I'm really curious about what makes people defend this with blind faith. I'd understand if it was a Soul game, but this is on a level of Ryse, just with a 3rd person shooter instead of a brawler.
The Order 1886 is for lovers of old fashioned single player experiences. For those who want to see strong efforts in storytelling-focused games make a comeback. It's a highly curated museum piece for old-timey, story driven videogames, and if you cherish having a collection of finely produced games, then that's the value of The Order in a nutshell. If you're excited for a strong new IP with endless possibilities and want to see RAD put out new iterations of this level of quality, then give them the nod. I already have.
Crysis 3 comes to mind, and that had MP
All I know is, come Saturday and Sunday mornings. I'm going to have a whole lot of used copies of The Order 1886 in my store. And a bunch of pissed off customers who felt ripped off by the game's length if they beat it between 5-8 hours. I see it every single time when a game of this sort is released. It doesn't matter if they got a platinum. It doesn't matter what difficulty they played it on. All that matters is that these customers beat it in one sitting. To a lot of casuals, that is now simply unacceptable for $60.
All I know is, come Saturday and Sunday mornings. I'm going to have a whole lot of used copies of The Order 1886 in my store. And a bunch of pissed off customers who felt ripped off by the game's length if they beat it between 5-8 hours. I see it every single time when a game of this sort is released. It doesn't matter if they got a platinum. It doesn't matter what difficulty they played it on. All that matters is that these customers beat it in one sitting. To a lot of casuals, that is now simply unacceptable for $60.
All I know is, come Saturday and Sunday mornings. I'm going to have a whole lot of used copies of The Order 1886 in my store. And a bunch of pissed off customers who felt ripped off by the game's length if they beat it between 5-8 hours. I see it every single time when a game of this sort is released.
Well, I kinda said that in a post of mine as well. The Gaffers probably took their time (finding all the collectibles etc.) vs the youtuber. However, at least the youtube video gives you an idea of how long it vs people on GAF just throwing around numbers without evidence. Looking at various evidences from across the net, I think I will spend around 8 hours on this one, which isn't bad at all, but the lack of a new game+ is disappointing.
I find this argument silly for some games. Does anyone actually play Far Cry 4 multiplayer that much? I guess the co-op is cool but unlike The Order 1886, Far Cry 4 is an established IP and its developers have more experience with AAA at this point.
Is the Tomb Raider reboot better because it has multiplayer?
Is Dead Space 2 better because it has multiplayer?
There are exceptions to this rule, of course. The Last of Us multiplayer was actually cool. And I like to play Uncharted multiplayer as well. But that's simply because Naughty Dog isn't your average developer and knows how to create a multiplayer that doesn't feel forced.
Are you serious? you think that a small studio making a new IP with no previous following on a single platform where they have to build their own engine and finance everything for 4 years with no return, with such high production values for a genre that isn't exactly "hot" right now is not a risk for them. this isn't an open world game or an FPS, it doesn't have multiplayer, basically it doesn't "tick all the boxes" if you know what I'm saying.
You never answered my question. Any examples of a recent game that takes risks?
Is this why games like Dragonage has 30 hours of fetch quests? Or Bravely Defaults end section? Just to pad the numbers? If it makes someone feel better to grab 10 flowers to heal a sick kid or kill 5 wolves to save a village, more power to them I guess but I would have been fine with A tight story.
Is this why games like Dragonage has 30 hours of fetch quests? Or Bravely Defaults end section? Just to pad the numbers? If it makes someone feel better to grab 10 flowers to heal a sick kid or kill 5 wolves to save a village, more power to them I guess but I would have been fine with A tight story.
Is this why games like Dragonage has 30 hours of fetch quests? Or Bravely Defaults end section? Just to pad the numbers? If it makes someone feel better to grab 10 flowers to heal a sick kid or kill 5 wolves to save a village, more power to them I guess but I would have been fine with A tight story.
I swear we had the exact same discussion when Uncharted 1 was released; and that game is not fondly remembered at all.
5 hour length with no replay value for a $60 dollar game is absolutely atrocious, and the market will surely see it that way; I fully expect the price of this game to go down REALLY fast.
Let's hope Sony gives them a second chance, so they can reuse assets and the engine and make a better all around sequel.