some guy leaked FFXV's story six months ago | up: newer 4chan stuff as of Dec 9th


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Legit question but did Type-0 have similar problems like FFXV, namely there was a gun behind their heads and had to come up with a game at the end of X years?

Type-0 had potential too, but it seems like some parts were... Missing?

Come to think of it, it feels like the FNC games (including FFXV, which used to be a FNC game) had big development problems.

Ray Down

Didn't FFX/FFX-2 seem to take forever as well? :p

Then again, we got that flawless audio drama.

Yuna dresses so sexy it might distract Tidus on the battlefield, so he bring that up to her...Nojima secretly hates X and all it's fans.

That or he intentionally making a comedy.


Come to think of it, it feels like the FNC games (including FFXV, which used to be a FNC game) had big development problems.

Was that really the case for FFXIII? It was a flawed game but it didn't feel incomplete the way XV and Type-0 do.
Legit question but did Type-0 have similar problems like FFXV, namely there was a gun behind their head and had to come up with a game at the end of X years?

Type-0 had potential too, but it seems like some parts were... Missing?

Come to think of it, it feels like the FNC games (including FFXV, which used to be a FNC game) had big development problems.
I think so.

Type-0 was another troubled production with the origins leading to a mobile game that was retooled for PSP.

Man, I feel really bad for Tabata. Poo guy had to go through two troubled productions. Hopefully he gets his time to shine with the new IP of BD2.

They need to just fuse, dude. Jun Toriyama. It'd be the biggest source of visual splendor since we all first opened our eyes. Can you balee dat?
I can definitely balee dat.
Legit question but did Type-0 have similar problems like FFXV, namely there was a gun behind their heads and had to come up with a game at the end of X years?

Type-0 had potential too, but it seems like some parts were... Missing?

Come to think of it, it feels like the FNC games (including FFXV, which used to be a FNC game) had big development problems.

I mean, the game got a platform change at some point in development as well as a name change to distance itself a bit from the XIII games. I imagine a lot of shit went on during Type-0's development.


Legit question but did Type-0 have similar problems like FFXV, namely there was a gun behind their heads and had to come up with a game at the end of X years?

Type-0 had potential too, but it seems like some parts were... Missing?

Come to think of it, it feels like the FNC games (including FFXV, which used to be a FNC game) had big development problems.

just look at the big hole (literally) on the map.

btw, that nation had a complete setting done, towns, residents etc.

Tabata wanted to use 3 UMDs but got stopped by the company.


Legit question but did Type-0 have similar problems like FFXV, namely there was a gun behind their heads and had to come up with a game at the end of X years?

Type-0 had potential too, but it seems like some parts were... Missing?

Come to think of it, it feels like the FNC games (including FFXV, which used to be a FNC game) had big development problems.

in the time between type-0's announcement and release they released two entirely different games (crisis core and the 3rd birthday) and it went from some weird mobile tie-in to the FNC stuff to a psp game


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Was that really the case for FFXIII? It was a flawed game but it didn't feel incomplete the way XV and Type-0 do.

FFXIII's problem was that it had way too much backstory and mythology and they don't know where to place it, instead they placed it in a datalog and explained another story which didn't really click with the audience.
I hope Akiyama's on FFVIIR, because he frames scenes so beautifully, and I love the way he directed the mo-cap in XII - comparing the fully body movements of Vaan/Penelo to Iris/Prompto, for example. Considering the lack of objectification via the camera in regards to Fran and Ashe in XII, I'd also trust him to do right by Tifa. Toriyama would be... interesting... in that regard. He did X, right?

I did the biggest double-take at the opening cutscene of WoFF, I wasn't expecting it to be so beautifully framed. When Jun Akiyama's name showed up in the credits it suddenly made a lot more sense!


Legit question but did Type-0 have similar problems with FFXV, namely there was a gun behind their head and had to come up with a game at the end of X years?

Type-0 had potential too, but it seems like some parts were... Missing?

Come to think of it, it feels like the FNC games (including FFXV, which used to be a FNC game) had big development problems.

Type Zero was lacking character development. It promised towns but offered us some RNG nonsense. Huge problems revolving it's gameplay, a story that never really touched on anything it was trying to accomplish. Definitely felt like the creators wanted this to be the next big Final Fantasy, but had to make a PSP game instead and that really limited what they wanted to do.

I hypothesize that Agnis and that Ace Samurai thing we saw in Type-0 HD was just the creators pitches for a FF16. I'm sensing that everyone at Square has ideas of what they want to do for a FF game and are secretly fighting over it. Which may explain with the comment Tabata made that everyone has their own idea of what Final Fantasy should be and why it's hard sticking with one vision.


Tabata just strikes me as not being a very good director, given Type-0 and 3rd Birthday. XV started at a disadvantage with him at the helm and then SE exacerbated the issue by not giving him enough time.

That's not to insult him either. Seems like a nice, well-meaning dude and I don't really entertain the idea that he out-maneuvered Nomura through company politics or whatever. I'm saying you can be very well-meaning and organized and a generally good boss and still not deliver.


