Lionel Richie
Man I'm seeing so many posts I want to reply to on this thread and I can't focus on a single one lol. Let me just say I absolutely LOVE this thread.
I do not have a lot of time to GIVE an list of his posts, but Nemesis' posts on ERA are being purged now...
I do not have a lot of time to GIVE an list of his posts, but Nemesis' posts on ERA are being purged now...
Also /v/ is banning people who post about it now. The mods of /v/ have always been considered off by the users but this takes the cake. When Neogaf imploded the site owner had to step in and tell them to calm down. It doesnt make any sense that, with all the other stuff they let slide, /v/ of all places is banning people for even attempting to discuss it? Something is up, coincidence or not.
I do not have a lot of time to GIVE an list of his posts, but Nemesis' posts on ERA are being purged now...
Having read and posted on both ResetEra and NeoGAF, I would hope NeoGAF would be better than this.
Before I get people jumping down my throat and stating I'm being a ResetEra defender (or at worse saying I'm excusing behavior), the shit in this thread is the reason why I started posting on ResetEra and posted less or not at all on NeoGAF. Since people have left for ResetEra, those remaining on NeoGAF have developed a 'us vs them' mentality and it's constant trashing of former members of NeoGAF/current members of ResetEra/ResetEra/etc. on here. It's made reading posts here more insufferable, let alone posting here. This helps no one. This doesn't help NeoGAF. This doesn't help ResetEra. This doesn't help the gaming community as a whole. Someone has already mentioned past indiscretions of people that I will not go there or bring up.
As someone correctly mentioned earlier, this is not a ResetEra problem or a NeoGAF problem. Pedophilia is everywhere on the internet and in every community on the internet. That is shameful and disgraceful that it happens. It happened here long ago. That the original poster stated I find interesting that the person was given enough confidence to get invited to a discord, had gathered information, saw what she percevied as actual misdeeds, took screenshots and reported it here. It doesn't make the person seem trustworthy and completely derails her argument, even if what she said is happening and even though it was wrong. The proper thing would have been to report this to the proper authorities if the person felt she was not being believed sufficiently by the person she contacted and NOT to a rival message board or better yet not posted online at all. If she has already done that, then fine. It makes me suspect that it was done on purpose. Again, Celine B Sykes is not in the right either based on my perception of this thread so far.
Dice's post more eloquently summarizes my views as well on this. The posts after his post questioning his loyalty is a perfect example of what my issue is.
EviLore's actions in this thread doesn't help either, but essentially it's his site, his rules. What I think or believe about this is immaterial. The proper thing would be to close this thread. I could have sworn that it was mentioned not to engage in battles between ResetEra and NeoGAF back when the split happened and that NeoGAF would be moving on, but what do I know and why should I be listened to anyway? The amount of posts I've seen in this thread talking about ResetEra proves otherwise.
If you think or believe I should be mocked or ridiculed and my argument picked apart, then so be it. I would hope this site would do better now that the supposed "bad elements of NeoGAF are gone," but I was wrong.
I'm 3420-year old cheese tastes better than 10-year old cheese. Just sayin'.
I'm 34
what say you now?
Well, no one said they had good taste.20-year old cheese tastes better than 10-year old cheese. Just sayin'.
Then what you think about those "controversies"?I see what you mean. I'm usually slow on the uptake, but I'm growing more and more suspect about the timing (and the real objective) of a lot of those "controversies".
Bend overI'm 34
what say you now?
Can you link to some of the posts removed/scrubbed, or are they straight-up deleting them without a trace?I do not have a lot of time to GIVE an list of his posts, but Nemesis' posts on ERA are being purged now...
This is a big-brain comment." You take the Reset pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the Neogaf pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more. "
I do not have a lot of time to GIVE an list of his posts, but Nemesis' posts on ERA are being purged now...
Sorry, just to post this before I leave to rest for a while. Nemesis contacted me just to say that he requested his account deletion.Can you link to some of the posts removed/scrubbed, or are they straight-up deleting them without a trace?![]()
Ah, I didn't expect a response, but thank you.Sorry, just to post this before I leave to rest for a while. Nemesis contacted me just to say that he requested his account deletion.
He just wanted to clarify that since he's seen that you were wondering why his posts were disappearing.
I have absolutely no idea what is going on in this thread, but I have one question.
Is it releasing on Switch?
I hope I managed to convince you that I really have nothing to do with those accusations. It's the case for almost everyone from that server, like Eolz just said. You managed to digged out illicit content from someone I was not aware was doing this, and I'm as disgusted about it as anyone else. But it's really about the specific users
If possible, once Celines comes back and if she agrees too that it's a big misunderstanding, that my nickname (only asking about mine) could be scrubbed from the OP. Just so that I can definitely cut all ties.
Pedophilia is a vile digusting crime that I condemn with all my will. I hope you can trust me with that, and I really want to prove it.
I just want to clarify that it wasn't exactly to "protect her", because it'd be dishonest. I was indeed angry, and sent a DM aggressively but as you said, it was under pressure. It was really a big mistake and I address OP my sincerest apologies.
Since my name was visible in one of the screen caps but I was never actually part of any of the conversations listed, I can provide my part for at least one segment. Looking at the entire conversation of age of consent discussion’s context, it actually was incredibly innocuous(as some have already explained) and was in part a discussion on a topic on a rape that had made news where other members in era focused more on the age than the act itself. That’s all I can parse.
