Debatable.Look, there’s nothing wrong with men. I’m one myself!
Debatable.Look, there’s nothing wrong with men. I’m one myself!
Ah, thank you. I was worried i was doing wrong all this time. Good thing we have you to guide us in what's right and wrong.Look, there’s nothing wrong with men. It’s totally OK to be a man, and in most circumstances, it’s perfectly OK to choose to play a male character in a video game when given multiple gender options.
Not only am I playing as DudeShep, ima clap blue alien cheeks.
Maybe modeled after him.Authored by the Cuckold Simulator main character.
Uh, not to be a dick or anything, but it has been scientifically proven through years and years of research that anyone who posts on a video game forum LOLing madly at someone's looks is actually extremely attractive, well-proportioned, and has a six-pack and a long, girthy penis.I find it kinda "beta" or whatever when y'all get hung up on people's looks. like, Jason Schrier sucks, but I don't care what he looks like. It's low hanging fruit, frankly.
One hot dude
Holy shit he actually talks about supporting Elizabeth WarrenOkay guys I held my nose and clicked the link (with ad block) to see what the author’s points were:
- Jennifer Hale’s VA is really good
- The author voted for Elizabeth Warren
- Femshep is unmistakably a highly accomplished woman, not a man
- allowing you to choose between a male and female Shepard is an example of giving you too much narrative choice
- author fantasizes about getting pegged but is too afraid to ask
Been playing the Japanese version, eh?But they're pixels?
Many men find it very affirming of their identity to see their body type and masculine presentation reflected by their choice of on-screen simulacrum
I find it kinda "beta" or whatever when y'all get hung up on people's looks. like, Jason Schrier sucks, but I don't care what he looks like. It's low hanging fruit, frankly.
One hot dude
Same, the only time i play as one is games like Tomb raider or mirrors edge where the main character is that. Or borderlands, Love me some siren ass , as the characters are sexy and have fun elemental abilities (plus established character). Also diablo, amazon, sorcerer, etc... Or fighting games, i always play as the women in those, check my avatar. Sophita is a goddess!! Love me some street fighter lady thighs. Ok yeah i am a bit of a perv with those games, so what, no harm no foul.I'm not a woman and I certainly don't want to roleplay as one.
I Insist You Play Mass Effect as a Woman
You’ll regret completing this space trilogy series as a
I already completed ME1 as a dude.
I guess, I am ruining EVAN URQUHART's day!!
For the record, I have played all games as Fem and Male Shep and consider Mark Meer to be better, but both are good.
Go listen to Hale's performance on Twin Snakes. You may change your tune on that, honestly.Fuck you. Mark Meer >>>> Jennifer Hale
Such a generic performance
Do not, under any circumstances, play the protagonist as a guy.
I insist you play as her.
Trans Journo.
The authenticity of the female Shepard’s characterization is revelatory. Women still face an uphill struggle in gaining and excelling within leadership roles in real life, because many people don’t have a fully realized template for what success looks and sounds like in a female leader. Mass Effect transports you to a world where a woman in a combat leadership role is completely natural. Even as FemShep speaks the same lines as the male Shepard, her relationships with men and other women read differently because she’s a woman. Her position of authority is no less solidly held, but it is unmistakably the authority of a competent and high-achieving woman, not that of a man. If you’ve had an excellent female boss, or if (like me) you supported Elizabeth Warren’s candidacy for president, there’s something in there you may recognize. If you never have, then you more than anyone need to play this video game as female Shepard.
Do not, under any circumstances, play the protagonist as a guy.
I insist you play as her.
The intended audience being….people who bought the game being discussed? No shit.I preferred Fem shep at the time but Jennifer Hale is now one of the most over casted voice actors. I'd play as a dude if I was playing it the first time today.
Show me a YouTube clip of Hale’s “amazing” voice acting putting on a vastly superior performance than Meer’s?Seriously though if anyone has not played the game with a female Shep I honestly can't recommend it enough.
The voice acting is vastly superior on the female Shep. Male Shep has his moments, but there are also times where the voice acting is very off and I can't quite put my finger on exactly what it is. But Jennifer Hale knocks it out of the park in every game.
I'm playing as fem shep for the first time and I'm trying to bone down with Liara. Got a little too aggressive in my last dialogue though so I gots to play the long game apparentlyYo, I'm running with the ultimate ugly, cookie cutter, mofo ever....
I could get behind this cuteness though...
If .... you ..... like .....every..... ....word ....time, .....a.....nasal.....bland.....voiceThey aren't wrong though. The actress is much better than the guy they have playing ManShep.