Real talk: I don't really give a fuck about design changes or Stella/Luna or any of the story changes or whatever, in the end Versus didn't ship and XV did, what I do think was super disappointing is that Tabata couldn't keep Jun Akiyama on board as the event director for the cutscenes, especially since XV favors realtime cutscenes over CG. What a waste. Akiyama is the best cinematic director Square Enix ever had, so not using him in their flagship product is so dumb.

I guess S-E wanted him for VII Remake? Pre-production on it probably started around the time Tabata became director, right?
Never doubted it, haha.

But still, I would love to explore the dark world more and hopefully that would be something the DLCs will explore in some way.

DLC question:
is it possible that we will have Prompto and Ignis' story revolving around their time during the 10 year gap? I could see Prompto and Aranea / Cindy having some kind of adventure while Ignis could team up with Cor and Iris to hunt down daemons.

I am not sure about Ignis, but apparently promptos DLC is supposed to explore him and verstaels backstory or something. This is where I read all the possible DLC the info: not sure how accurate but seems legitttttt

Ray Down

I mean... he had 5 years to work on Type-0.

Well he left a year due to management to get 3rd Birthday out the door, so close they almost canned it.

"In regards to cancelling, we actually came really close when management gave me direct orders to focus on developing The 3rd Birthday, requiring me to step away from developing Final Fantasy Type-0 for about a year."

Also explains why he wasn't doing Type-0 2 while working on XV:

They "had to scale down the Final Fantasy Type-0 development and continue minimally." Tabata cites this incident as the one that caused him to avoid working on multiple large-scale projects at the same time.


Tabata just strikes me as not being a very good director, given Type-0 and 3rd Birthday. XV started at a disadvantage with him at the helm and then SE exacerbated the issue by not giving him enough time.

That's not to insult him either. Seems like a nice, well-meaning dude and I don't really entertain the idea that he out-maneuvered Nomura through company politics or whatever. I'm saying you can be very well-meaning and organized and a generally good boss and still not deliver.

Completely agree. All his games have something in common, that being the sense of "uh is there a cutscene or three missing here?" All of them.


I hope Akiyama's on FFVIIR, because he frames scenes so beautifully, and I love the way he directed the mo-cap in XII - comparing the fully body movements of Vaan/Penelo to Iris/Prompto, for example. Considering the lack of objectification via the camera in regards to Fran and Ashe in XII, I'd also trust him to do right by Tifa. Toriyama would be... interesting... in that regard. He did X, right?

I did the biggest double-take at the opening cutscene of WoFF, I wasn't expecting it to be so beautifully framed. When Jun Akiyama's name showed up in the credits it suddenly made a lot more sense!

Vagrant Story. The profile shot of Guildenstein and the guard in the opening. Framed by the corridor and windows. 16 years ago. Realtime 3D. Playstation One.

I think Akiyama is a better cinematic director than Kojima.
I mean... he had 5 years to work on Type-0.
Nomura also had 7 years to work something out with Versus :p

Just saying they used his talents to get two games out, that were troubled from the beginning. They could have cancelled Type-0 when it transitioned from Mobile to PSP but they stick with it.

I am not saying anything bad about Tabata. I just want him to work on a game that he wants to do and without having the management fuck it up.


Type-0's story is an absolute mess and its gameplay could not save it. FFXV's narrative is definitely stronger but Tabata's lack of directing a strong, balanced story is very troubling.
Vagrant Story. The profile shot of Guildenstein and the guard in the opening. Framed by the corridor and windows. 16 years ago. Realtime 3D. Playstation One.

I think Akiyama is a better cinematic director than Kojima.

The opening of Vagrant Story is perfect. When people talk about cinematic gaming - that is exactly the kind of cinematic gaming I want.

MGSV sure, but MGS1? How many games can compare?

Now I'm thinking about that Twin Snakes version of MGS 1, with Matrix slow motion kung-fu antics and airplane noises all over the place.


Nomura also had 7 years to work something out with Versus :p

Just saying they used his talents to get two games out, that were troubled from the beginning. They could have cancelled Type-0 when it transitioned from Mobile to PSP but they stick with it.

I am not saying anything bad about Tabata. I just want him to work on a game that he wants to do and without having the management fuck it up.

YoshiP is the real repair man. His game ended up gaining critical acclaim and making SE profitable. Not to mention the best FF story produced this century.


Speaking of Versus, I randomly remember at one point that Nomura was considering making it a musical after being so moved after having seen Les Miserables lol.



Tell us everything you know about Versus

The game centered about death, ghosts and hallucination/dreams. Noctis killed the female protagonist before the game started but he didn't remember. Ardyn was Noctis ancestor and he was responsible of the crystals disappearing over time (the only one left was Lucis crystal). Regis died in front of Noctis because his bodyguards betrayed him. The protagonists had to leave the capital because their nation lost the war.

