Oh my
This song is literally all it takes to make me cry like a huge babby simply because this song reminds me of both glorious season finales
Running song appearances off the top of my head:
01.スペース☆ダンディ / ZEN-LA-ROCK feat.嫁入りランド
Pretty obvious one, I think used exclusively for Episode 22 ("We're All Fools, So Let's Dance, Baby") ED - though they basically treated it as the main theme throughout a lot of the PVs
02.Hard Cocktail / ☆Taku Takahashi
Feel-good bonding montage in Episode 23 ("Lovers Are Trendy, Baby").
03.Sci-Fi Palace / 菅野よう子
Episode 19 ("Gallant Space Gentleman, Baby") theme for the Cloudian fella - I don't recall them using it for anything else
04.planet Voyage / TUCKER
Absolutely forgot which one this was from
05.Dandy's Fly / Mountain Mocha Kilimanjaro
Dandy's amazing "Dandy way to live" speech from Episode 1 ("Live with the Flow, Baby") and Scarlet opening up the can of whupass in the ramen diner in Episode 2 ( "The Search for the Phantom Space Ramen, Baby")
06.change the world / kensuke ushio(agraph)
River of Time sequence at the end of Episode 15 ("There's Music in Darkness, Baby")
07.何だか鬼気(笑)迫ってるじゃんよ! / 難波弘之
A bajillion different appearances, mostly involving Dr. Gel and Bea/Admiral Perry - Episode 3 ("Occasionally Even the Deceiver Is Deceived, Baby"), Episode 10 ("There's Always Tomorrow, Baby") intro, Episode 26
Episode 14 ("I Can't Be the Only One, Baby") multiverse Dandy exposition
War or gig? Gig, or war? Episode 20 ("Rock 'n' Roll Dandy, Baby")
Live candies ew - Episode 21 ("A World with No Sadness, Baby")
09.Kogarashi / Latin Quarter
Planet Girlfriend gets wasted, Episode 16 (""Slow and Steady Wins the Race, Baby")
10.hawaiian ghost / TUCKER
Pretty obvious one - ukulele piece from Episode 15
11.roam in Osaka / 梅林太郎
Adelie talks about her mother (;_

- Episode 5 ("A Merry Companion Is a Wagon in Space, Baby")
12.lick tonight / LUVRAW&BTB
QT montages his way onto Dream Island - Episode 13 ("Even Vacuum Cleaners Fall in Love, Baby")
13.Dandy Beat / 向井秀徳
post-ED episode previews - can't remember the episodes where they use it as incidental music but w/e
14.DANDY's Funky Night / 芳野藤丸
Skiing montage, Episode 23
15.SPACE EXPRESS / 川辺ヒロシ
"Welcome to 2D!" - Episode 24 ("An Other-Dimensional Tale, Baby")
16.朝までKnightWriter / ☆Taku Takahashi
"Dancin'! We're dancin'! You're not the greatest 'cause I am the greatest! No we're both great, okay! Waaaaaaaooooooo! Oooooooooooh! Feeeevuhhh!" - Episode 22
17.Napoleon & Bishop / ミト
Dandy and Meow goofing off in front of Mamitas in Episode 3
Has to be more in other episodes though.
18.バブル・オブ・バブル / OGRE YOU ASSHOLE
Dandy rides the sentient moe scooter - Episode 21
19.Gentle Moon / 永井聖一
ScarletxDandy OTP ships set sail - Episode 23
20.Burning&Rising / 葛城ユキ
First ever athletics training montage in preparation for a prom date in anime history? - Episode 17 ("The Transfer Student is Dandy, Baby")
21.はいなっ / KenKen
"Undokkosho! Dokkoisho! Undokkosho! Dokkoisho!" - Episode 18 ("The Big Fish is Huge, Baby")
22.Word Pack / Mountain Mocha Kilimanjaro
Shortened US ED song, also the final chase sequence of Episode 5, short snippet of
lava surfing in Episode 26 ("Never-ending Dandy, Baby")
Probably a few other appearances I forgot about
01.かんちがいロンリーナイト / DROPKIX
Pretty obvious - DROPKIX performance (special ED version) in Episode 20 ("Rock 'n' Roll Dandy, Baby").
Wonder if Funimation will include Ian Sinclair's rendition,
02.Seaside Driving / 永井聖一
Dat Scarlet in swimsuit doe - Episode 23
03.Boy on Space / TUCKER
This song is driving me nuts because it's so catchy but I can't remember which episode its from
04.classique damour〜愛のクラスィーク / 菅野よう子
"SHIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH." - Space Dandy's interpretive dance, Episode 22
Oh! Also briefly plays in Episode 20 when Johnny eats "aspic consommé of Homard lobster from Bretagne" (which are apparently actual real words and objects)
05.bubbling sky / 笹沼位吉
Absolutely no recollection of having ever heard this one
06.Terra Beppin / ☆Taku Takahashi
Go-to incidental music used in a buttload of episodes - Episode 10 and Episode 13, Episode 23,
07.Space Rendezvous / 芳野藤丸
Can't remember which this was in
08.ダンディに口づけ / 梅林太郎&ハヤシベトモノリ
CatherinexDandy - Episode 24
09.FOCUS FRIDAY / 川辺ヒロシ
First thing that came to mind was Meow being a creeper in the very first Episode but theres probably a few other times this song pops up
10.Dandy Guy / 向井秀徳
I only ever recall hearing the guitar riff of this piece so I can't figure out which this shows up in
11.Seaman's Departure / Mountain Mocha Kilimanjaro
Can't remember this one either
Funeral procession from Episode 21
13.特攻野郎☆マイアミサンダー / ☆Taku Takahashi
ScarletxDandy OTP ships
take flight - Episode 23
14.宇宙船はマヒマヒの夢をみる / 菅野よう子
Most obvious appearance was in Episode 16 but I swear they used it for the endings for some other episodes
15.quiet city / TUCKER
... or I just mistook it for this piece which they used for Episode 2 and 19's outros
16.Old Edition / ☆Taku Takahashi
Dance-off in Episode 22
17.何だか悲しくてやりきれないじゃんよ! / 難波弘之
Episode 9 ("Plants Are Living Things, Too, Baby") ending with the strangest feels, brief snippet in Episode 26 with Dr. Gel
18.I'm losing you / BTB(Pan Pacific Playa)
ScarletxDandy OTP ships being crushed, burned and thrown to the wind - Episode 23
The curious case of the kawaii planet Limbo - Episode 21
20.White House / OGRE YOU ASSHOLE
Outro and Episode 21 ED (;_
21.I should be
/ ミト

- Episode 8
QT and the Power of Love! (;_

- Episode 13
Dandy's assault on the Super Hulkider (;_;7) - Episode 26
There seems to be some super obvious tracks that aren't here in the album - off the top of my head the Episode 25 ED (「All "the thing"s i am
worried」 by Mito, which they've used on multiple occasions) was a big one left out, as well as some smaller incidental music like the really Imahori-like track that plays when Dandy and Adelie are at the amusement park.