some guy leaked FFXV's story six months ago | up: newer 4chan stuff as of Dec 9th

Thank god that Versus XIII never happened, what a disaster that would have been. It's a shame SE rushed the game and didn't allowed it to be better. Man, the potential is huge.

Am I a pathetic dreamer to think that we will still see these deleted scenes make it into the game somehow? It's not dlc because we know when and with who those are gonna be.

Btw, Tabata gets shit done. I'm hoping to see more of him.

Edit: Nail in the coffin for the "BUT STELLA WAS THIS AND THAT!!11!" narrative, one of the most stupid discussions in videogame history.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
This thread must be heaven sent for Versus fanatics seeking some type of catharsis, even if all this talk is BS.

I'm sure we will get more CS telling more of the story but all the gameplay being talked about would honestly have added what..maybe 2 more hours to the game? Exploring the 'dark world' somewhat does sound interesting but it doesn't sound essential to the plot, hence why it could be cut.

I honestly want to know what the heck happened in Chapter 7 when
the 'Shield of the King' essentially abandons Noctis for some quest that results in more scars on his face and chest....

Totally agree, and I can understand exactly why each bit mentioned would be dropped. The only thing that I'd reinstate would likely be the Tenebrae invasion, the dark world stuff is tempting but it'd be tricky to balance difficulty-wise... and to be honest that overland truck journey with Talcott is one of the most effective and atmospheric exposition scenes in the game.

Ray Down

Thank god that Versus XIII never happened, what a disaster that would have been. It's a shame SE rushed the game and didn't allowed it to be better. Man, the potential is huge.

Am I a pathetic dreamer to think that we will still see these deleted scenes make it into the game somehow? It's not dlc because we know when and with who those are gonna be.

Btw, Tabata gets shit done. I'm hoping to see more of him.

Edit: Nail in the coffin for the "BUT STELLA WAS THIS AND THAT!!11!" narrative, one of the most stupid discussions in videogame history.

Tabata is work on a new ip so he's should be good. He isn't even the head guy behind FFXV dlc.


Purple Drazi
Just like me and MGSV.

Please add me to the list. Ishida x Jeff Zero. We both experienced the disappointments of a lifetime with that game.

Also, I can't believe duckroll's LR=VP thing is still going. lol.

Tabata is work on a new ip so he's should be good. He isn't even the head guy behind FFXV dlc.

Yeah, Sawanari (sp?) is behind it instead. Although I reckon he's got a lot more going on with those upcoming cutscenes.


It's kinda amazing we even got a game out of this decade old project, and even more that the game is actually kinda decent.
Yeah like, Final Fantasy XV is simultaneously my favorite game released this year and my most disappointing game depending on when you asked me the question. I still, ultimately, liked the game but my god XV is up there with Xenogears as a game I wish was a completed game. There is so much to like about XV but almost everything I liked about XV disappears after leaving Lucis. It's a real shame.


Purple Drazi
Yeah like, Final Fantasy XV is simultaneously my favorite game released this year and my most disappointing game depending on when you asked me the question. I still, ultimately, liked the game but my god XV is up there with Xenogears as a game I wish was a completed game. There is so much to like about XV but almost everything I liked about XV disappears after leaving Lucis. It's a real shame.

Xenogears was still my favorite game from 1998 until around 2014 or so, despite all that. Played it when I was 11. Life changing experience. What a game.


Thank god that Versus XIII never happened, what a disaster that would have been. It's a shame SE rushed the game and didn't allowed it to be better. Man, the potential is huge.

Am I a pathetic dreamer to think that we will still see these deleted scenes make it into the game somehow? It's not dlc because we know when and with who those are gonna be.

Btw, Tabata gets shit done. I'm hoping to see more of him.

Edit: Nail in the coffin for the "BUT STELLA WAS THIS AND THAT!!11!" narrative, one of the most stupid discussions in videogame history.

It really was. I hope the Stella fans cry themselves to sleep tonight. Actually for the next two years since that's how long we had to put up with the "Omg Stella was so much better than Luna" bullshit.




When Gladio disappears from chap 7, apparently is gonna be explored in his DLC

Never doubted it, haha.

But still, I would love to explore the dark world more and hopefully that would be something the DLCs will explore in some way.

DLC question:
is it possible that we will have Prompto and Ignis' story revolving around their time during the 10 year gap? I could see Prompto and Aranea / Cindy having some kind of adventure while Ignis could team up with Cor and Iris to hunt down daemons.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
This makes me wonder what's going to be in the DLC. I'm guessing that some of the cut parts will make it to the DLC.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.


