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Resident Evil 4 Remake |OT| Welcome back stranger! What are you RE-buyin'


Mendez down and tbh, a better fight than the OG but pretty easy, the section before, are people really complaining about that chase? Its over in like 30 seconds and all you need is a flash grenade or 2, I only died once there because of a small mistake I made on a Wagon and shot it, killing Ashley


Up to chapter 12 now. Still taking my sweet time exploring everything. I get why some people don't like the backtracking and exploration but to each his or her own, I love the more puzzle-y moments. It satisfies that rare itch I have that straddles the more modern action of the series(along with Dino Crisis 2 that really kick started the whole affair of tons of weapon and upgrades) as well as the environmental storytelling of more classic entries. Its fun trying to build up my arsenal to take on tougher challenges in different ways, and then some tough encounters will drain all those resources lol. I'm going to get so much replayability out of this game!


Just started the island section now. The game gets so much better once you reach the castle. I actually enjoyed the Ashley section and it was the first genuine improvement over the original for me. And then the mining cart ride was also so much more fun to play. I love that they expanded Luis' role too and gave his death scene more gravitas without making it hilariously dramatic like in the original. The original had Leon react to his death in such a dramatic fashion it's like he was losing a brother, when in reality he barely knew the guy. In the remake it's made much better and Leon doesn't get so broken up about it either. Oh, and the fight with Krauser. Much better than a bunch of QTEs coming out of nowhere. The fight with Salazar was also much better, though I appreciated that it still allowed you to just one-shot him with an RPG this time as well, lol.

All around, second act is chock-full of positive changes. Looking forward to the grand finale now.
I mean they gave them actual story and a reason now, in the OG, Krauser is just there, no reason and has a history with Leon for unknown reasons, in this, he trained Leon and that is told 30 seconds into the game


Mendez down and tbh, a better fight than the OG but pretty easy, the section before, are people really complaining about that chase? Its over in like 30 seconds and all you need is a flash grenade or 2, I only died once there because of a small mistake I made on a Wagon and shot it, killing Ashley
It's just poorly made and pretty much impossible to get through without losing some resources, like you mentioned. It was also the first time I attempted to use that mechanic where you tell Ashley to stay on your ass which, according to the tutorial, was supposed to make it easier to run past enemies. But all it did was to make it easier for them to hit her, and once she went down and you had to pick her up, it was all over. Might as well reload a checkpoint. Also, at the end of the path I was convinced you had to boost Ashley up the scaffolding because the boards there were smeared with that yellow paint but it turned out you just have to run to a tiny plank that was slightly to the right, lol.

Frustrating as hell.

It's also such a pointless addition tbh. Why even bother adding it when it's just a 20 second jog to the next cutscene and then it's all over.

I mean they gave them actual story and a reason now, in the OG, Krauser is just there, no reason and has a history with Leon for unknown reasons, in this, he trained Leon and that is told 30 seconds into the game
Yeah, I forgot to mention that too. Nice addition.
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Playing the game for the first time, skipped it when it came out dus to not liking the idea of a more action oriented Resi, then played 5 free with gold on 360 and didnt like it at all.

Just finished chapter one and gotta say, I really enjoyed that.


Can’t Git Gud
I turned off ray tracing and am only using 5/12 allotted ram in the graphics settings.

Game still managed to crash on me.

That’s ultimately what keeps this game from being a 10 like the original is that the crashes exist.

That said the stormy weather village was something else. And the surviving the cabin scene was so much more intense and fun here.

Game is amazing so far.
crashing even without RT?
I had constant RT crashes with 10gb of vram. Moment I disabled it, I played 12 hours straight, no crash... and the vram counter is showing red 14gb/10 lol


The game is definitely RE4. It doesn't feel like they changed much outside of letting us move and shoot (which is great btw). They should have given us a dodge/roll action, but it is not a big deal. I just felt like doing that at times. I wish they didn't change anything about RE3.

I love the use of Dualsense features, especially the mic.

There was a strong Riot Gun following in the original, but I always preferred the Striker by far.

To me the Striker had the best spread and power, and that special feature of holding 100 shells just made it there best weapon in the game for me.

