I ended up focusing a lot of my upgrades into the harpoon bolts. They're so cheap to make and the final upgrade for them is ridiculously good.
Is it true maxing out melee is a waste? I wanted to Mike Tyson some zombies, bummer if so.
I ended up focusing a lot of my upgrades into the harpoon bolts. They're so cheap to make and the final upgrade for them is ridiculously good.
Am i really suppose to kill this chapter 6just by shooting?Chainsaw 'boss'
Don't want to browse through the thread to avoid spoilers. I have a copy arriving.
Is this game good? Is it worth it?
Yes. He goes down quicker than you might think.
He went down really quick,it was still a dumb moment for the game though, why was that needed in the game?
Is this game good? Is it worth it?
Is it true maxing out melee is a waste? I wanted to Mike Tyson some zombies, bummer if so.
OT's are a funny place. On one hand you have people defending the game they enjoy immensly (somtimes too much and too defensive). On the other hand you have people who dislike it (which is fine) but then claiming it's the new RE6 (going overboard). You have to find a good balance otherwise either side can look a little silly. Comments and thoughts are welcome cause that brings the discussion and that's all we want. Sometimes people just get caught up in things or interpet things the wrong way.
Don't want to browse through the thread to avoid spoilers. I have a copy arriving.
Is this game good? Is it worth it?
To.. Create tension and challenge the player? Why did you think it was so particularly stupid? Just a random mini-boss
He went down really quick,it was still a dumb moment for the game though, why was that needed in the game?
sweet, this thread is still a "no criticism allowed" zone. You can still like your game. It's okay if not everyone gives you validation on your video game taste.
Didn't you know OT's are a designated hug box zone? Its great for people who are insecure in their own enjoyment.
Or they will just put you on ignore and call you a troll.
I finished mine in about 11 hours. I think 15 hours is a generous mark. There is an achievement for finishing it in 5 hours. Which I'm going to aim for on my 2nd or 3rd play through.Anyone know how long this game will take to finish? Is it about the same length as RE4?
I don't have it either, but reading this article makes the game sound pretty great. Will probably pick it up soon.
I finished mine in about 11 hours. I think 15 hours is a generous mark..
can you kill the chainsaw man with your knife? The achievement sounds like it but I've stabbed him almost 10 times now.
Resident Evil 6 was tyte. Just sayin.
Don't want to browse through the thread to avoid spoilers. I have a copy arriving.
Is this game good? Is it worth it?
Guy got tired of your shit, can you really blame him?
You don't gotta be salty about it.
Guy got tired of your shit, can you really blame him?
You don't gotta be salty about it.
Not nearly as salty as you get every time somebody compares this to RE4...which it is
When someone harrashes you on GAF and your personal youtube channel. I've had enough. Not acceptable in the slightest.
Try playing RE4.
It's cheap on Steam now, pretty fun game.
They also seem to house a fair number of people whose only goal is to always suck enjoyment out of games to be fair. Stands to reason that people who like a game will far outnumber those who don't in OT's.
Honestly what you are doing sounds quite a lot like "thread whining", it's bannable in case you were unaware.
Two spoilers for the tone and a couple moments in the chapter 11 in particular (first spoiler is just tone of them, second spoiler includes gameplay moment descriptions).
Chapter 11 & 12go in something like The Evil Within's version of the island in RE4, but it feels weirder in The Evil Within because of the rest of the game. There's sections that feel like they'd be right out of RE4's end game scenarios, but feel completely out of place almost with TEW. It's a complete tonal shift from the two chapters right before it, that are very horror heavy.
But that's not to say the whole chapter is like that, there's actually some really fun gameplay moments in that chapter that only happen in that chapter.There's a swimming mechanic only used in chapter 11 in the whole game, and with that there's an underwater monster that can eat you in one gulp. Some really fun frantic moments of trying to get to land and distracting the monster as you move from haven to haven. And a moment where you can't shoot any guns as flammable gas is in the air, and have to make your way through a mannequin factory full of Haunted without being allowed to shoot a single bullet.
In the end I actually liked them, and think they'll be more fun to replay, but when I first was playing the chapters, I was thinking to myself, "Oh dear, this is really not what I want from this game." It does get back to it's business right after these, though.
The REmake OT will be both hilarious and depressing.
"I wasted all my ammo on the first zombie what do I do?"
"The knife is so weak why is it even in the game?"
Not nearly as salty as you get every time somebody compares this to RE4...which it is
Honestly, his ego was so fragile, its a wonder he lasted that long
ch9-The "run away from Ruvik" thing is a bummer. The camera is so claustrophobic that I can never tell where he is and I usually end up running right into him. It's killing my enjoyment of what is otherwise a pretty cool level.
was on survival, in this game matches are the savior. If you can knock down a group of enemies with a shotgun blast or two. You can effectively burn them all at once with one match. Plus I find distracting them and then run to the next area or behind them then stealth kill them make quick work as wellDamn 11 hours? You were flying. Were you on casual?
I'm just now starting chapter 8 w/ 7 hours 15 min played.
Hey Gaz! long time no see! glad to see you're enjoying this game mate!Preach.
Try playing RE4.
It's cheap on Steam now, pretty fun game.
What on earth are y'all talking about? lol
When you survive the onslaught of someone calling you a moneyhat on both gaf and your youtube video review?
Wow I envy you, you're gonna have a blast playing Resident Evil 4 and Shadows of the damned for the first time.
Enjoy it sir, enjoy
Hey Gaz! long time no see! glad to see you're enjoying this game mate!
Sup, man! Yeah it's a lot of fun actually. Picks up a lot at the third chapter.
Chapter 6 was by far the worst performance wise (PS4). Like Blight Town bad. .
So, what's the verdict on exactly what the benefit of burning bodies with matches does?
I haven't even finished chapter 3 and I already dig it. Glad to hear it gets better!
So, what's the verdict on exactly what the benefit of burning bodies with matches does?