Real talk: I don't really give a fuck about design changes or Stella/Luna or any of the story changes or whatever, in the end Versus didn't ship and XV did, what I do think was super disappointing is that Tabata couldn't keep Jun Akiyama on board as the event director for the cutscenes, especially since XV favors realtime cutscenes over CG. What a waste. Akiyama is the best cinematic director Square Enix ever had, so not using him in their flagship product is so dumb.
Lots of armchair devs in here.

Game development is not easy especially when you have a deadline and a limited budget.

Thank god that Versus XIII never happened, what a disaster that would have been. It's a shame SE rushed the game and didn't allowed it to be better. Man, the potential is huge.

Am I a pathetic dreamer to think that we will still see these deleted scenes make it into the game somehow? It's not dlc because we know when and with who those are gonna be.

Btw, Tabata gets shit done. I'm hoping to see more of him.

Edit: Nail in the coffin for the "BUT STELLA WAS THIS AND THAT!!11!" narrative, one of the most stupid discussions in videogame history.

It really was. I hope the Stella fans cry themselves to sleep tonight. Actually for the next two years since that's how long we had to put up with the "Omg Stella was so much better than Luna" bullshit.
I did bring up an earlier thread about some user here who had a thing for Stella and was 'salty' she never made it in the final game.

The worst thing to come out of Versus were the 'Stella' fans. If this rumor puts a stop to them, so be it.



im glad Tabata is making those patches free.
yeah, I know you don't like him as a director and I think the fact that they need to make those patches in the first place is garbage, but I also really don't think anyone can honestly say that Tabata just looked at the game and was like "lol will just patch it". Everything we know from both leaks and interviews makes it clear there was a gun at the back of the teams head. This is on upper management way more then BD2 being okay with an incomplete product


Purple Drazi
Real talk: I don't really give a fuck about design changes or Stella/Luna or any of the story changes or whatever, in the end Versus didn't ship and XV did, what I do think was super disappointing is that Tabata couldn't keep Jun Akiyama on board as the event director for the cutscenes, especially since XV favors realtime cutscenes over CG. What a waste. Akiyama is the best cinematic director Square Enix ever had, so not using him in their flagship product is so dumb.

Praise be to Yevon on this one. Akiyama is incredible. Where the hell did he even go? His presence is so blatantly missed I "literally can't even."


Praise be to Yevon on this one. Akiyama is incredible. Where the hell did he even go? His presence is so blatantly missed I "literally can't even."

He worked on FFXIV, like everyone else at S-E. Hopefully he's working on a new game. No idea why he's credited for "Game Design" on the FFXII Remaster though. Maybe there are surprises about that project they haven't revealed yet?

He directed masterful scenes in World of Final Fantasy.

Fuck, now I want to buy it. How bad is the Vita version?


Real talk: I don't really give a fuck about design changes or Stella/Luna or any of the story changes or whatever, in the end Versus didn't ship and XV did, what I do think was super disappointing is that Tabata couldn't keep Jun Akiyama on board as the event director for the cutscenes, especially since XV favors realtime cutscenes over CG. What a waste. Akiyama is the best cinematic director Square Enix ever had, so not using him in their flagship product is so dumb.

Most of the cutscenes in this aren't on par with any other project created at this scale either.


Real talk: I don't really give a fuck about design changes or Stella/Luna or any of the story changes or whatever, in the end Versus didn't ship and XV did, what I do think was super disappointing is that Tabata couldn't keep Jun Akiyama on board as the event director for the cutscenes, especially since XV favors realtime cutscenes over CG. What a waste. Akiyama is the best cinematic director Square Enix ever had, so not using him in their flagship product is so dumb.

Do we know what Jun akiyama is working on right now?
edit: oh didn't realize he worked on WoFF.


Crystal Bearer
This would have crushed me.


Gotcha. I'm glad they at least put his talent to work somewhere. Mystified me that they'd pull him, but following Nomura makes sense.

Considering he worked on WoFF it's possible he left the XV project after Nomura did.
The thing with 4chan rumours is it is always impossible to know what is real or fake. Literally anyone can post there since it's anonymous. Which means a lot of fakes and trolls will post just for attention. But it could in fact also mean a legitimate leaker posts stuff as well since the chances of him being found out are slim to none. The problem is it is usually pretty impossible to tell if a 4chan leak is legit or not until after the fact. Including this there have been some notable ones though.
I'm way off topic here, but I've been reading up on quantum theory lately and your comment struck me as oddly similar as to why quantum entanglement can't lead to faster than light communications. Particles can communicate faster than light but you can never figure out what was said until a normal light speed limited signal is sent to compare the two particles. Just like a 4chan rumor, it is only after the fact that you know it's real information and not just noise. Because of this you can't make use of a 4chan rumor while it is just a rumor, or make use of quantum entanglement while it would be communicating faster than light.


