Death Metalist
This chapter 10 fight withis fun but frustrating.Laura
EDIT: So weird thing...the time I actually got through it,. lolLaura wasn't there chasing me at all in that last part
Consider yourself lucky!
This chapter 10 fight withis fun but frustrating.Laura
EDIT: So weird thing...the time I actually got through it,. lolLaura wasn't there chasing me at all in that last part
Wait, how do you 1 shot -> match? It usually takes me 3 headshots to knock a zombie down so that I can burn them unless it criticals and blows up their head.
Why don't bombs react to zombies? Triplines do, it's frustrating to have to fight enemies surrounded by bomb traps that start to go off the second you aim if you miss the stealth kill.
And is there no way to disarm booby-trapped chests?
Wait, how do you 1 shot -> match? It usually takes me 3 headshots to knock a zombie down so that I can burn them unless it criticals and blows up their head. Why don't bombs react to zombies? Triplines do, it's frustrating to have to fight enemies surrounded by bomb traps that start to go off the second you aim if you miss the stealth kill. And is there no way to disarm booby-trapped chests?
Just shoot them in the leg to knock them down. Once on the ground, you can light them on fire.
Dem legs, yo. Shoot dem legs.
I wouldn't hold your breath for that, the game on consoles already can't manage 30fps, without black bars you'll be sub-20's.
Build a PC, fellas. It's worth it.
I like when I get lucky in a crowd and light multiple zombles with this move.
Consider yourself lucky!
Once I completed this, I can do a New Game Plus with all my upgrades carrying over right? Can't wait for my second run.
Wait, how do you 1 shot -> match? It usually takes me 3 headshots to knock a zombie down so that I can burn them unless it criticals and blows up their head. Why don't bombs react to zombies? Triplines do, it's frustrating to have to fight enemies surrounded by bomb traps that start to go off the second you aim if you miss the stealth kill. And is there no way to disarm booby-trapped chests?
Speaking of NG+, can I increase the difficulty or am I stuck on that of my previous playthrough?
Nope. You can only do NG+ on the difficulty you played on or lower. No bringing it a buffed up Sebastian into Nightmare or Akumu after playing Survival or Casual. lol
What's a good way to defeat thelong haired, crawling bitch in the furnace room? i tried trapping her in the fire chambers but she either doesn't die or escapes just in time. i tried lighting her on fire first to buy some time, then switching the lever. btw, her crawling animation is pretty creepy.
also, does anyone else have no idea what's going on in the game? i think i'm near the end of chapter 5. what bothers me most is that the main character doesn't even give a fuck.
Replay the intro and early section of RE and RE2. They don't really "freak out" but they definitely behave a lot more to what an actual human would. Not "Yeah...I'm just Dick Tracy and I've seen it all before, no big deal".
At the start of the encounter equip frost arrows and hide against the pillar until a giant eye pops out of his back. Once the eye is out freeze him and then pull out the sniper rifle and hit the eye. Move behind a car and wait for him to walk down the garage and for the eye to pop out again. Two shots to the eye will trigger his "berserk" mode, freeze him and shoot out the heads or shoot the eye in his mouth to kill him.
Having a hard time getting into this game. The poor performance and super zoomed camera really putting it off for me. The aiming is almost first person view and the wonky camera is making me nauseous. And i play fast paced games like mvc 3 all the time. Oh well might give this another spin tomorrow.
Count yourself lucky, imagine paying full price for this game and not being able to increase the fov.I removed the borders and increased the FOV and it makes it alot more enjoyable, but honestly its still a game thats very heavily flawed.
Was stuck on the chapter 10 boss and I remembered seeing this a few days back it really helped.
I'm at the mid point of Chapter 2 and never knew that we could break thefor keys. It was only revealed through a loading tip and I remember passing by one. What do they do exactly?goddess statue
What's a good way to defeat thelong haired, crawling bitch in the furnace room? i tried trapping her in the fire chambers but she either doesn't die or escapes just in time. i tried lighting her on fire first to buy some time, then switching the lever. btw, her crawling animation is pretty creepy.
also, does anyone else have no idea what's going on in the game? i think i'm near the end of chapter 5. what bothers me most is that the main character doesn't even give a fuck.