Maybe I’m misremembering, but didn’t you get your weapons fully loaded when you upgraded the ammo? The remake doesn’t do that.
Hmm, interesting. I don't remember getting attached to any weapons when playing through the original game. lol.
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I cannot stress enough how essential the Bolt Thrower is. If you're playing on Hardcore or Professional, it's the most important weapon in your inventory. Don't let the low damage full you. During exploration and quieter sections, using this thing will set you a fuck ton of ammunition. I'm seen some complaints from people reaching certain sections of the game and not having enough ammo to deal with the enemies. I'm guessing their playing on Hardcore and ignoring the Bolt Thrower. Get it, upgrade it, use it. You'll be surprised how useful it is. Also use you environment to you advantage. Don't destroy beartraps, use them to learn enemies in. If you do, they'll get caught, melee them, and it's a one hit kill. Lure them into tripwires also.
Sounds very useful indeed, but I wouldn't say it's essential at all. Currently up to Ch 12 on Hardcore and have been doing just fine without the Bolt Thrower. Barely been using stealth at all, actually.
I did try it out, though... but the enemy tanked like 6 bolts to the head and then the head exploded into a plaga, which prompted me to put it in storage for the rest of the game lol


This game (especially being a Remake) made me belive wholly in Capcom again. 30 years later and they still, mostly, got it.👍

Edit: Don't use the Bolt spam 1st run-through
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Just reached the castle.

The combat rooms are hectic as shit and perfect difficulty on hardcore, but the bosses are kind of weak. So far, they all went down in one try. Meanwhile, the hordes keep murdering me and forcing me to switch up my tactics for each arena.

Also IMO they really missed the mark on most of the characters so far. Ada, Luis, and Chief Mendez were all off. Salazar is my favorite character in the game behind Leon, so hopefully they nail him, but someone ITT stated his presence is diminished? If so, that sucks. His back and forth's with Leon were some of the highlights of the original game.

The combat is 10/10 so far though outside of weak bosses.

This game (especially being a Remake) made me belive wholly in Capcom again. 30 years later and they still, mostly, got it.👍

Edit: Don't use the Bolt spam 1st run-through
Explain Bolt spam. I use the bolt thrower a lot. Am I breaking the balance or something?
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Yea, this game is great. Taking my time with it, roughly 9 hours play time and I just made it inside the castle and met Ramon.

Every complaint I had about the original RE4 has been addressed.

The expanded story, Leon's portrayal, the pacing, exploration, backtracking. It's all there. The OG will always be a 10/10 GOAT-tier game and will be the preferred option for many people, I just love that we got a version of RE4 that plays near identical to the OG but also adds elements that many people wished were originally there. Capcom once again showing why they are the best in the industry.

We gaming boys.
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I did the same

They really messed up on the laser sight not being on all weapons.
This and I also did not expect the devs to put the Red-9, arguably one of the most powerful pistols in the original, where they did. I was actually puzzled by it's placement on the map.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
The game is so smooth it's really pleasant to play. It controls so well.
I am palying 4k, fsr1 ultra quality, RT off, maxed settings, 8gb textures and so on. not a single crash because of disabling RT. That's how I played the whole game.
I just noticed that disabling hair strands... makes hair actually look a bit better and you gain about 10-15% of performance.... which puts me from 85 to 100fps... and no longer fresh out of shower pantene hair lol.
Fsr is ruining your image quality. Might as well play at 1080p.

Turn that off


Game is so, so good 🔥🔥🔥

Honestly, please can we have a RE9 in the mold of this.

Blooming crosshairs were my only complaint but fixed now I have the red dot sight 😍
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Just reached the castle.

The combat rooms are hectic as shit and perfect difficulty on hardcore, but the bosses are kind of weak. So far, they all went down in one try. Meanwhile, the hordes keep murdering me and forcing me to switch up my tactics for each arena.

Also IMO they really missed the mark on most of the characters so far. Ada, Luis, and Chief Mendez were all off. Salazar is my favorite character in the game behind Leon, so hopefully they nail him, but someone ITT stated his presence is diminished? If so, that sucks. His back and forth's with Leon were some of the highlights of the original game.

The combat is 10/10 so far though outside of weak bosses.

Explain Bolt spam. I use the bolt thrower a lot. Am I breaking the balance or something?
Bolt Thrower makes game easier and can be cheesed on the first run. Use if you want but not if you want a better experience, imo.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Professional Difficulty definitely isn't messing around. Enemies are pretty tanky, it generally takes 4-5 shots to the head to stagger them.
Try using the 5x critical damage handguns. You get the expert perk after you've fully upgraded them.

Im guessing you're doing NG+.


Bolt Thrower makes game easier and can be cheesed on the first run. Use if you want but not if you want a better experience, imo.
You just made me realize how easy the room w/ the two blind enemies must be with a Bolt Thrower. And here I was running around like a headless chicken, trying to incite friendly fire, and taking shots at their backs whenever I can :messenger_grinning_smiling:


Can’t Git Gud
Fsr is ruining your image quality. Might as well play at 1080p.

