So, just finished prologue and goddamn, it is without a doubt the best looking UE5 game to date and in the same league as TLOU2 (cutscenes and character models), TLOU1 remake and Alan Wake 2. What a gigantic jump from Senua's Sacrifice on all levels of visual quality and realism. There's also zero pop in of geometry and foliage.
I can't believe how good this game runs at 4K all maxed out and with DLSS Quality (which is a must in this game, cuz it make it look more clean and detailed) with literally zero traversal stutters, shader problems and all sorts of other shit UE games are know for over the last few years. I locked the game to 30 FPS and it's rock solid 100% of the time on my rig with 3080Ti, it can't handle native but native is also worse without DLSS and via tweaks you can make the game look even better with the Ultra Quality option. All that is left is to find a way to disable CA and lens distortion effects - I've tried to edit Engine.ini but it doesn't work. I guess we have to wait for a mod.
Visuals and performance aside, combat is so much better, so fuckin' visceral, emotional, excelently animated and choriographed that it puts to shame original game several times over. You can literally see all those mocap work and dozens of hours they've spent capturing everything. Just effin' increadile! The first few fights are no big deal but at the end of the prologue there's some very serious shit you have to deal with and I died a few times even playing on Hard, I hope there's more of this in the game and even harder. Senua is also so much more aggressive and emotional during combat and you literally feel her every strike and just how hard it is for her to do it, cuz she's tired as af after almost dying and fighting for her life, which you can also feel and hear. There's nothing even close to this in the first game, which was a lot more simple in terms of how combat worked and felt, but still, for 2017 it was great.
Can't wait to play more.
P.S. Thanks y'all

It could've looked even better if it wasn't for 75 image limit, had to delete a lot of stuff