I don't think the admin will like me PM'ing every five seconds to change my name lol.Hmm on second thought you should’ve gone with CyberPanda2077. Then you would’ve really been protected from the Reeeediation.
I don't think the admin will like me PM'ing every five seconds to change my name lol.Hmm on second thought you should’ve gone with CyberPanda2077. Then you would’ve really been protected from the Reeeediation.
shut up PoopaSTOP changing your names people.
Hold up, why does it matter whether Celine is a man or a woman? Am I missing something or is this completely irrelevant to the story?
Not even one big YouTuber talked about this !!
Why is everyone so scared to talk ??
What about this? (And example of a thing that i have fighted for and taked a lot of dislike)
A protest in Italy against a statue of Idro Montanelli (journalist/writer)
Becouse during ww2 in Africa have married a 12yo girl
women have Pink painted the statue on 8 March 2019 (women's day)
The interview,sub ENG
Not even one big YouTuber talked about this !!
Why is everyone so scared to talk ??
And the media not even one article asking for a reply from era admins about this serious accusations
Something not right specially from the verified journalists there
I have absolutely no idea what is going on in this thread, but I have one question.
Is it releasing on Switch?
Hold up, why does it matter whether Celine is a man or a woman? Am I missing something or is this completely irrelevant to the story?
A bit On-Topic/Off-Topic..
Can anyone explain to me the cross over that takes place between...
Anime (the cartoon child like appeal?)
Nintendo (is it the cutesy child like appeal?)
Furries (the cute...child like appeal?)
Gender issues. I notice many involved with the above things have gender and sexuality issues. Usually doing the trans thing but in an almost "fetish" type way. Where I can agree some transgender individuals suffer from legit mental dysphoria problems, the ones who operate in this Nintendo-Furry-Anime-Weeb realm are on a hyper-sexual degeneracy.
What is the correlation? Seems I can find MASSIVES amounts of these types in gaming circles or on social media.
I knew to never trust a Splatoon fan![]()
I think they're all mentally ill. They want to live in their own little fantasy world filled with sunshine and rainbows. They want to pretend they're cute anime girls and not ugly as fuck dudes. They want to be children again. They're all ugly and all fuck each other.
Honestly I'm always iffy about adults being into childrens things. Especially if it isn't a casual interest.
I was being facetiousThe user with the Splatoon tattoo is... really weird, but are you really implying that there is something wrong with adults who like anime or Nintendo games?
Splatoon is very polished and is a different kind of shooter. I also like many M-Rated realistic games, but it's nice to have some variety.
Yes,the Ruby case,an escort that they have discovered to be a 17yo girlWanted to joke about Silvio, 12 year olds and Bunga Bunga parties but realize that
it was not that long ago, no one went to prison and no one in Italy probably even bats an eye about these things any more.
No but these people take it too far. And most of them seem to only care about nintendo games. Then there's the anime obsessed weirdos we've seen for millions of years.The user with the Splatoon tattoo is... really weird, but are you really implying that there is something wrong with adults who like anime or Nintendo games?
The user with the Splatoon tattoo is... really weird, but are you really implying that there is something wrong with adults who like anime or Nintendo games?
Splatoon is very polished and is a different kind of shooter. I also like many M-Rated realistic games, but it's nice to have some variety.
The user with the Splatoon tattoo is... really weird, but are you really implying that there is something wrong with adults who like anime or Nintendo games?
Splatoon is very polished and is a different kind of shooter. I also like many M-Rated realistic games, but it's nice to have some variety.
The user with the Splatoon tattoo is... really weird, but are you really implying that there is something wrong with adults who like anime or Nintendo games?
Splatoon is very polished and is a different kind of shooter. I also like many M-Rated realistic games, but it's nice to have some variety.
I think it could matter. They, L LordKano and friends, called her a crazy woman with mental issues.
Men cant be crazy or have mental issues. That is all just normal part of masculine toxicity.
To them, L LordKano and the rest of the crazies, As she is a woman, the mental issue accusations are more legit because her womanhood.
I don't know. I think they think like that. I am not sure.
I don't know. It is hard to try to figure out these folks thought patterns.
Notice that no one there tries to shame L LordKano for calling a woman crazy and having mental issue and that she should be quiet or else she will be sued.
That itself is pretty much the definition they have for toxic masculinity.
Shouldn't they try to correct this toxic male for his errors in behaviour?
Um, well, aren't direct threats of lawsuits to get her silenced more important, so much they would overshadow everything else?
Who would get shocked at "Dem crazy emotional women, whose words have no weight"?
This is resetera we're talking about. The same website that argues a happy-go-lucky Japanese developer who likes fan art of her should better know her place and be "DEPROGRAMMED". She was born with a vagina so she better learns her place as the token oppressed miserable victim, no other roles allowed, in other terms. This is more than your average bona fide incel talk.
At this point was "crazy women" the moment we're meant to be let down by those paragons of feminism? Not that, not shaming women for boobs as "unnatural body types"? Are we really at a point where they care about being tone policed and politically correct, when they're actually shamelessly threatening a vulnerable homeless woman in real life for whistleblowing about a fucking pedo ring, and accusing her of all sorts of ludicrous things including being an alt-righter?
Why did many different gaming outlets cover the Evilore shower accusation then?Remember when every big blogger at the time covered the saga of the transsexual moderator at GFAQs who was banned everyone who said anything gender related across the site? And how a CNET tech then set up an account she couldn't ban specifically to bait her into posting hateful stuff, publicly, so they could justify forcing SBAllen to fire her?