Purple Drazi
No idea why he's credited for "Game Design" on the FFXII Remaster though. Maybe there are surprises about that project they haven't revealed yet?

Words cannot express how delightful that could be to me. XII with extra cutscenes would be aces. Then again, I rather doubt it'd be anything more than some post-credits tie-in schlock or something, and even then... wait, why am I doing this to myself? I have to know where this leads.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Fuck, now I want to buy it. How bad is the Vita version?

Not so bad. It runs fine and looks decent, but of course I gotta give it to the PS4 in terms of the graphics.
Fuck, now I want to buy it. How bad is the Vita version?
Vita version is serviceable at best if you don't mind the visual downgrade. Aside from that, I can't say much since I played it on PS4 :p

Words cannot express how delightful that could be to me. XII with extra cutscenes would be aces. Then again, I rather doubt it'd be anything more than some post-credits tie-in schlock or something, and even then... wait, why am I doing this to myself? I have to know where this leads.
If they can patch in actual story for the second half and completely scrap and retool the ending with an actual villain, then yeh, FFXII will become my top FF game :D
What I posted in the closed thread:

All of this seems very plausible. It actually makes a lot of sense considering how sloppy this has all been. They are doubling down on all sorts of media associated with the title and trying to overcompensate. They know it's a mess and it shows.

Embarrassing. There used to be a quality standard associated with the Final Fantasy name.
It was defining generations, setting the bar and raising it.
Now what? A patch-job to another failed project with the depth of a brain storm, a fucking Frankenstein. All of that effort, all of that time, just to marginalize it.


Why do I want so badly to believe this "Versus XV" shit when we have no ETA of an ETA for KH3 and no word on FF7R in over a year
Words cannot express how delightful that could be to me. XII with extra cutscenes would be aces. Then again, I rather doubt it'd be anything more than some post-credits tie-in schlock or something, and even then... wait, why am I doing this to myself? I have to know where this leads.

Does it lead to a fantasy world where the story is more robust in the second half and they add a second job slot to everyone? Because I'm coming too!


yeah, I know you don't like him as a director and I think the fact that they need to make those patches in the first place is garbage, but I also really don't think anyone can honestly say that Tabata just looked at the game and was like "lol will just patch it". Everything we know from both leaks and interviews makes it clear there was a gun at the back of the teams head. This is on upper management way more then BD2 being okay with an incomplete product

yeah Tabata has always been a better producer than a director in my book. But there is no question he's been trying hard to get the game out on time, reaffirming he would have been a great producer.

I can't help but bring Kitase up. He, on the other hand, is opposite. Games he directed (FF6, 7 and 8) were far better than the ones he produced (FF 10, 13 trilogy, Type-0).

The SE upper management's decision making regarding assigning projects is very questionable - of course, what do i know, just from the looks of it....

This would have crushed me.


Gotcha. I'm glad they at least put his talent to work somewhere. Mystified me that they'd pull him, but following Nomura makes sense.

His next project is FINAL FANTASY Versus VII,

or XVI


Does it lead to a fantasy world where the story is more robust in the second half and they add a second job slot to everyone? Because I'm coming too!

There has to be a reason why they're taking so long for a "simple" remaster right? This has supposedly been in the works for ages! Let's get excited!


Purple Drazi
Considering he worked on WoFF it's possible he left the XV project after Nomura did.

Makes sense, yeah.

Does it lead to a fantasy world where the story is more robust in the second half and they add a second job slot to everyone? Because I'm coming too!

XII has similar problems as XV in some ways. ;_; But hey, I like 'em both. XII's more put-together, though, despite a change in director and whatnot. It's just that it's sparse on cutscenes for a long stretch -- the middle third of the game or so.

But yes, let us enjoy. Speculation for everybody.

It's entirely possible you knew that and you're making a reference I didn't understand because I'm exhausted, lol.

There has to be a reason why they're taking so long for a "simple" remaster right? This has supposedly been in the works for ages! Let's get excited!

Didn't FFX/FFX-2 seem to take forever as well? :p

Then again, we got that flawless audio drama.


I'd be very surprised if Akiyama isn't doing 7r yeah. And thank god for that, XV's cutscenes look drab
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