However I will absolutely defend Luigiblood. He was painted as something he was not in this whole situation. You clearly see he was speaking an entirely different discussion in the screenshot, left, was @‘d a joke in French, and he had responded to that soon after during that conversation. He wasn’t saying he loved that lower age of consent. At the very least, that requires an apology. He literally had nothing to do with any of this and CelineD chose to drag him into the mud.
I’m not gonna attempt to defend anything else on this, cause that shit’s fucked. That’s all I’ll really say on it.
Sucks when the court of public opinion immediately decides you're guiltily doesn't it? Karma's a bitch isn't it? You and the rest of Era have done that constantly and now it's your turn to feel what that's like.Hello everyone. It’s been a long time since I posted on gaf, but now I’m here in an attempt to clear out my name. I’m not a native English speaker so sorry for the few mistakes.
I thought long about this too, and despite being told that it would be better to just not engage conversation, I have hopes that people here will understand my arguments in good faith. I will not talk in names of the others, but only of mine. Because I’m a victim of misinterpretation. I'm not here representing anyone else but myself.
This server, which I was part of, was made to discuss video game sales numbers. It’s what fuelled the conversation most of the time. It’s not affiliated to era but usermade. It was not a server made for prominent members to make discussion with the staff. It’s all there is to it. The reason why you may recognize some popular names is because they’re all sales-related. It was a big place to discuss video game sales (be it Famitsu numbers, NPD, Media Create, PAL charts…). We never had any input in any kind of moderation issue. Most of the time we actually disagreed with the moderation, and a lot of us (including myself) got banned multiple times. I even considered going back to GAF at one point. The reason our server was private is because we didn’t want any console warring in it
Some discussions went off-topic, notably when it concerned moderation (as we often disagreed on it) and one of those is screencapped in OP, where a thread about GTAV and rape was made which caused many bans of Era members. From that point, we discussed legal perspectives and legal dispositions regulating those matters. That’s all there was to it. We discussed the difference between the age where you become a legal adult and the age of consent, which I mixed in the course of the discussion because, as I said, I’m not a native English speaker and definitely not well-versed in that field.
As for the threats OP claimed she got, I’m deeply sorry about the aggressive tone I may have conveyed. I just went out of school when someone linked me the thread and I was immediately filled with anger that someone I once considered a friend (and of which I thought it was reciprocal) accuse me of the sort. I sent a discord DM (the one OP screencapped) asking what the hell was going on and why would she do that. It ended abruptly as I was angered and saddened at the situation. I want to precise I didn’t threaten anyone of legal actions. My last sentence was very much made because of worries that OP, knowing her difficult situation, could be put in danger if someone took all of it very seriously and decided to sue her for defamation. I apologize to OP if I came across as threatening, but that wasn’t my intent.
For the LuigiBlood post, I believe he already explained his situation (which was tied to me merely because I was talking about the Metal Gear Solid 1 French dub).
As for my recent era name change, it was in hope that people would just forget about me. I didn’t want to come post here because I don’t like the attention. I’m no one important, just a rando like anyone here. I’m not affiliated with era or anyone else. I was just spending time on a discord server talking about games sales and anything that was discussing in general chat. I never expected that anyone could have interpreted my posts like that. I’m not a pedophile, nor was I ever interested in underage people. I’m still at university. My part of this situation is a big misinterpretation and I really want to prove it.
I’ve already cut ties with the server, and the people this thread rightfully pointed out as potentially very suspicious once their twitter account was digged out. I’m not affiliated at all with those people. I only talked with them in the context of game sales and what topics came in the general chat. I don’t know most of the people outside of that, and definitely not those affiliated with pedophile content. I’d also like to point out that nowhere did the server endorsed even remotely such content. Two of the people (the two most of this thread is about) got banned/kicked from the server and that nobody ever posted endorsement of pedophiles nor imagery of underaged people in the server and that the moderation would have taken action upon that without a doubt.
I’m no different than any of you, I’m just a random internet user fanboying over some games and ranting about others. I really want to clear out my name. I understand why you people would pursue people suspected of diving into pedophilia and other illegal fields, but I’m really not one of those people. I hope this was enough of a statement to at least testify of my honesty.
The act of publicly suggesting a torrent site at random, especially just putting up a wikipedia about it, and then going oh damn the sites I’ve gone to haven’t had that does not mean fire. It means an honest mistake. Especially when you’re going back like 6 years into the past to find one incident.Smoke, fire ? I let people be judge on that, even if I have my opinion on all of that.
Bro, you need to stop posting.The act of publicly suggesting a torrent site at random, especially just putting up a wikipedia about it, and then going oh damn the sites I’ve gone to haven’t had that does not mean fire. It means an honest mistake. Especially when you’re going back like 6 years into the past to find one incident.
Gift her another month of NeoGAF gold damn it.I feel incredibly old after reading this mess.Celine.D.Sykes you deserve high praise for bringing this to light.
Why not an year?Gift her another month of NeoGAF gold damn it.
I have absolutely no idea what is going on in this thread, but I have one question.
Is it releasing on Switch?
Looks like I was too quick to believe LordPedo.