Ardorx said:Don't believe Jaffe when he says it was a joke. That crafty bastard is trying to throw us off so Sony can hit us all with a TYPHOON of megaton price drops and bundles and fireworks!
DangerousDave said:You can buy a PS3 and a PS2 with 299$, then.
cakefoo said:Awwwww... the Amazon listing's gone.
-Winnie- said:I'm surprised it was up for so long. Usually you'd expect a leak like that to disappear within a few hours.
-Winnie- said:I'm surprised it was up for so long. Usually you'd expect a leak like that to disappear within a few hours.
Totobeni said:just to be fair I don't blame some guys who want BC unit , I didn't play any PS2 on my BC PS3 ( 60GB now 320GB ) since like a year and half now , so I don't care about that , but ..and there is a big but here ...
PS3 upscale PS2 games very very good ( not all , game with native lower res look like ass ) , it's result are millions years better than normal PS2 on an HDTV , and PS3 upscale PS2 Cell-shaded games magnificently , I dunno why but Cell shaded PS2 games looks fantastic and beyond amazing on the damn thing .
Totobeni said:just to be fair I don't blame some guys who want BC unit , I didn't play any PS2 on my BC PS3 ( 60GB now 320GB ) since like a year and half now , so I don't care about that , but ..and there is a big but here ...
PS3 upscale PS2 games very very good ( not all , game with native lower res look like ass ) , it's result are millions years better than normal PS2 on an HDTV , and PS3 upscale PS2 Cell-shaded games magnificently , I dunno why but Cell shaded PS2 games looks fantastic and beyond amazing on the damn thing .
Doctor_No said:Possibility of PS2 backwards compatibility coming soon?
Sony patents on July 30th 2009 technology to emulate the "Graphics Synthesizer" on the PS2 using the Cell & RSX:
Previously there was a patent to emulate the "Emotion Engine", however this new patent demonstrates a method to emulate both EE and GS.
Link with more pictures:
Patent directory:
the patent ID is 「文献種別:A、文献番号:2009-527836」
[PDF] Link:
It begins.
Doctor_No said:Possibility of PS2 backwards compatibility coming soon?
Sony patents on July 30th 2009 technology to emulate the "Graphics Synthesizer" on the PS2 using the Cell & RSX:
Previously there was a patent to emulate the "Emotion Engine", however this new patent demonstrates a method to emulate both EE and GS.
Link with more pictures:
Patent directory:
the patent ID is 「文献種別:A、文献番号:2009-527836」
[PDF] Link:
zoku88 said:Probably deserves its own thread.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:So, Madden comes out next friday. Is Sony announcing the slim today or next monday? I'm going with next week.
Doctor_No said:Possibility of PS2 backwards compatibility coming soon?
Sony patents on July 30th 2009 technology to emulate the "Graphics Synthesizer" on the PS2 using the Cell & RSX:
Previously there was a patent to emulate the "Emotion Engine", however this new patent demonstrates a method to emulate both EE and GS.
Link with more pictures:
Patent directory:
the patent ID is 「文献種別:A、文献番号:2009-527836」
[PDF] Link:
Multiple price drops in a short time (for example, two in 6 months) would hurt consumer confidence.WhiteAce said:$199 PS3 but $249 PSP Go?
also - why would Sony throw away the $399 price etc ?
go to $449 - is it selling? no? can we afford another cut? no/yes - wait, or cut --->
go to $399 - is it selling? no? can we afford another cut? no/yes - wait, or cut --->
go to $349 - is it selling? no? can we afford another cut? no/yes - wait, or cut --->
go to $299 - is it selling? etc...
the plus is if it DOES sell at any point.
you can't undo a low price that hurts you, but you can play the LOOKIT ALL THAT VALUE!! with price drops (IF you can afford them)
Doctor_No said:Possibility of PS2 backwards compatibility coming soon?
Sony patents on July 30th 2009 technology to emulate the "Graphics Synthesizer" on the PS2 using the Cell & RSX:
Previously there was a patent to emulate the "Emotion Engine", however this new patent demonstrates a method to emulate both EE and GS.
Link with more pictures:
Patent directory:
the patent ID is 「文献種別:A、文献番号:2009-527836」
[PDF] Link: [url][/url][/QUOTE]
Holy mother of all Shits :O
Doctor_No said:Possibility of PS2 backwards compatibility coming soon?
Sony patents on July 30th 2009 technology to emulate the "Graphics Synthesizer" on the PS2 using the Cell & RSX:
Previously there was a patent to emulate the "Emotion Engine", however this new patent demonstrates a method to emulate both EE and GS.
Link with more pictures:
Patent directory:
the patent ID is 「文献種別:A、文献番号:2009-527836」
[PDF] Link:
Doctor_No said:Possibility of PS2 backwards compatibility coming soon?
