The nicest person on this forum
That not really proper criticism and neither Souls and Bloodborne and smart enemy AI.Definitely from’s worst game this generation. Just too tough and the AI is not the best either.
That not really proper criticism and neither Souls and Bloodborne and smart enemy AI.Definitely from’s worst game this generation. Just too tough and the AI is not the best either.
Definitely from’s worst game this generation. Just too tough and the AI is not the best either.
Strange, I always see souls fans say Sekiro is easier than the rest.
On another note, about having multiple game difficulties. I don't get it. The way I see it, maybe a weird example, was from watching Final Table show.
The chef came out delivering his dish, to finish it in front of his diners. Forcing them in a sense to eat the dish how the chef intended.
From games are made the way they are to entertain the player in a specific way. With a challenge that pushes you to learn. Analyze your situation.
You banging your head doing the same thing 80 times is kinda crazy when you were already told with death 1 that you're doing it wrong.
In my opinion those who advocate for From to change their stance on difficulty, are assholes.
Don't like it? Don't play it. Money will talk, so in then end they get to keep making their games or will have to accommodate those who cry and aren't willing to meet the challenge.
I love Sekiro and I'm wrapping up my third play through.
In my opinion those who advocate for From to change their stance on difficulty, are assholes.
Don't like it? Don't play it. Money will talk, so in then end they get to keep making their games or will have to accommodate those who cry and aren't willing to meet the challenge.
I love Sekiro and I'm wrapping up my third play through.
WTF no need for that attitude.
I loved Dark Souls-Bloodborne, couldn't get far into Sekiro with the difficulty so it was a waste of money for a game I wanted to enjoy.
Your right in one sense though... money talks. I won't be buying a Sekiro 2.
I don't get the dickish attitude that an extra mode that allows a wider range of people to enjoy a game skilled players enjoy would ever be a bad thing. While I do understand the argument that the art would suffer for it, it's not an opinion I share.
I think it's a lack of empathy for others personally. What is a challenge for one person, is an insurmountable challenge for another, or simply difficult to the point of not been fun/entertaining.
"Every game isn't for everyone" is what keeps getting brought up but as I mentioned earlier that only works one way. Skilled players can play anything they want, those less so, lose out on games they would have otherwise been interested in.
I think it's a sign of the maturing medium where accessibility options should be considered for every game. I'd be hard pressed to believe developers don't want their art to be experienced by as many people as possible.
Even though I love them, I think in this case From Software actually did a disservice to a portion of their fans by setting the single difficulty level so high.
I agree the attitude is unnecessary but being totally honest making devs create a whole new game mode isn't as easy as it sounds and when it is easy (removing enemies, lowering health bars) it often doesn't consider the balance being ruined.
I dont know how Control was in the running anyway. I have tried to play the game on 3 seperate occasions now and i cant get more than 2 hours in before i'm bored to tears.
I'm not trying to personally attack you, so I do apologise in some sense, but I stand by what I said overall.
You said the game was too hard for you. You said you understand the argument that the art would suffer.
That is the reason for my post. Maybe I was too blunt. But you are wanting From to bend their artistic choice or design to fit around you?
A great community has been created due to the difficulty and challenge that is From games. There is always someone willing to help you overcome an obstacle. I'll even extend a helping hand to you if you would like.
No hostility intended. I stand by my opinion, that people have no right to demand someone change their vision of what they've created to accommodate others.
I don't want them to design a game around me more I'd like each game to be open to everyone to some extent.
Not every gamer is super informed like us, many will buy the game just because it looks like a good time.
Thank you for taking the time to explain/expand.
I don't want them to design a game around me more I'd like each game to be open to everyone to some extent. I do think that unlike Dark souls even with help of the community the challenge is perhaps too high, especially for those that arnt as quick at reactions. Earlier From games had a variety of ways to tackle any given problem so they always seemed more forgiving. I also think the the line between challenge and frustration is a thin one and for me at least Sekiro goes to far in one direction.
I think users and artist relationships in gaming is unique and interesting. While not difficulty related there is the whole Mass Effect 3 ending saga that pressured Bioware into changing the ending to satisfy fans, or like wise BattleFront 2 and its "pride and accomplishment" grinding fans hated. How much fan opinion matters on a consumed piece of art is certainly a complicated topic.
For me though I'm only talking about *adding* in options for the benefit of some players, not taking away from any mode or effecting other peoples enjoyment in any way.![]()
He should be banned for even asking what to do....You know what to do.
