Eh, I'm not seeing the "It's true" based on this. Seems like how Trump would respond to outlandish accusations.
The Spy Who Peed On Me
guys 4chan leaked the final fantasy plotline months before it was released. They are of the caliber to pull something like this off.
Wikileaks going into full defense mode, Trump tweeting all caps, the Cohen tweet.
It's real. 100 percent real. They're panicking.
If Donald Trump can molest women and still win I'm sure this won't stop me, as long as I belittle and bully my opponents, and hey Janet's got thin skin.
guys 4chan leaked the final fantasy plotline months before it was released. They are of the caliber to pull something like this off.
So I'm not doubting the report, but can someone enlighten me as to why Russia has been seemingly arranging compromising events and monitoring Trump since at least 2011, as per the report? What was their interest, as I don't recall Trump having any political ambitions. Further, the idea that Trump could be any serious political player at that time would surely have seemed ridiculous, even to the Russians, so why would they go to such effort to assist/obtain compromising stuff on him?
I don't get it.
The piss stuff is really minor, honestly. It's the other stuff that's the real x100 Big Bang Kamehameha
lmao what a fucking idiot
So I'm not doubting the report, but can someone enlighten me as to why Russia has been seemingly arranging compromising events and monitoring Trump since at least 2011, as per the report? What was their interest, as I don't recall Trump having any political ambitions. Further, the idea that Trump could be any serious political player at that time would surely have seemed ridiculous, even to the Russians, so why would they go to such effort to assist/obtain compromising stuff on him?
I don't get it.
I wish Obama would make a subtle jab during his farewell speech about this
I said GODDAMN!!!!!
So I'm not doubting the report, but can someone enlighten me as to why Russia has been seemingly arranging compromising events and monitoring Trump since at least 2011, as per the report? What was their interest, as I don't recall Trump having any political ambitions. Further, the idea that Trump could be any serious political player at that time would surely have seemed ridiculous, even to the Russians, so why would they go to such effort to assist/obtain compromising stuff on him?
I don't get it.
I actually hope not, those poor girls.
Wikileaks is saying the report is fake and the format and whatnot do not match typical reports?
Note: Czech Republic is in the EU and participates in the Schengen system, meaning there are no passport checks between the Czech Republic and 25 other EU nation states ->
Or put differently, he could've gotten into a car in Berlin or anywhere else in a Schengen country, driven to Prague and there'd be no record of it as far as his passport is concerned.
You DO see how one might be harder than the other, right
Found this on Twitter and got a chuckle out of it.
It's fun to speculate and even more fun to make fun of the reactionary Right based on this reporting but it ain't confirmed yet.
Guys, Wikileaks.
It's been right in plain sight all along!
Found this on Twitter and got a chuckle out of it.
This is already front page news across major international outlets. Die Welt, Le Figaro, El Mundo... There's no turning back now.
Frank Rich ‏@frankrichny 3m3 minutes ago
Frank Rich Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Witch hunt is the language favored by Trump's Russian handlers. via @WSJ
so wikileaks is a curation service now?