Holy shit, yeah, fuck this black bar nonsense super hard. I can't see shit.
Might return to Amazon and buy the PC version. Seriously fuck this.
Hah, yes. I really owe you guys in this thread for re-assuring me it was okay to opt out of performance for the time being. I'm so used to wanting the best performance, so it was hard to let go of that. But I'll be sure to play this again on PC when I get better.
I'll have to look into hooking up my PC to my TV too.
WHAT THE FUCK. I was loving this game up until now. Now I kinda hate it. This is the worst boss battle I've ever seen.
Did you watch any footage of the game before buying it?
To be fair though, I didn't as well because I was on a media blackout on this game however, since I watch a fuck ton of bluray movies, it doesn't bother me in the slightest but I could easily see why it would bother other people.
Maybe worst boss battle I've ever played is a bit hyperbolic, but it's not the best that's for damn sure. I just think it feels poorly designed. I've learned the patterns, I've tried different strategies, everything. These fucking insta-deaths from an enemy that you can barely outrun are awful, and there's a bunch of seemingly weak spots that I just found out (by looking up a walkthrough) don't matter. It's just very frustrating, especially since it seemingly presents itself as a boss battle that requires prescision to hit moving targets and then turns out, "nope, lol, just gotta hit it a bunch anywhere on it's body". If I just have to shoot it anywhere DON'T PUT 5+ WEAK SPOT LOOKING THINGS ON THE DAMN THING.Not gonna lie, you see this all the time in OT. Player enjoys game, player gets stuck in battle, player rages and grows impatient, player deems it worst thing he has ever played/done in a videogame. Your not learning the patterns right. Take your time. Don't rush it. Stay behind anything you can, pop a shot, and run to the other side like the other gaffer said. Take a break and come back to it, that might help.
I'm watching my friend play this on PS4 and it's hurting my head. Everything taking place outside runs at like 20fps or lower, and the cutscenes seem to have really terrible pop-in. I was pretty excited to check this game out, but both the visuals and story are pretty disappointing. I really disliked chapter 1, purely because of how the story's chopped up and hard to follow. It seems like chapter 2's starting to explain some stuff though, so hopefully it gets better.
That is one of my biggest gripes about the game. Leg + match replaces Leg (or body) + knife and it's nowhere near as good. Melee, even upgrade still does jack for damage compared to the damage you take while trying to finish them off. Not just talking about RE4 either. In all of the RE games (at least up through RE4) you would get a whole lot of mileage out of the knife, and you could even beat the game with just it. Dead Space was all about dismemberment, but even in that game you could effectively kill with melee better compared to this
Okay, Chapter 4 is where the game finally feels like it's sort of finding itself (still can't find the framerate though, ba dum tsh). The traps, the pacing, the weirdness; all of it worked for me. More of that, less jank pls
Maybe worst boss battle I've ever played is a bit hyperbolic, but it's not the best that's for damn sure. I just think it feels poorly designed. I've learned the patterns, I've tried different strategies, everything. These fucking insta-deaths from an enemy that you can barely outrun are awful, and there's a bunch of seemingly weak spots that I just found out (by looking up a walkthrough) don't matter. It's just very frustrating, especially since it seemingly presents itself as a boss battle that requires prescision to hit moving targets and then turns out, "nope, lol, just gotta hit it a bunch anywhere on it's body". If I just have to shoot it anywhere DON'T PUT 5+ WEAK SPOT LOOKING THINGS ON THE DAMN THING.
Weird. Anyone else get a 117 patch instead of a large gig size?
I guess it was mostly my fault for assuming I understood the structure of the boss then. I figured that what seemed like the last stage required a very specific weak spot to be hit, but my assumption was wrong. Oh well, back to it I guess. Hopefully I can get it by just spamming all my ammo.Well it's like any boss usually with a weak point, if you hit it, it does way more damage but can be killed otherwise. Also don't outrun, run to the side.
When I have a torch, I have to waste a match to light a body? Are you serious?
You don't have to! I just swing at them then they light on fire and my torch disappears.
Really enjoying the staging and lighting so far. In the very very very beginning but things have turned violent already. There is a lot of great craft on display.
I already kiled (he's not dead?) with the sneaking attack. I grabbed his torch and now I can't light him on fire w/ it...lol
Ha! I don't even think I've heard a single piece of music so far. Not sure what to think of the full game. I never completed RE4.. I got kinda turned off once it got to the crazy castle/island section. But that was so long ago.. I barely remember. Something about the Halloween atmosphere just really got to me and made this game a necessity for me. So far I'm feeling very refreshed.The art direction is phenomenal. Unfortunately the music has been serviceable but forgettable for me so far. But perhaps I'm just too busy focusing on the game to pay it much mind.
Are you aiming down? I can usually light downed bodies no problem.
I played until I reached chapter 4, then for some odd reason, I booted RE4 on Steam to play a bit.
As if my brain wanted to confirm which was better, because both are quite similar in many aspects. RE4 still holds up so well and felt better to me for being more 'to the point' because the first chapters in TEW felt too stealthy to me at first..
I love the first RE vibe when you meet the first guy though, it slapped a smile on my face.
It really is limited in ammo, and it has more stealth than I imagined, but that's just the beginning so I guess that, as you progress, you get more weapons/ammo and you can go for a more 'all-in' style, right?
EDIT: Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention, I take those black bars and nuke them in space, shit is annoying and takes a LOT of space, especially when you try to see something specific with the camera.
Deleted the game, and initiated another installation.
Xbox One
The Evil Within needs an update
No 7.5GB?
Deleted the game, and initiated another installation.
Xbox One
The Evil Within needs an update
No 7.5GB?
I fucking LOVE this game. Love it.
To me it is the true spiritual successor to RE4, just a much more tactical experience.
Really is very reminiscent of The Last Of Us, which is a very good thing in my book.
I really would describe it as TLoU meets Resident Evil 4.
Considering both of those games are in my Top 10 games EVER made. Holy poop, I am truly loving it.
Mix in that wacky bonkers off the wall makes no sense whatsoever Japanese horror sensibility, and it is a cult classic waiting to happen.
I know for absolute certainty many people are going to hate the game. No doubt at all about this fact.
I however love the hell out of it, and I am only a little bit into Chapter 3. It would take a true disaster for it to break apart and make me not like it.
So damn good.
Is there any news or anything on a patch for removing the black bars? Black bars good for performance? Or did they put those just for the looks?
I didn't do it today, and I probably won't do it tomorrow, but I vow that one day...one day, I will defeat the first Sadist in the game.
assuming it's possible
Things i'm not liking:
Framerate (PS4)
Camera (too close)
Game feels a few patches away from greatness.
Great nameGoddamnit I love this game
Can anyone comment on match use? I'm still pretty early. Should I be burning every single body I come across?
edit: Even the ones that appear burned or dead?