Meus Renaissance said:Either that or they are shareholders of Sony
Perhaps they are
Meus Renaissance said:Either that or they are shareholders of Sony
Hcoregamer00 said:I see nothing wrong with that since the original PS3 is a 15 pound behemoth that sounds like a rocket and accumulates internal dust like nobodies business.
Zhuk said:I agree, at least 95% of people who are excited for the Slim on the internet already own a PS3 and are fanboys, the ones that will actually purchase another console is a far lower proportion of even those who state they will.
I think the excitement comes because the Sony fans see the Slim as the chance they have been waiting 3 long and hard years for, to correct the historical injustice of a Sony system playing 3rd chair to the Wii and 360, something which is unnatural in their eyes. Things won't be right in their eyes until the PS3 gains the public adoption and acclaim they think it should, along with justifying their beliefs in the virtues of the system as being superior to its competitors.
H_Prestige said:Probably too much dust clogging your fans. There are so many vents on the old ps3's that you pretty much have to dust it off multiple times per day to keep it perfect. My 60gb is louder than it was when it was still new (couldn't even hear the darn thing it was so quiet), but it only turns into a rocket during a chaotic KZ2 session. Did you try vacuuming it?
Lion Heart said:Whats the best way to go about cleaning it internally?
Meus Renaissance said:Judging from Gaf and the Interweb, the majority are going to get a 2nd PS3 if a price drop happens. :lol Why the fuck would anyone buy more than one console for themselves. Maybe us poor are retarded or something, but it doesn't make sense. Now, if they dropped prices of software and accessories then I can understand people vacuuming the stores for multiple purchases, but a second console? That's like getting a brand new TV to sit next to your other TV
Yes it does make them retarded. Quite retarded.kazuma_pt said:this reminds me of another thread where a guy said he wanted another ps3, and the 360 fanboys started attacking him. man that thread was gold.
people buy stuff, and they buy what they want. if they want to buy 20 ps3's, what's wrong with that? does that make them retarded? silly? no it doesn't. does that make them fanboys? no it doesn't.
edit: oh nice, the n4g troll arrived
Zhuk said:I agree, at least 95% of people who are excited for the Slim on the internet already own a PS3 and are fanboys, the ones that will actually purchase another console is a far lower proportion of even those who state they will.
I think the excitement comes because the Sony fans see the Slim as the chance they have been waiting 3 long and hard years for, to correct the historical injustice of a Sony system playing 3rd chair to the Wii and 360, something which is unnatural in their eyes. Things won't be right in their eyes until the PS3 gains the public adoption and acclaim they think it should, along with justifying their beliefs in the virtues of the system as being superior to its competitors.
Tiduz said:lol @ ps3 owners buying 2nd console bashing
If a 360 slim comes im betting more than 50% will buy it. heck alot of people own 2 360s, dont see you bitching about that.
Hcoregamer00 said:I vacuum my console once a week, it still gets quite loud.
In that respect, the PS3 slim will be a welcome change since the internal components will produce less heat, in turn they will need less vents (which allow dust to accumulate) and smaller fans to push out the heat. Which means in the big picture, it should be more reliable and a lot quieter.
pizzaguysrevenge said:Yes it does make them retarded. Quite retarded.
CookieChip said:Small vacuum.
It says it in the manual.
H_Prestige said:Aren't the current models already pretty cool and quiet?
Your PS3 might be about to die. Mine is silent and only has a little dust that I clear out with a few blows of air every other month. My 360 is much louder, not even close.Hcoregamer00 said:I see nothing wrong with that since the original PS3 is a 15 pound behemoth that sounds like a rocket and accumulates internal dust like nobodies business.
H_Prestige said:Aren't the current models already pretty cool and quiet? I know they have way less vents so dust shouldn't be as much of an issue.
One thing I'm worried about the slim is the quality of the components. It seems Sony is going ultra cheap. The alleged insider who posted all that info on the slim a few weeks back said the BD drive in the slim was known to have issues in the past. So far he's been right about two of the things he claimed (no touch sensitive buttons, 250gb slim later on) so I'm kind of worried.
Fizzle said:They are...during winter. :lol :lol
JoJo13 said:It's like Zhuk's worst nightmare. He'd have to stop his jerk-off session every time NPD rolls around.
This PS3 slim seems to have him scured.
Zhuk said:I agree, at least 95% of people who are excited for the Slim on the internet already own a PS3 and are fanboys, the ones that will actually purchase another console is a far lower proportion of even those who state they will.
I think the excitement comes because the Sony fans see the Slim as the chance they have been waiting 3 long and hard years for, to correct the historical injustice of a Sony system playing 3rd chair to the Wii and 360, something which is unnatural in their eyes. Things won't be right in their eyes until the PS3 gains the public adoption and acclaim they think it should, along with justifying their beliefs in the virtues of the system as being superior to its competitors.
Lion Heart said:Small vacuum huh..what about a shop vac?![]()
By small vacuum, do you mean a weak vacuum, or one that can get into the small areas, cause I can just use a smaller head attachment on my shop vac.
carlosp said:I am not a shareholder of sony (yet) but you are right, i will buy a slim. I am still on my 60gig ps3 and I never ever play an ps2 games on it. Last gen i had a fat launch PS2, replaced it two years later with a newer fat, then the black slim and at the end i had a silver slim. I always sold the older model for a good price and i will do the same this as well. I will buy a slim ps3 on launch and sell me 60gig. Then i will buy another color according the end if better looking systems are available.