Turn that off
We are talking fsr 1 ultra quality. That's like 1800p. Helps me go way beyond 60fps.
Looks better than interlacing or fsr2 at that.

Anyway - after finishing the remake (oh I plan to play it few more times!), I started the original on pc with HD textures mod, which includes re4_tweaks.
It finally looks and plays as it always should on pc. Controls are very close to the remake. In place you rotate the camera around the character and when you run, you turn the character with the mouse.
I enabled "DetachCameraFromAim" and it is great with aiming too now while keeping the original free moving aiming.
Also, 4k, 60fps, restored GC effects like bloom, dof and proper 4k film grain that helps with gradients. I disabled "fixbluryimage" too since it disable the original anti aliasing. I like the bit softer look.
So yeah, I will surely replay the original.

It plays and feels so different after the remake. I initially shot the guy in the head, ran up to him and instead of me kicking him, I got grabnbed for 70% of the health. Any attack from the early enemies is 50-70& of your health and that's only on normal. Actually feels harder than the remake.
Just past el gigante and I think the cinematography still holds up. The atmosphere also. Saddler is also better in the original.


Got to Salazar on hardcore and
Leon shooting him in a monologue was perfect
Fuck me he's still got all the health and doesn't stop moving, he's kicked my arse 3 times

Also trophy/achivement wallers, make sure you go back to the gap room near wine place with Ashley after courtyard on that chapter, or you're not getting the treasure as I've just found out.
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For anyone that has the Deluxe Edition, are you able to get the Green herb charm and the Classic Attaché case? I was able to on Steam since I pre-ordered it. However, I bought the Deluxe Edition dlc and it didn't come with it. I think you had to pre-order the full deluxe edition, not just buy the DLC.

I'm looking to see if I can can get those two items. If possible, if anyone has any leads please let me know!


Yeah I was bummed about no lazer sight on the red 9.

I think they want to make it so each handgun has different strengths and weaknesses so the choice will seem more balanced. There's a merchant note at the start of the castle trying to make the case why you should choose which gun depending on what you are looking for. Maybe too many people just always blinged out the red9 in the original like I do lol.

Of course if u hate the reticule then that kinda decides for you. I'll keep going with red9 for my first playthrough in Rem4ke since it reminds me of my first playthough back in the gamecube days
I always found the guns to be relatively similar, with minor changes. Nothing so profound that I'd sacrifice the laser sight for though, as its advantages surmount any variances that the firearms have between one another. Mostly I used different guns for aesthetic reasons, aside the Blacktail, which had noticeably better (quicker) acquisition than other guns. It was an unnecessary change they did here, and I wouldn't mind it so much as an optional upgrade, even for each respective gun that required it, but to remove it entirely for some guns is just foolishness. I don't know what they were thinking.


Having never played the original, I feel like I’m missing out on an essential component of the enjoyment; experiencing an old game with a new lick of paint.

As a noob, it just feels like an old game with old mechanics. Shitty controls, cumbersome movement and frustrating encounters.
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always chasing the next thrill
i just bought it because i got this game on the

quest 2 vr version
pc remake for now
and when the VR patch comes out on the ps5


ama i never finished the game
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Try using the 5x critical damage handguns. You get the expert perk after you've fully upgraded them.

Im guessing you're doing NG+

I'm doing a fresh New Game for Professional due to it being of of the requirements to get the Handcannon. But you read my mind. I'm going for a fully upgraded starter handgun.
So I cheesed this big doge monster by sniping at him through a hole in some debris, and got this massive feeling of dejavu.

Was there a bigger doge monster in OG resi 4 village night time before? I think I may have cheesed him the exact same way in Rem4ke that I cheesed him in the gamecube version
crashing even without RT?
I had constant RT crashes with 10gb of vram. Moment I disabled it, I played 12 hours straight, no crash... and the vram counter is showing red 14gb/10 lol

Same here on a 10 GB RTX 3080. RE4 Remake is extremely sensitive with VRAM when you use RT; you MUST stay within the white limits to avoid crashes as orange or red will crash the game eventually. Turn off RT though and you max out everything including Textures at High (8 GB) and play the game without crashes even though the VRAM warning is red.


Having never played the original, I feel like I’m missing out on an essential component of the enjoyment; experiencing an old game with a new lick of paint.

