Your trolling is weak.
Nah, implying that all IP have equal creative value is what's weak. Acting like a zombie franchise is equivalent to Horizon is pretty lame, imo.
Your trolling is weak.
They said that the dev kits were about to be sent for developers. I don't think they would do that if they were to release it 2 years from now. I still believe they were planning for a late 2021 release, but ended up delaying to early 2022 due to covid. But maybe that’s just wishful thinking...the bad news of course is that they're not allowing psvr1 to benefit from that power for such games in VR, so about 2 more years living on mini indies about throwing stuff around or slashing boxes
They said that the dev kits were about to be sent for developers. I don't think they would do that if they were to release it 2 years from now. I still believe they were planning for a late 2021 release, but ended up delaying to early 2022 due to covid. But maybe that’s just wishful thinking...
Nah, implying that all IP have equal creative value is what's weak. Acting like a zombie franchise is equivalent to Horizon is pretty lame, imo.
Putting Horizon on a pedestal is far weaker. It's easily one of the most(if not the most) criticized Sony IP for being boring. The fact is, most all Sony's IPs are solid, it's just what a person likes. Because you don't like X,Y,Z, doesn't mean it won't do colossal sales and incredible user/critic reviews, and enjoyed by millions. Same goes for Horizon. It's only better to you because you like it. TLoU is far more than just a "zombie game" and you saying that makes me question many things. Just like Horizon is more than just "robots." You're just trying to apply your personal opinion to the majority.
wtf?Let's hope VR never takes off. What devs need is hardware stagnation so development costs can begin to decrease
You're confusing IP with game.
You're deflecting away from the point purposefully.
Intellectual Property
For the uninitiated, almost every group in the game industry with a public face, from businessmen, to creatives, to journalists, to fans, uses "IP," or "Intellectual Property," to refer to game franchises or just individual games
I'm not sure how many people you can convince that a zombie game IP is anywhere near as interesting as the Horizon IP.
PS5 dev kits were sent to 3rd party devs in early 2018.
That's almost a 3 year lead up. PSVR might be a 2023 thing... Sheeeeeiiiiit.
Right, zombie game not interesting, robot game interesting.
It doesn't make sense to force all Sony 1st party titles to have VR, any more than Nintendo forcing Mario to be playable with a NES lightgun.Hypotetically, if Sony makes all their future 1st party games fully playable both flat and in VR, I wonder what that could mean for sequels to previously VR-only games like Iron Man VR. I don't see how could that work well for both flat and VR without compromising the experience for both modes.
Zombies in general are stale. TLoU2 is pretty generic zombie fare.
See: The last 20+ years of pop culture.
Post apocalyptic, redeaming the earth, robot dinosaur genre is relatively fresh.
See: The last 20+ years of pop culture.
It doesn't make sense to force all Sony 1st party titles to have VR, any more than Nintendo forcing Mario to be playable with a NES lightgun.
Hypotetically, if Sony makes all their future 1st party games fully playable both flat and in VR, I wonder what that could mean for sequels to previously VR-only games like Iron Man VR. I don't see how could that work well for both flat and VR without compromising the experience for both modes.
Imagine playing Robo Recall or Onwards in a flat screen, cringe.aside from job simulator clones style of VR - where you're just standing in a room manipulating virtual objects - games like Ironman or any shooting game could be ported just easily for flat mode just fine - just glue the head and hand tracking together to the same analog stick so they can "aim" as they've been doing for the past 30 years as usual. Map punch to a button rather than a gesture and make the other analog stick control flight. Flatlanders clearly don't care for superior and more precise input, they wouldn't mind the downgrade.
Probably why we haven’t seen any. Sony is not one to milk their ip into a dry husk, so unless it meets the quality bar, it’s not happening.IMHO, a bad VR game attached to an AAA IP has the potential to damage the IP more than elevate VR. The proper way to do this is to build a VR focused IP from the ground up that's not tethered to any big AAA existing titles.
From my time spent with VR games so far, people will flock to the VR games that DO THINGS RIGHT (gameplay, framerate, locomotion) above even the IP attached to the title.
From my time spent with VR games so far, people will flock to the VR games that DO THINGS RIGHT (gameplay, framerate, locomotion) above even the IP attached to the title.
Would be really cool if GG created a simple VR demo of each of their robot dinos in a plain white playfield and let us attempt to bring them down, be a nice showcase for visuals/vr