Sony patents on July 30th 2009 technology to emulate the "Graphics Synthesizer" on the PS2 using the Cell & RSX:
Previously there was a patent to emulate the "Emotion Engine", however this new patent demonstrates a method to emulate both EE and GS.
Link with more pictures:
Patent directory:
the patent ID is 「文献種別:A、文献番号:2009-527836」
[PDF] Link:
Doctor_No said:Possibility of PS2 backwards compatibility coming soon?
Sony patents on July 30th 2009 technology to emulate the "Graphics Synthesizer" on the PS2 using the Cell & RSX:
Previously there was a patent to emulate the "Emotion Engine", however this new patent demonstrates a method to emulate both EE and GS.
Link with more pictures:
Patent directory:
the patent ID is 「文献種別:A、文献番号:2009-527836」
[PDF] Link:
June 30 GIGAZINE Sony Computer Entertainment of America in the PS3's Cell processor using the CPU of the PS2 "Emotion Engine" that has patented the technology to reproduce the behavior, and earnest desire PS2 and PS3 is that it has reported progress to achieve compatibility, it became clear that some readers TAREKOMI from filing a patent in Japan by Sony.
What "Emotion Engine" as well as the current 40GB model or 80GB model PS3 with the PS2 you need to run software on the PS2 graphics processor "Graphics Synthesizer" the behavior of the PS3 are also on how to reproduce . Also, no need for special hardware modifications on the current PS3 model will be available to update the firmware and it is considered sufficient.
Details are below.
Agency "Museum of Industrial Property Information and Training" Public utility model patents in the database are open "document types: A, Publication No. :2009 -527,836" According to the search on July 30 on the Sony PS2 on the PS3 is on the patent applicant to run the software.
gofreak said:I'm not totally convinced that patent is what's being suggested.
Maybe someone with good Japanese could have a look.
The machine translation doesn't really mention too much about GS emulation. From what I can see this patent may indeed be still presuming the presence of a GS chip in the system.
なんと「Emotion Engine」だけでなく、現行の80GBモデルや40GBモデルのPS3でPS2ソフトを動作させるために必要なPS2のグラフィックプロセッサ「Graphics Synthesizer」の動作をPS3上で再現する方法についても言及されています。また、特別なハードウェア上の変更が必要ないため、現行モデルのPS3でもファームウェアのアップデートなどで利用できるようになる可能性は十分に考えられます。
onken said:Nope, that's exactly what it's saying:
Roughly: "[as well as EE software patent] 40/80GB models would need additional hardware (GS) to run PS2 software. It should be enough for existing models of PS3 to run [PS2 software] by means of a firmware update etc without special hardware.
gofreak said:I'm not totally convinced that patent is what's being suggested.
Maybe someone with good Japanese could have a look.
The machine translation doesn't really mention too much about GS emulation. From what I can see this patent may indeed be still presuming the presence of a GS chip in the system.
Doc Evils said:create a new thread dawg!
nofi said:I think the patent's a couple of years old.
gofreak said:That's what the article is saying, not the patent... I'm wondering if the article authors picked it up wrong.
lowrider007 said:Downloadable PS2 title's here we come.
Come on Sony, money is here waiting.
onken said:No offense, but the article is written by someone who can read the patent a lot better than you + Google translate.
Tenkai Star said:Oh please be true. I have a 60gb PS3 but my fan is sounding suicidal when I start it. It goes quiet after 30 seconds but it cant be good.
I´m a goddamn electrical engineer. I can open it and clean it. Thats not the issue. It sounds like when you put your finger against the fan. I´m going to clean away dust but I don´t think thats the problem.Totobeni said:clean ps3 with vacuum or send it to electronic repair shop and they will open it and fully clean it for you .
Doctor_No said:Possibility of PS2 backwards compatibility coming soon?
Sony patents on July 30th 2009 technology to emulate the "Graphics Synthesizer" on the PS2 using the Cell & RSX:
Previously there was a patent to emulate the "Emotion Engine", however this new patent demonstrates a method to emulate both EE and GS.
Link with more pictures:
Patent directory:
the patent ID is 「文献種別:A、文献番号:2009-527836」
[PDF] Link:
gofreak said:If it was actually filed in 07 I think it makes it even less likely there's something new there.
I'd be delighted if someone could confirm the patent is what's suggested... I just have my doubts.
Philanthropist said:Still no official thread for the patent? I guess redundant rage (pun intended) threads are more of a priority :-|
Please be true. OH PLEASE be true. Fing MGS4 80gb PS3's BC is shit. I hope this fixes it.Also, no need for special hardware modifications on the current PS3 model will be available to update the firmware and it is considered sufficient.
kazuma_pt said:people still don't know what it's about. lots of contradictory statements here.
i started one a while back, concerning some patents that appeared regarding emotion engine emulation.