Then let ask you this, why not make FFXIV have offline mode for someone like me who doesn’t like to play with others and don’t have to pay subscription? Why not have MK11 have none gore mode because I don’t like it’s excessive gore? To me games are at their best when don’t try to please everybody and focus and designed for specific experience.I don't want them to design a game around me more I'd like each game to be open to everyone
There is a difference between opening to everyone and just building a game for the hardcore masochists. If you make a game where the average person on this forum can't get halfway through you failed. You can include an elitist mode for people who want to feel special for being hardcore masochists. You can make a game hard, rewarding but be reasonable with the default difficulty. You should not use professional gamers only to tune the difficulty of your game. I knew that the second I the game popped up. It be on my hell no not in a million years list with the souls games. If I wanted to torture my self I do it the fun way in the bedroom lol.Then let ask you this, why not make FFXIV have offline mode for someone like me who doesn’t like to play with others and don’t have to pay subscription? Why not have MK11 have none gore mode because I don’t like it’s excessive gore? To me games are at their best when don’t try to please everybody and focus and designed for specific experience.
But it didn't fail, it sold well and lot of other people loved the game. Also my skill in gaming is pretty average but I still mange to beat it and get platinum for it. I like game's difficulty because it fun and if someone doesn't find fun then thats their taste, we bunch of different games out there for different taste.There is a difference between opening to everyone and just building a game for the hardcore masochists. If you make a game where the average person on this forum can't get halfway through you failed. You can include an elitist mode for people who want to feel special for being hardcore masochists. You can make a game hard, rewarding but be reasonable with the default difficulty. You should not use professional gamers only to tune the difficulty of your game. I knew that the second I the game popped up. It be on my hell no not in a million years list with thr souls games. If I wanted to torture my self I do it the fun way in the bedroom lol.
There is a difference between opening to everyone and just building a game for the hardcore masochists. If you make a game where the average person on this forum can't get halfway through you failed. You can include an elitist mode for people who want to feel special for being hardcore masochists. You can make a game hard, rewarding but be reasonable with the default difficulty. You should not use professional gamers only to tune the difficulty of your game. I knew that the second I the game popped up. It be on my hell no not in a million years list with the souls games. If I wanted to torture my self I do it the fun way in the bedroom lol.
In my opinion not really, especially compare to games Bayonetta, Astral Chain and DMC the combat is much more simple and timing for parry is very generous.How many of Sekiros players got very far though? How many bought it based on From's previous output?
I think if Sekiro got a sequel its sales would be significantly less than the first game tbh. That's not to take away from the game but it's got a very high learning curve that many simply can't meet.
How many of Sekiros players got very far though? How many bought it based on From's previous output?
I think if Sekiro got a sequel its sales would be significantly less than the first game tbh. That's not to take away from the game but it's got a very high learning curve that many simply can't meet.
How many of Sekiros players got very far though? How many bought it based on From's previous output?
I think if Sekiro got a sequel its sales would be significantly less than the first game tbh. That's not to take away from the game but it's got a very high learning curve that many simply can't meet.
So I've beaten Bloodborne, Dark Souls 1-3 and DLCs no problems, some bosses solo, others not.
Other games I've done things like Crushing and Grounded runs in Uncharted 1-4 and Last of us Respectively.
Sekiro I got to the boss that jumps in the air and throws knives and also beat that big boss in the courtyard that is surrounded by normal enemies. I think there was a general I beat as well just before the big snake.
I enjoyed some parts of it quite alot, but would often hit a brick wall where the gameplay loop of dying at the same point for hours on end wasnt fun.
I think I must just suck at timing or reacting to different moves quick enough as I don't feel like I'm an unskilled gamer.
Yea it sounds like you're on Lady Butterfly and that guy before her is the drunkard. I forget his full name. Hinata estate.
I think the big problem I had with her originally was not having any snap seed for the add phase, ghosts or something like that.
You could buy some more snap seed from one of the vendors. I think there is one in Ashina outskirts?
If you don't want to bother buying more like I did originally. You can just keep running around the area until she calls them away.
Basically she does combos that you deflect spam (keep tapping block). Then you follow up with a few slashes.
When she goes up in the air just block the throwing knives. She'll then do the unblockable (red kanji) sign, jumping to your location. Just dodge that with (circle or B) and follow up with a few slashes again. Just stay patient and you'll burn her down.
I may not be 100% accurate there but I'll check it up if you want to give it a go.
Less than half of all Bloodborne players ever beat the first boss,
Out of curiosity I took a look at the trophies for Bloodborne:
Cleric Beast is at 48.8% and Father Gascoigne is at 45.6%. IIRC while it's more likely for people to encounter CB as their first boss, it was entirely possible to encounter FG first.
This is true but my point would still sortof be the same.
