Game feels dated, is boring, story sucks.
Don't understand what's the point of this game existing.
Because the world doesn't revolve around you, a lot of people love it.
Game feels dated, is boring, story sucks.
Don't understand what's the point of this game existing.
Game feels dated, is boring, story sucks.
Don't understand what's the point of this game existing.
Game feels dated, is boring, story sucks.
Don't understand what's the point of this game existing.
The idea is finebut the fact that there is a button prompt ruins the whole thing.There is an X-ray machine which tells you where the key is exactly
Chapter 4 spoilerwhat the fuck at the transporting four armed blood women lol smashed my head into mush in about two seconds. She's not the new chainsaw guy is she?
Game feels dated, is boring, story sucks.
Don't understand what's the point of this game existing.
Game feels dated, is boring, story sucks.
Don't understand what's the point of this game existing.
Also, the accuracy is the worst that I've ever played in a game. I've shot plenty of times within 2 yards of an enemy with the sights on their face and the shot will miss. What is up with that?
This game sucks. The frame rate blows and movement feels soooooo sloooow. Also, the accuracy is the worst that I've ever played in a game. I've shot plenty of times within 2 yards of an enemy with the sights on their face and the shot will miss. What is up with that? I see a lot of "it's like RE4" but only on the most generic and surface levels of similarity - this game is not like RE4 where it needs to be.
So upgrade your accuracy?
Kind of, but not really. Just another enemy that you'll face from time to time, until you don't.She's actually a hell of a lot easier to take down compared to the Mr. Massacre.
It's not. As far as the aiming and bullets seemingly phasing through their heads, at first I thought it was just me missing or them veering off to the side at the last second. Sometimes it is, but it does seem like bullets happen to pass through them at times.
Have you upgraded accuracy? It doesn't really do much aside from stop reticle sway.
Maybe it's just the small room coupled with her erratic movemen. I had a much easier time with the other guy.
If you stand still you should rarely if ever miss, only when you're moving is when accuracy gets wild.
Love all the people funneling into the thread complaining that this isn't a carbon copy of RE4. Go play RE4.
Stand still and be amazed.
How can games be real when if eyes aren't realWhat's the point of any game existing.
So upgrade your accuracy?
It's not. As far as the aiming and bullets seemingly phasing through their heads, at first I thought it was just me missing or them veering off to the side at the last second. Sometimes it is, but it does seem like bullets happen to pass through them at times.
Have you upgraded accuracy? It doesn't really do much aside from stop reticle sway.
The thing is, Mikami changed the forumla for a reason. Why regress? You can still have a "real" Survival Horror game without the downsides.
How can games be real when if eyes aren't real
Thanks a ton just beat itThis is ironically so far my favorite boss in the game because of one thing onlyDo your best to get him into his second form where everything is purple and he is all red in the middle. By then you can just casually run abit every few seconds and get a feel of his pattern, he'd come running then pause for a second or two to jump for a bite. Basically that's all what he'll do till you will kill him so as soon as you get him to the second form the better. At the same time you'll be able to look for ammo this way. He has a pattern that when mastered, will be easy as shit.
How is it a downside? You're punished for staying mobile, rewarded for taking the risk of standing still.
I like it.
Someone sucks at counter-strike.
Again, I'll return with saying if people never played or don't usually play classic survival horror games will never understand.
How is it a downside? You're punished for staying mobile, rewarded for taking the risk of standing still.
I like it.
Thanks a ton just beat it![]()
OH MAN I just remembered that I could put sneak on toggle. My finger was getting so tired.
How is it a downside? You're punished for staying mobile, rewarded for taking the risk of standing still.
I like it.
Again, I'll return with saying if people never played or don't usually play classic survival horror games will never understand.
Chapter 3 stuff: this is how I eventually killed this guy after a number of stupid deaths and experimenting thinking I needed to. Did anyone else think they needed to do that?make him swing at me and hit the chain instead
I was curious, though, if there's any other way to kill him than that? I noticed theshotgun knocks him over, but I didn't have enough ammo to figure out if it actually could kill him.
Chapter 3 stuff: this is how I eventually killed this guy after a number of stupid deaths and experimenting thinking I needed to. Did anyone else think they needed to do that?make him swing at me and hit the chain instead
I was curious, though, if there's any other way to kill him than that? I noticed theshotgun knocks him over, but I didn't have enough ammo to figure out if it actually could kill him.
I used 4-5and boom the trophy poppedexplosive arrows on him
Dat boss walk at the end lol. Yeah, other members on here killed him this way also. As for me,I used the crossbow on him mixed harpoon and explosve with a few shots from the shotgun as well as revolver. Focusing of course mostly in the head, I killed him in the barn lol.
.You don't kill her during your first encounter
I had no idea you could even get the crossbow in this chapter. I got it in the next chapter. where was it?
I still don't know what the hell you're trying to say. I don't even try to "run and gun". The controls are "fine". It's the camera zooming like I have binocular eyes that ruins everything when I'm ten feet away from an enemy.
And for those that do and have? What then?