In my eyes the best console should win and that is without question the PS3. The 360 is a great system as well, but without the media capabilities of PS3 (yes BD included), it is just not as good. It is just too charming to watch a BD movie. I watched so many movies again, just because they were released on BD.
Hcoregamer00 said:I am sorry, I love the PS3, but don't feed the trolls and make the rest of us look bad.
DMeisterJ said:Off topic, how do you clean a PS3? I heard that vaccuuming makes static electricity.
DMeisterJ said:I'm going to trade my phat and upgrade to a slim. My phat gets loud and it's dusty.
I'll probably wait til after the holiday season though. Make sure there is no problem w/ the slims, and I still need to backup my saves on my PS3 so I can transfer them over to the slim, and I don't even have a External Drive...
Off topic, how do you clean a PS3? I heard that vaccuuming makes static electricity.
DMeisterJ said:I'm going to trade my phat and upgrade to a slim. My phat gets loud and it's dusty.
I'll probably wait til after the holiday season though. Make sure there is no problem w/ the slims, and I still need to backup my saves on my PS3 so I can transfer them over to the slim, and I don't even have a External Drive...
Off topic, how do you clean a PS3? I heard that vaccuuming makes static electricity.
Zhuk said:If it makes them hit that 13 million sales target more power to themI still am betting they're going to fall short though
Fizzle said:Low powered vaccum's don't..
Hcoregamer00 said:What if you use a high powered vacuum from a distance (say 3 or 4 inches)
Hcoregamer00 said:What if you use a high powered vacuum from a distance (say 3 or 4 inches)
Fan test mode?Zhuk said:Chamois cloth with a can of compressed air works well followed up with the fan test mode on the 40gb for me.
Fizzle said:I tried doing that and it worked..
3-4 weeks ago.
The bit where you hold one of the two touch buttons down for an amount of time and the fan kicks into overdrive. Dunno how effective that thing turned out in practice, and if I recall rightly, they took consumer access to that mode out of the later system runs.DMeisterJ said:Fan test mode?
Anyway, I've had mine for 8+ months... Do I need to clean the insides or have I reached the point of no return in terms of it being loud and dusty? All I've ever really done is use a microfiber cloth a few times a month cleaning the outside and wiping off the vents.
Should be an 'eat a hat' bet. If it hit's 13 million, Zhuk has to consume a fedora. If not, you have to consume a baseball cap.Tutomos said:Ban bet?
ShinoguTakeruKoeru said:The bit where you hold one of the two touch buttons down for an amount of time and the fan kicks into overdrive. Dunno how effective that thing turned out in practice, and if I recall rightly, they took consumer access to that mode out of the later system runs.
Just because you have the right do something doesn't mean that doing it isn't retarded.kazuma_pt said:imo i don't think so. heck if a guy has money and wants to go out and buy 20 items of the same stuff, i'd say let him have it. i don't think it makes ppl retarded.
people have the right to choose what they want, no one is forcing them to buy stuff.
still, we could be here for hours discussing this
end of derail![]()
DMeisterJ said:Fan test mode?
Anyway, I've had mine for 8+ months... Do I need to clean the insides or have I reached the point of no return in terms of it being loud and dusty? All I've ever really done is use a microfiber cloth a few times a month cleaning the outside and wiping off the vents.
Zhuk said:I agree, at least 95% of people who are excited for the Slim on the internet already own a PS3 and are fanboys, the ones that will actually purchase another console is a far lower proportion of even those who state they will.
I think the excitement comes because the Sony fans see the Slim as the chance they have been waiting 3 long and hard years for, to correct the historical injustice of a Sony system playing 3rd chair to the Wii and 360, something which is unnatural in their eyes. Things won't be right in their eyes until the PS3 gains the public adoption and acclaim they think it should, along with justifying their beliefs in the virtues of the system as being superior to its competitors.
:lolSome dude on twitter said:Holy crap! The Amazon PS3 Slim page now has an image;
Actually, with a price drop, a PS3 slim, FFXIII, GT5, and God of War III all releasing this fiscal year, if they only manage to sell 13 million units then the third place will be securely Sony's.Zhuk said:If it makes them hit that 13 million sales target more power to themI still am betting they're going to fall short though
Gomu Gomu said:Wow. PS3 only owners actually thinking of buying another PS3 is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. While they can spend their money on another CHEAPER console and get tons of new games, they stick up to whatever fucked up fanboy shitty principals or whatever :/ .
Grow the fuck up.
whoever created this fake pic deserves a medal:lolEgmont said:Hah. Looks cakefoo's mockup is really getting around the internet now that someone posted it on Amazon.
People seem to be taking this Amazon posting as a major confirmation, and most outside of GAF see the picture and think it's legit.
Not that I doubt its existence or anything, but I'd say that, considering the reliance on user-created content and the sketchily similar blu-ray releases, the Amazon thing seems one of the least credible rumors so far. I have a hard time believing that it's an "official listing" from Amazon.
Maybe it's just me.
Edit: slim
2nd Edit:
Now Kotaku's talking about the fake picture, too! :lol :lol :lol