All this talk of Sekiro and Bloodborne makes me wanna go back. I need to finish the cod and gears campaigns first or at least one of them lol.
I never finished the old hunters dlc on bloodborne although I did about 3 or 4 playthroughs on the game.
So I've beaten Bloodborne, Dark Souls 1-3 and DLCs no problems, some bosses solo, others not.
Other games I've done things like Crushing and Grounded runs in Uncharted 1-4 and Last of us Respectively.
Sekiro I got to the boss that jumps in the air and throws knives and also beat that big boss in the courtyard that is surrounded by normal enemies. I think there was a general I beat as well just before the big snake.
I enjoyed some parts of it quite alot, but would often hit a brick wall where the gameplay loop of dying at the same point for hours on end wasnt fun.
I think I must just suck at timing or reacting to different moves quick enough as I don't feel like I'm an unskilled gamer.
I never finished the old hunters dlc on bloodborne although I did about 3 or 4 playthroughs on the game.
There is a difference between opening to everyone and just building a game for the hardcore masochists. If you make a game where the average person on this forum can't get halfway through you failed. You can include an elitist mode for people who want to feel special for being hardcore masochists. You can make a game hard, rewarding but be reasonable with the default difficulty. You should not use professional gamers only to tune the difficulty of your game. I knew that the second I the game popped up. It be on my hell no not in a million years list with the souls games. If I wanted to torture my self I do it the fun way in the bedroom lol.
So I've beaten Bloodborne, Dark Souls 1-3 and DLCs no problems, some bosses solo, others not.
Other games I've done things like Crushing and Grounded runs in Uncharted 1-4 and Last of us Respectively.
Sekiro I got to the boss that jumps in the air and throws knives and also beat that big boss in the courtyard that is surrounded by normal enemies. I think there was a general I beat as well just before the big snake.
I enjoyed some parts of it quite alot, but would often hit a brick wall where the gameplay loop of dying at the same point for hours on end wasnt fun.
I think I must just suck at timing or reacting to different moves quick enough as I don't feel like I'm an unskilled gamer.
Did you platinum this game? I only ask because you stated it felt terrible to play and IMO I think the gameplay is its best feature. I found the combat especially the boss fights highly satisfying. The story and depth are there as there are many NPC's, side quests and even 4 different ending that can elaborate on the story/lore.I was supremely disappointed in this game after getting platinums in every souls game and bloodborne.
It felt terrible to play, and had none of the story or depth of the souls games.
I was obsessed with the characters and hidden backstories of the souls games, but Sekiro had none of that.
I hope its not a sign of what to expect from FROM in the future.
VERY surprised by the love this game received.
Did you platinum this game? I only ask because you stated it felt terrible to play and IMO I think the gameplay is its best feature. I found the combat especially the boss fights highly satisfying. The story and depth are there as there are many NPC's, side quests and even 4 different ending that can elaborate on the story/lore.
Is Sekiro as in depth as other souls games? No but it does have a significant amount of depth if you choose to platinum the game.
Why did you think it was terrible to play? Besides the claim of no backstories?
Gotcha, I found once you understand the combat system the game becomes fun. I can understand the frustration though as the beginning of the game can be brutally difficult and one thing I will admit the game does poorly is showing you how to actually play the game (as it is different than any other souls game). I found after a few major boss fights I finally understood and this was after hours of deaths and then it just clicks......oh I see this is how it is supposed to be played.I did not platinum it. I didn't even finish it. It felt like such a chore to play. After a handful of hours I put it down and never touched it again.
Hence the disappointment I felt after absolutely loving the past 5 FROM games.
Actually Sekiro has lot of that but I think you personally got too frustrated to actually look for it.I was supremely disappointed in this game after getting platinums in every souls game and bloodborne.
It felt terrible to play, and had none of the story or depth of the souls games.
I was obsessed with the characters and hidden backstories of the souls games, but Sekiro had none of that.
I hope its not a sign of what to expect from FROM in the future.
VERY surprised by the love this game received.
Cool let me also get an opinion on Dark Souls from someone who never made it past the GargoylesI did not platinum it. I didn't even finish it. It felt like such a chore to play. After a handful of hours I put it down and never touched it again.
Hence the disappointment I felt after absolutely loving the past 5 FROM games.
That's nice.TFW you have beaten every Souls Game at least 4 times (including Bloodborne) but gave up on Sekiro a little after the bull thing. Just a weird choice to me when the game alienates even long time From fans.
That's nice.
That's also nice.Hasn't won a single reader's choice award so far, wonder why?
Cool let me also get an opinion on Dark Souls from someone who never made it past the Gargoyles