Boaty McBoatface
It's fucking excellent.
Had a blast playing 2 player streets of rage 2 at work
Had a blast playing 2 player streets of rage 2 at work
You do have to tell them to "put down the cellphones", so to speak, and encourage them to focus on one thing. With my older two kids, so far I've had to literally sit them down and explain how to focus, how to tune out distractions, and how to get a task done quickly. "Diligence" is not something they seem to be learning from their natural environment (which encourages jumping from thing to thing, like you said).I sometimes wonder whether or not kids have the same experience today. With a pretty much unlimited supply of games and TV available at the click of the button, do they ever get the chance to get obsessed with one single movie/game/book, or do they just keep moving on to the newest thing? Sometimes boredom can really spark creativity.
Did you order directly from Amazon jp? When I try that it doesn't allow me and says they wouldn't deliver. Something to do with having to use our own Amazon au and checking the international stuff on there.
Only Amazon US works for me out of them all.
Just got mine. The fact that there are paid reviewers who wrote that somehow the Genesis Mini's build is less sturdy/lower quality than the SNES Classic makes me realize that Nintendo Derangement syndrome is really a thing, isn't it? This console is pure, pure class. Haven't played it yet, though. this thing hacked yet?
The launch party in Japan:
Assuming no sd card slot means no hacking? Someone please prove me wrong!
PSOne, NES and SNES mini did not have an card slot. All done through the USB.
Assuming no sd card slot means no hacking? Someone please prove me wrong!
Is it just me, or does the Sega CEO look super-young? Is it a family thing, or is he just super smart?
Maybe he's 50+ years old and it's just those Japanese genes doing their thing.
I was under the impression that one of the reasons homebrew emulators take such long time to develop is that the authors don't have the "schematics" of the consoles they want to emulate. They don't know how the console works, it's ins and outs. They have to figure everything out themselves as they go. I'm sure that Sega, Sony and Nintendo don't have this issue. They created these consoles, i assume they have all the information they need?
Also, homebrew authors have another major problem that slows them down. It's called "real life". How many times have you seen development slowing down or being halted for a long time because of that? And how much time per day or days per week can a hobbyist dedicate for such project anyway? Unless they are unemployed i don't see how they can compete with the programmers at Sega, Nintendo and Sony. Because the latter don't have that problem either. Since they are employed to make these emulators it means said emulators are their real 9/5 job or, in other words, their real life.
I understand that a homebrew emulator is a passion project and authors may care more about them compared to someone who is just doing his job and gets paid. But it's up to Nintendo, Sony or Sega to make sure the job is done as it should. Didn't they notice the sound lag? Or the bad sound emulation in Comix Zone that they are selling? Didn't Sony noticed all the glaring issues of their mini console? Ofc they did. But they make these for the average joe, not enthusiasts. And they know the average joe won't care that much so they don't care either. They want to keep the price low as well so no need to pay the programmers an extra day or two to fix something subtle. That's the issue IMO, it's not about time. And that's why i never support these official offers. I mean, even the services they had before the minis were bad enough. Nintendo's VC clearly shows they don't care, they just want to have a quick buck from all this Retro/Nostalgia thing.
Wait what? This is worded weird. What does it mean Sega CD Mini?
Ah okay, I see it now. Just a novelty ad-on for looks?
I made another account specifically for Amazon JP but it does ship internationally from what I read.
I ordered one from Amazon JP around the time it went up for order. According to DHL it's going to arrive Tomorrow which seems impossible!
Still mad we didn't get the 6 buttons like the Asians did. Playing SF2 is AIDS with the 3 button controller. FUCK.
If it becomes possible to add or inject the software that's on the other regions' console (like The Revenge of Shinobi), I might actually consider tampering with the console.
This is what I'm thinking right now (although I'll be wanting to add Shinobi 3 to my Asian version). Since M2 have already designed the emulator to run those games, adding them shouldn't cause any problems. While I'd love to add other games not included in any region's mini, I'm afraid the emulation won't be up to scratch.
The Genesis Mini website has links to all the manuals:
SEGA Genesis Mini - Webmanuals
While this is cool, I don't see why they couldn't just include this on the Mini itself.
Did anybody ever actually write their high scores in these scorebooks at the end of the manuals?
Can anybody think of a better manual than the Comix Zone one, which included a small comic?
Mine just says DHL and Amazon can work wonders sometimes. Mine says 20th to 22nd so expecting it on the 23rd now.![]()
What the hell why does Sonic 2 have a line at the bottom of the first zone? It's like I'm playing it on the SNES Classic again. Changing resolutions did nothing to help.
Apparently it shows up in the original version but I've never seen that before with my cartridge.
DHL tracking says arrived at Sort Facility here in Sydney, processed and now departed (arrived from Japan). Does that mean it's on its way to me? But it still says estimated delivery Monday. So I'm not sure...
Where are they taking it![]()