imagine if he had nuke codes now?
what would he be doing?
This was faked by 4chan, and the Jew-run media is falling for it, but the Skull&Bones Congress won't let Trump get derailed because they payed off the Illuminati at the last Bilderberg meeting!!! Wake up, sheeple.
imagine if he had nuke codes now?
what would he be doing?
I'm still catching up on all the golden shower jokes. Can someone explain the Cohen part?
Do you even get stamped when moving from country to country in the EU?
It all makes sense..THAT'S what happened to his hair!
What's the treason? Didn't read anything outside the golden showers stuff.
Our boy, President Capslock
Credible allegations of Trump having worked with Russia for years to win the election and do business deals.
There's also an allegation trump hired women to pee in a bed used by Obama in a hotel room in Russia.
Note: Czech Republic is in the EU and participates in the Schengen system, meaning there are no passport checks between the Czech Republic and 25 other EU nation states ->
Or put differently, he could've gotten into a car in Berlin or anywhere else in a Schengen country, driven to Prague and there'd be no record of it as far as his passport is concerned.
Do you even get stamped when moving from country to country in the EU?
Note: Czech Republic is in the EU and participates in the Schengen system, meaning there are no passport checks between the Czech Republic and 25 other EU nation states ->
Or put differently, he could've gotten into a car in Berlin or anywhere else in a Schengen country, driven to Prague and there'd be no record of it as far as his passport is concerned.
Is there any way for the US to easily identify if Cohen went to Prague?
He's already lied about going there. If they can just prove him to be bullshitting about that it's done.
Emails reference:
I just ADORE all these journalists screaming "unverified!" at the moment. Didn't stop you when it was HRC. Found your ethics a little late
If this is true, Trump is basically done one way or another.
If this is false, anything bad ever said about Trump will forever be labeled as fake news and leftist propaganda.
Max Read@max_read
deep state in movies: CIA assassin garrotes the president deep state IRL: old memo about presidential piss party winds up on buzzfeed
No. There's free movement. Which is great for citizens, terrorists and political operatives alike.Do you even get stamped when moving from country to country in the EU?
Emails reference:
I just ADORE all these journalists screaming "unverified!" at the moment. Didn't stop you when it was HRC. Found your ethics a little late
The average Trump supporter doesn't read the news. This will do nothing.
Stop it, man. He's guilty. Period.
The average Trump supporter doesn't read the news. This will do nothing.
The most incriminating thing about this is that Trump and Cohen both *immediately* responded to THE MOST DAMNING THING IN THE DOCUMENT.
Who's ready for a potential constitutional crisis?!
Colbert is going to be so lit this week omg
Do people actually believe this???
Is this not on the same level as the Pizzagate nonsense?
Just asking...