This is exactly what I was referring to in my review and post. It changes yet it doesn't totally alienate there horror stuff. Also I accidentally fired a shot in that one section. The resulting cutscene had me dying in laughter. LolTwo spoilers for the tone and a couple moments in the chapter 11 in particular (first spoiler is just tone of them, second spoiler includes gameplay moment descriptions).
Chapter 11 & 12go in something like The Evil Within's version of the island in RE4, but it feels weirder in The Evil Within because of the rest of the game. There's sections that feel like they'd be right out of RE4's end game scenarios, but feel completely out of place almost with TEW. It's a complete tonal shift from the two chapters right before it, that are very horror heavy.
But that's not to say the whole chapter is like that, there's actually some really fun gameplay moments in that chapter that only happen in that chapter.There's a swimming mechanic only used in chapter 11 in the whole game, and with that there's an underwater monster that can eat you in one gulp. Some really fun frantic moments of trying to get to land and distracting the monster as you move from haven to haven. And a moment where you can't shoot any guns as flammable gas is in the air, and have to make your way through a mannequin factory full of Haunted without being allowed to shoot a single bullet.
In the end I actually liked them, and think they'll be more fun to replay, but when I first was playing the chapters, I was thinking to myself, "Oh dear, this is really not what I want from this game." It does get back to it's business right after these, though.
I'm getting this feeling as well.
Some design choices old-school fans get instantly and are in heaven.
Other players view them as crippling/bad.
It's similar to ballet, it's boring if you don't understand the nuances (not my words).
I had no idea you could even get the crossbow in this chapter. I got it in the next chapter. where was it?
yes by all means yes- check out this review by fellow GAF'er SlasherJPC on the PS4 version
on chapter 4 myself-it only has gotten better every (chapter for me)
Basically what I did as well.Dat boss walk at the end lol. Yeah, other members on here killed him this way also. As for me,I used the crossbow on him mixed harpoon and explosve with a few shots from the shotgun as well as revolver. Focusing of course mostly in the head, I killed him in the barn lol.
Basically what I did as well.Got him with two explosive bolts, and then would use a flash bolt to stun him and get him up close with as many shotgun blasts as I could. Eventually he went down, though it was just outside the barn...
I actually have a question about opening those item chests, for anyone who paid more attention than I did. I kinda skipped over the tutorial that popped up the first time I opened one...if there's a bomb in the lid, is there any way to defuse it or do you just have to let that chest go once you notice it's there?
Game feels dated, is boring, story sucks.
Don't understand what's the point of this game existing.
I actually have a question about opening those item chests, for anyone who paid more attention than I did. I kinda skipped over the tutorial that popped up the first time I opened one...if there's a bomb in the lid, is there any way to defuse it or do you just have to let that chest go once you notice it's there?
Not that it means anything, but a guy who holds some of the records for a few of the old school RE speed runs is raging about how much he didn't like this game and that it was just a "TLOU rip off". I wouldn't go that far, because it "rips off" just about everything horror releated under the sun. As long as the game is good I suppose originality shouldn't matter as much, but it still seems strange.
For me at least, the reason it feels so much like that game probably has more to do with the way I have played both. SlasherJPC even touches up on his thoughts about the similarities in his review, but for me it goes much further than that.
Yes.use the stealth crouch to slowly open it half way, then let the lid close and defuse it like you would any trap.
Thanks!You have to open the chest slowly but at the same time leave the leaving the button for Seb to close the chest so each time try raising the lid higher and leave your finger till you will hear a click nose and it'll tell you to hold X (assuming you're playing the PS4 version) which means you can disarm the trap much like the other traps(excluding the bomb) in the game.
I'm not sure it's that simple. I don't have any issues with most of the gameplay except the gunplay (which is pretty important), which doesn't match the speed of the enemies. It was "tank like" in all of the older RE games--protagonists still progressively became more agile each new iteration though--but most enemies kind of just shuffled around aside from the few speedier kinds.
Even then it didn't really matter because of the way the perspective was in regards to firing. This game wants to be a TPS but the zoom makes it feel closer to a FPS and it controls like shit. I can understand wanting to make the player feel claustrophobic, but relying on a bad combination of view and slugglish controls for tension isn't good at all. This is the first X/horror anything where I've felt like the protagonist was not actually balanced around the enemies. It just feels so very off. Which is mind-boggling considering who directed it. You also had a very easy backup way to finish off enemies in those games too if you were out of ammo. You don't in this.
Basically what I did as well. [
I actually have a question about opening those item chests, for anyone who paid more attention than I did. I kinda skipped over the tutorial that popped up the first time I opened one
I can agree with you. I'm in Chapter 4 now and the game does feel like early stuff from PS3/360 and the framerate is bad. Textures take time to show up sometimes and the camera is kinda hard to control and is way too close to the character. Sometimes, i can't even see what i'm doing because of the camera work... The game as of now is 7-7.5/10 to me.
But with all that negativity, the game still is fun to me, i love that cheesy style of Mikami, love the puzzles and the gunplay is fun !