It's unlocked after you finish on survival or casual, unfortunately.
Hopefully I suffer enough on survival difficulty.
It's unlocked after you finish on survival or casual, unfortunately.
Yeah I think we briefly talked about it. But I doubt anybody would appreciate like the old RE fans. Most people would throw the game away after the first cutscene.
EDIT: It was never really bad for me because when I played RE for the first time I didn't understand english yet and only read subtitles. So it seemed all very dramatic and not funny at all. There was no sandwich relief after the action...
Hopefully I suffer enough on survival difficulty.
I replied to someone awhile back about someone doing a new game on the level of RE1's legendary voices. Not sure if it was you or not but that'd be amazing.
Resident Evil was the first game I played where they had voice acting in it and I was fairly young. I was blown away by that fact and never realized how "bad" the voice acting was until later. I was just like "wow. WOW! They talk!" lol
I remember (at the time an almost young adult mind you) being genuinely scared at the line "Blood... I hope this isn't.... CHRIS' blood." Amazing how the industry and our standards have changed^^M-M-Megaman. Need to stop Dr. Whiwwy^^
Man, I feel so blessed that even as primarily a PC gamer, I don't care as much about occasional frame rate dips and muddy textures as you guys, lol.
And for the record: I'm going to play this on PS3.
That line was so poorly delivered, and Barry was obviously so not all there, that all I could think was "Blood? I hope this is not MY blood!".
That line was so poorly delivered, and Barry was obviously so not all there, that all I could think was "Blood? I hope this is not MY blood!".
lol! -Barry walks towards Jill, ignoring the decomposing giant snake he steps over- "Have you found anything interesting?!"
Man they had some bad lines in that game. Not just badly performed, but badly written.
I like how Barry examined that blood though. I was like um...are you just gonna look at it? Are you gonna be able to tell if it's Chris' blood by staring at it? Okay, I guess I'll wander off alone in this dark mansion after we JUST found blood on the ground.
Hi guys! I wasn't here for the last couple of days, I have a couple of questions please:
1) How are the impressions on this game, is it going to be one of Mikami's greatest or i should lower my expectations?
2) Can i still pre order it on PSN with 10% discount? Can I preload it now?
Thank you all, if you can update me on anything important that I've missed in the last couple of days I'll appreciate it.
The rope dialogue and scene right after is about as bad.
Barry: How about going down to check by yourself (wink wink)? I have a rope here.
Jill: Oh do you? Well then I'll try to go down using the rope!
Jill goes down using the rope that mysteriously drops down to her feet. Instead of tossing it back up like any fucking human with common sense would do, she waits for Barry to leave her alone to randomly rummage through this giant mansion in search of another rope.
But then you start to realize during the course of the gamethat it was intentional, since Barry is clearly working under Wesker.
lol! -Barry walks towards Jill, ignoring the decomposing giant snake he steps over- "Have you found anything interesting?!"
Man they had some bad lines in that game. Not just badly performed, but badly written.
I like how Barry examined that blood though. I was like um...are you just gonna look at it? Are you gonna be able to tell if it's Chris' blood by staring at it? Okay, I guess I'll wander off alone in this dark mansion after we JUST found blood on the ground.
1. From what I get it's a good game, but that's it. Nothing extraordninary and with a few technical flaws here and there (framerate dips, animations, texture pop-ins). Definitely not one of his greatest (at least this is what I get from all the impressions)
2. You can still pre-order with the 10% discount, preload should start later today (11:19 AM, Sunday currently here)
From the earlier user impressions, I believe it's safe to say to play this on survival or Akuma mode to get the authentic experience just like TLOU.
Thank you very much, bummer about not being one of Mikami's greatest, i was hoping this one can kickstart survival horror again![]()
I hope this game doesn't have any sections that make you go WTF? like the sewer area in RE2. Because I'm not quite sure how that escaped notice.
Thank you very much, bummer about not being one of Mikami's greatest, i was hoping this one can kickstart survival horror again![]()
What do you mean? I recently replayed RE2, what was odd about the sewers?
I'll have to see if I can find the footage, but it's when Leon and Ada are together (I think), and they run into the area with the ladders, catwalks and ventillation fans. They start at a specific ground level, go up a ladder, then go up another ladder, walk through the fan to drop down a ladder that looked to be exactly the same height as the one they went up, yet they are magically at ground level with the previous room.
Why do you need it to be the 'greatest' ? That makes it sound like we have good survival horror games all the time and so nothing short of greatest can bring back the genre.
So with the release almost at hand. I want to do something a bit different. I want to play the entire game without reading a single piece of review or player impressions from now on, not even scores. I would like to see how different my view will be compared to the general consensus. If there are more people who are interested in partaking this experience. I could make a thread specifically for this. The thread will not be entered until you feel you are done with the game. You enter, immediately hit the reply button and write your impressions. after you do so you will then be allowed to read other people's impressions of the game and compare that with your own.
I think it will be an interesting experiment given how varied the impressions are. But I also understand that part of the fun of a game is sharing your thoughts while playing. So I would understand if people don't want to do this. Should that be the case. I'll still go along with this mentality but I'll just post my impressions in this thread.
Count me in. I always do it like that because people tend to get crazy about little stuff I don't even care. Its just the way I played re4 for the first tome. I want to give TEW the same approach.
Although I certainly will stumble over 1-2 scores when I read about other games. Thats hard to avoid. Because I usually need around 2-3 weeks until I finish a 15h game
Lol well if that's true I definitely didn't catch it. Sounds funny though.
Bought it for Witcher 3 actually, this game just made me buy it sooner.
Still think anyone skipping the game due to minor technical issues is a joke. Really couldn't give two shits if someone cancelled their preorder, I'll enjoy the game for them instead.
Yeah I think we briefly talked about it. But I doubt anybody would appreciate like the old RE fans. Most people would throw the game away after the first cutscene.
If I had to call critic complaints right now:
-Game is too hard
-Checkpoints are unforgiving
-Technical issues (pop-up, some occasions of slow-down)
-Archaic design choices
-Silly/ridiculous plot with hammy/bad voice acting
Watch it happen.
Wow, the more I play, the better it gets. I always loved Mikami games when you level up your abilities and play NG+.
I can feel the Leveldesign gets better and better to me
Had no problems with checkpoints. Everything so far is just seconds or 1-2 minutes back after you die.
Are there weapon upgrades? And if there are is it visible on the gun?
Upgrades yes, but no optical changes (as of the end of chapter 6 right now)
This ALWAYS bothered me, and I've never seen anyone else mention it.
Witcher 3. Rrrrriiiggghhttt.
I read what you wrote and watched it 4 times but I don't see anything that stands out there, I must be blind or something.
Look at my edit, watch from the point where Ada goes up the first ladder to when Leon meets up with her. She drops down twice the height she went up, drops down about that same distance a second time, then Leon wakes up, runs entirely level with the area Ada first started out in prior to moving up the first ladder and magically ends up level with where she ended up.
Holy hell that's observant, I never would have caught that. He only went down 1 level and she went down 2 but they ended up in the same room, pretty funny.
Because If we want the genre to get back to its glory days we need a AAA game quality wise that will drive the masses, if this game would get a 9.5 for example in MC and will win loads of GOTY awards more people will have to try it and it can rejuvenate the entire genre, it wont happen if it's just OK.
BTW what are the complaints from people's impressions about this game?
At this point i just hope it's a good survival horror game for someone who likes the genre.
He never actually went down a single level.
Oops you're right, wow.