As a noob, it just feels like an old game with old mechanics. Shitty controls, cumbersome movement and frustrating encounters.
I don't think you're missing context, but it does have a very different feel to most modern shooters. Once you're accustomed it makes sense.
Shotgun and grenades, business as usual

It sounds like it's a bit too good honestly. I might have a go at some point but my OG RE4 armoury has carried me very well.
New merchant is pretty good at actually closing the deal. The first time he offered bolt caster I was like "nah I'll stick with what I know thanks" but in the next chapter he puts it on sale and posts a big blurb about how it helps you conserve ammo and I'm like "what the hell I'll give it a shot."

Enjoying it a lot, going full Darryl and retrieving all my arrows. I never really enjoyed the feel of constantly being low on ammo that the more survival-y Resi games are known for, which is why I liked the action focus shift of OG Resi 4 to begin with, I guess. Mine attachments are great too.
The new voice actor for Ada is horrible, spoils the game to an extent for me (same with the merchant), but people seem to of forgot that Capcom got a bit of stick from woke sites for the fact that Ada wasnt voiced by an asian in RE2 Remake

I wish Capcom had just been like 'whatever', like some Japanese studios do, but alas they caved to the loonies.

Fucking bullshit
Still working on it, myself, but this should point you in the right direction. Mod overview and instructions on how to install:

YouTube video with instructions in the video description:

So molders already did all that yet Capcom hasnt even fixed the deadzone issue. Unbelievable.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
It sounds like it's a bit too good honestly. I might have a go at some point but my OG RE4 armoury has carried me very well.
It’s fairly situation-specific. If you’ve got some randos that need taking down, it works great to conserve ammo. If it’s a crowd, it’s pretty hard to keep the DPS up to where it makes sense, except for when you’re loaded up with mines.

It’s a nice addition because it feels pretty balanced instead of being OP
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Made it to the merchant, love this game so far. Aiming is still a little weird and I'm having trouble evading the regular enemies, leon feels a bit clunky but its not a big deal, gonna play with the camera acceleration settings.

Bought the rifle and the bolt thrower, I have the DLC pistol but im not sure if the starting one is better, trying to figure out what to upgrade first.

K' Dash

You know,

one of the things I LOVED about OG RE4 is that once you stormed a place it would let you explore and pick up all the spoils, like when you got to the Novistador nest and blow it up, you get to peacefully pick up all the gems that you worked hard to get killing the damn bugs, but here they seemingly just keep spawning... spawning pawns forever is a fucking cheap tactic, specially if you have a room full of things to pick up, I just hate this.

Also this room with the two Garradors, just fuck it, it's not fun, it's frustrating, I remember just buying a Rocket launcher and being done with it. Now in the remake, I had just sold my fully upgraded Riot Gun and Bought and upgraded the Striker and didn't have any money left and guess what happens next? yes the fucking 2 Garrador room which in this version is x10 more annoying. Died like 10 times, survived 1 with zero bullets and reloaded, then I got out of there with zero Shotgun shells, but plenty of sniper and gun ammo, I proceeded from there.

I wish just kept the Riot Gun a little longer and then bought the rocket...

Can't wait to get through this in a new game plus.
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I'm into the caste now. This run really cements RE4 in my pantheon of GOAT games. The remake takes the original feel and aesthetic as far as you can without doing it harm. Just absolute perfect execution. Some people wanted Leon to play a little faster and looser, and I get where they're coming from, but what we ended up getting still feels like RE4 but with some QOL. The parry system is great. One of the best looking games I've played too. It's not the tech that makes it great, but the art and scene composition. When the chainsaw twins come in? Sheesh. That's a good ass scene. Looks amazing.
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Finished chapter 2 and rebought it on PC lol. Gonna restart on the deck while the wife watches tv, will try to maybe aim with the trackpad and see how it goes.


i'm at chapter 4, 3.5 hours in....

I'm trying to find a good use for the bolt thrower but it seems like the rifle +scope is just a superior weapon all around. Headshots in the original felt satisfying enough but this remake makes them feel like heaven!!!!
For me it's just a mine launcher. It does a good job in that role. I have no use for the actual bolts. It's a good early heavy weapon once you can attach mines to it.


This is my first time playing RE4, just finished the castle. The variety of encounters and scenarios in this game is absoutely absurd, every 10 minutes I'm sitting here wondering what crazy shit I'm gonna be put into next.

Like from pure mechanics there are better games out there, but from an encounter design standpoint I can absoutely see why someone would consider RE4 the GOAT. TLOU2 had a breadth of amazingly designed levels and encounters that put most games to shame and is visually more impressive than this, but it's grounded nature means the variety can't get anywhere near RE4, which has no real narrative aspiartions other than being a crazy thrill ride, and goddamn does it succeed at it. It's an incredible game.
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