The game didn't focus on summons that much (they still existed) and instead there were actual gods which didn't appear physically. One of the gods was the main antagonist of the first FF game. Each nation was inspired by a different capital of the world. The empire was using ghosts as weapons. Ravus wanted to kill Noctis for having killed her sister. The game ended in another dimension which was supposed to be their version of the after-life.

It's hard to remember every detail.

This actually sounds fucking amazing T_T


Whats funny though is Stella was killed lol.

So many people wanted her and it would've been a worse reaction to watching her die, though made for a good story imo just seeing her do something action-packed.

I also read that the game was gonna largely focus on the Lucis nation worshiping of the grim reaper, basically death worshipers but SE couldn't really go that far due to restrictions in certain countries and what not.
They could've still done better with the demons in XV imo, like the emperors demon form should've been more epic and grand.

I do NEED Noctis' original story made one day though.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Square Enix should definitely kidnap new directors.

Imagine they kidnapped Hashino. We'll have an FF game in vein of a Persona-like story and characters.


Tabata just strikes me as not being a very good director, given Type-0 and 3rd Birthday. XV started at a disadvantage with him at the helm and then SE exacerbated the issue by not giving him enough time.

That's not to insult him either. Seems like a nice, well-meaning dude and I don't really entertain the idea that he out-maneuvered Nomura through company politics or whatever. I'm saying you can be very well-meaning and organized and a generally good boss and still not deliver.


Now bring Ito back~



Whats funny though is Stella was killed lol.

So many people wanted her and it would've been a worse reaction to watching her die, though made for a good story imo just seeing her do something action-packed.

I also read that the game was gonna largely focus on the Lucis nation worshiping of the grim reaper, basically death worshipers but SE couldn't really go that far due to restrictions in certain countries and what not.
They could've still done better with the demons in XV imo, like the emperors demon form should've been more epic and grand.

I do NEED Noctis' original story made one day though.

Lmao poor emperor, not only was he in literally one scene in the game but his demon form isn't even exclusive, more pop up in the next immediate area 😂

Edit: and the grim reaper worship was heavily toned but I doubt it would've added much to the story given the different themes in XV as opposed to Versus.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
If Stella is dead, does that make Prompto the female love interest in Versus?

Some certain fans are probably rooting for Gladio lol


I would love a return to High Fantasy. Or hell, something in a totally new setting. Something Egyption-inspired, something that could be inspired by Dune. Or a location like Bazil.

I would also be into a Shadowrun-like universe with a film noir story. Something more street-level.
LOL. There was a point when I was much younger where I was a huge Ryuhei Kitamura fan for about a year. I don't want to recall that year.

My favorite moment in the Twin Snakes cutscenes is when the guard looks into the DARPA Chief's cell after hearing noises. In the original, Snake hides by just backing up against the wall, but that's far too simple for Kitamura so he has Snake hide by Spiderman-affixing himself to the ceiling. So dumb.


Now bring Ito back~

People joke about Ito being demoted to janitor - is there any reason to believe Ito has been deliberately ostracized by Square-Enix and isn't just personally wary of taking on a large-scale project again as Matsuno is?


Tabata just strikes me as not being a very good director, given Type-0 and 3rd Birthday. XV started at a disadvantage with him at the helm and then SE exacerbated the issue by not giving him enough time.

That's not to insult him either. Seems like a nice, well-meaning dude and I don't really entertain the idea that he out-maneuvered Nomura through company politics or whatever. I'm saying you can be very well-meaning and organized and a generally good boss and still not deliver.

i mean

nomura's directing credits are a couple kingdom hearts games that people like, a million kingdom hearts spinoffs that only crazy people like, and final fantasy vii advent children



Whats funny though is Stella was killed lol.

So many people wanted her and it would've been a worse reaction to watching her die, though made for a good story imo just seeing her do something action-packed.

I also read that the game was gonna largely focus on the Lucis nation worshiping of the grim reaper, basically death worshipers but SE couldn't really go that far due to restrictions in certain countries and what not.
They could've still done better with the demons in XV imo, like the emperors demon form should've been more epic and grand.

I do NEED Noctis' original story made one day though.

Not to disagree with you or be a so called "Nomura/Versus fanboy" (because Im not one, not to be fooled by my avatar :p).

But there are plenty of ways to still develop her character even if she got killed at the beginning. One obvious way is through Noctis recovering his memories. Like the Omen trailer. If anything, it would build up suspense to get viewers attention....

Just say'n


YoshiP is the real repair man. His game ended up gaining critical acclaim and making SE profitable. Not to mention the best FF story produced this century.

I really wish they'd let this guy direct an offline Final Fantasy game. :C


Crystal Bearer
Not to disagree with you or be a so called "Nomura/Versus fanboy" (because Im not one).

But there are plenty of ways to still develop her character even if she got killed at the beginning. One obvious way is through Noctis recovering his memories. Like the Omen trailer. If anything, it would build up suspense to get viewers attention....

Just say'n

It sounds similar to the Tidus/dream reveal.
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