ThanksLucent said:Use the keys on lockers in the save world. The nurse will show you the way. It's behind her desk.
Major story spoilers
how does Ruvik have teleportation powers outside of his reality at the start of the game?
I couldn't help but laugh and facepalm at the beginning in chapter 1 when I tried to. It seemed like such a troll move by Mikami lol.stealth kill the huge chainsaw guy only to get my head lopped off
Major story spoilers
how does Ruvik have teleportation powers outside of his reality at the start of the game?
At the start of the encounter equip frost arrows and hide against the pillar until a giant eye pops out of his back. Once the eye is out freeze him and then pull out the sniper rifle and hit the eye. Move behind a car and wait for him to walk down the garage and for the eye to pop out again. Two shots to the eye will trigger his "berserk" mode, freeze him and shoot out the heads or shoot the eye in his mouth to kill him.
I'm not disagreeing with Sebastian being a pretty bland character but dude, what?
Have you ever seen the intro to RE2? You know, the one where Leon is gunning down 4, or 5 zambies while complimenting himself on his shooting with some smarmy one-liners. And all that on his first day on the job. Come the fuck on, mayne, lol.
I guess I missed something obvious? Can someone link me to an explanation?Have you finished the game? because if you did you would answer that question on your own.
Hey...that's actually a good advice and probably the easiest strategy to kill it. Should be useful in akumu. Thanks!
Resident Evil has always been campy but ever since "The Last of Us" I kind of expect current-gen games to have solid dialogue and voice-acting, especially the survival horror genre where mood and atmosphere are important.
I'm not disagreeing with Sebastian being a pretty bland character but dude, what?
Have you ever seen the intro to RE2? You know, the one where Leon is gunning down 4, or 5 zambies while complimenting himself on his shooting with some smarmy one-liners. And all that on his first day on the job. Come the fuck on, mayne, lol.
Have you finished the game? because if you did you would answer that question on your own.
Again, I'm not disagreeing that Seb is a pretty lame character. I just thought that it was incredibly silly that Sanctuary named old RE as an example for more believable characters.
No actually, I haven't seen the intro you're talking about. Because it doesn't exist. Seems like you're confusing parts of RE4 and RE6 with RE2. Seriously, they act so much more realistic compared to the characters in TEW (who are on prozac and have blinders on).
I mean, I guess mentioning how his bullet didn't phase the zombie could be considered a "smarmy one-liner" but it's not really.
Just finished chapter 7 (and 8). Man this game is quickly becoming a possible GOTY contender for me. The game has been getting better and better (though I didn't like chapter 6 quite as much as some) with chapter 7 being the major highlight of the game so far. Can't wait to jump into chapter 9 later today as the setting already is promising to be great.
By the way. I'm playing on the PC with the FOV set to 85 but with borders. I really hope they patch in the FOV option for console players as it makes a world of difference.
Just got to chapter 7 and absolutely loving this.
Quick question, at one point I noticed a safe on the ground covered in barbed wire, it wiggled when I walked past it. Is there a way to open this or is it just for show?
It's for show. You'll later find out more.Just got to chapter 7 and absolutely loving this.
Quick question, at one point I noticed a safe on the ground covered in barbed wire, it wiggled when I walked past it. Is there a way to open this or is it just for show?
I guess I missed something obvious? Can someone link me to an explanation?![]()
It still doesn't make a whole lot of sense.Hmm, so even though he doesn't fully control Leslie until the end, he can somehow still use him as a condiuit to affect the physical world? Unless Sebastian was hooked up to the matrix before the intro of the game even started and Ruvik drugged him and had whoever hook him up, they don't really explain how he's doing that.
Just got to chapter 7 and absolutely loving this.
Quick question, at one point I noticed a safe on the ground covered in barbed wire, it wiggled when I walked past it. Is there a way to open this or is it just for show?
I just past chapter 7 last night. That last part with the gas was tense as hell. Love this game.
I think the safe is just for show.
Haha no! you'll see soon...
It's for show. You'll later find out more.![]()
I've just sat here for 4 hours.
Dabbled with KI for a little bit.
Need to get back into this tomorrow.
Here is a clip from my play through,
when you first deal with a Sadist..and this was Survivor difficulty:
Steal the keys in front of him.