No, you don't remember that happening, cause no one covered it. It's forum/inter-forum drama and it doesn't matter to anyone outside of that. This is no different. Despite what people like to say, neither current GAF nor current ERA are relevant outside of the people who bother to read them. There just isn't a story here. Yet, I admit, depending on how this whole pedo-ring thing turns out.
Google "Neogaf sexual assault" and you'll see all the big names (Kotaku, the verge, vice, ect) covering the story.Why did many different gaming outlets cover the Evilore shower accusation then?
I know. But, the person I was responding to doesn’t, apparently.Google "Neogaf sexual assault" and you'll see all the big names (Kotaku, the verge, vice, ect) covering the story.
Slightly off subject, but is there something in the water, or are the woke left trying to normalise sex with kids?
Why did many different gaming outlets cover the Evilore shower accusation then?
It isn’t until it is...Because old-GAF was important enough to warrant the attention.
As I said, current-GAF, and current-ERA by extension, isn't.
Until, of course, it is.
If you can, get in on the comments there. There seem to be a lot of Era people out there trying to downplay this...
A lot of "Plainly Evident" that isn't actually there. There's nothing here related to Pedos, and it seems just like a PR attack on ResetERA.Age of Consent != Sex with AdultsSeems like people are too quick to come to conclusions about a complicated topic and accuse whoever they want of being pedos when its convenient!
Isnt neogaf an SJW circlejerk ?
Looks like a bunch of low effort trolling by idiots. Personally I keep it to less sensitive subjects, but I’ve learned that anything digital is if not forever, long lasting enough to bite you in the ass.
I don't understand getting upset over this, claiming people are pedos for looking at drawings is the same as claiming gamers are psychopaths for playing violent games or that furries are into actual animals.Sure if there was evidence of these people creeping on actual kids, yea that's gross, but there's no evidence of that happening here.As for the name change stuff, well just look at Sid's reactions to this.
Yeah...this seems like a whole lot of nothing, pictures aren't real. Once it's about real little kids, then it gets real bad.
I have a great hard on for miners, nothing hotter. Hot muscly chick scantily clad with a pickaxe and sweaty.
This is all nothing but a woman trying to get another payday. She's trying to stir up a stink then sue.
hmmm, no. sorry Sid, i disagree with a lot of what you say here. all i could see in the stuff that you posted is that they discussed animated young looking girls, wich is slightly creepy, but does not make one a pedo, nor does it make someone a pedo sympathyser. Its like the statement that violent videogames promote violence. we all know thats nonsense, so the same should apply to animated sexual content. and yes, i can see why the people involved changed their username. they dont want to be harrased by people who believe Sykes. ill admit that a fair part of what was discussed there was in bad taste, but going so far as to bunch them in with actual pedo's is nonsense. this is just a outrage witchhunt, nothing more. i dont believe you should have covered this.
Very unpopular opinion: I don't automatically hate pedophiles, because I know they didn't choose their attraction. This immediately ends as soon as they try to normalize pedophilia or even worse, touch a child. Throw them into a fire at that point.I don't care about loli because it's just drawings.
Slightly off subject, but is there something in the water, or are the woke left trying to normalise sex with kids?
I wonder what the tattoo artist thought about the design?Imagine getting a naked cartoon from a childrens game tattooed on you. What a fucking pathetic loser.
It really does raise some serious how the fuck do you even get a tattoo like that. I'm fairly certain most artists would ask you to leave, in varying levels of politeness.I wonder what the tattoo artist thought about the design?
If I was a tattoo artist and someone came in with that design, I would tell them to fuck off!
I sent the link to the guy engaging in underage sex to the FBI twitter and explained that they are probably sending and viewing child porn etc.
Fuck em, hopefully, they investigate these sick people.
Well, I just hope someone can forensically go through these peoples computers etc. I'm sure they have some heinous stuff on there.I think I read that the guy is from the Netherlands so unlikely to result in anything.
It should be submitted then to a bigger general news website, with a clear disclaimer this is a scandal rocking up the entire gaming industry and game developers (DICE, etc) and game journalists that refuse to cover this (Kotaku, Polygon, Eurogamer, RPS, etc) are members of the forum and possibly involved.I'm disgusted by the silence about this by the big media sites. Being the first on reporting useless news, yet they try to shove this allegations under the rug is pathetic.
Who would pick it up or have contacts to get it picked up though?It should be submitted then to a bigger general news website, with a clear disclaimer this is a scandal rocking up the entire gaming industry and game developers (DICE, etc) and game journalists that refuse to cover this (Kotaku, Polygon, Eurogamer, RPS, etc) are members of the forum and possibly involved.
Sorry guys, took a bit longer to grab all the screencaps and I wanted to be thorough.
Here he admits he had underage sex with a minor.
Summary; Squiddo is (I think) a Splatoon streamer so has a certain fanbase. He slides into the friendcodes of some girl who at the time claimed she was 18. He dated her for a few months they even had unprotected sex then she told him she was not 18 but underage. FYI Legal age of consent in Europe is 16, so that means the oldest she COULD have been was 15. You can't tell me that Squiddo at 23 years fucking old and after spending months with this girl not work out she was just at most 15. "But she lied to me" is not a valid legal defense, with all the other stuff Celine just posted it sure looks like willful ignorance on his part.
Was he definitely banned for that? The timing’s pretty funny at least. Well, if he was...So he's now been banned for this last quoted post even though it was three months old. " User Banned (Permanent): Engaging in unacceptable misconduct." Made sure they didn't use the word peodophile there, or underage sex, wouldn't want anyone to think Resetera had a pedo problem.
Anyone else from the OP get banned, lonely1 or did they all get a name change?