Anyone else see this yet?
They're making a Space Dandy deck-building game ala Dominion via KickStarter; it's goal was really low, admittedly, but it reached 100% in under an hour! I find it amusing how much Americans love this series despite Japan not really caring all too much.
Seems way too pricey, though; only the $100 one was close to a good deal, and that's already sold out!
That's cool, but I wouldn't have anyone to play with if I wanted. Also, aside from the occasional virtual yugioh fix, I'm done with card games.Anyone else see this yet?
They're making a Space Dandy deck-building game ala Dominion via KickStarter; it's goal was really low, admittedly, but it reached 100% in under an hour! I find it amusing how much Americans love this series despite Japan not really caring all too much.
Seems way too pricey, though; only the $100 one was close to a good deal, and that's already sold out!
I have a question for those of you with the blu ray. Mine is still in the mail but I was curious as to how the shows region differences were handled. Is it possible to watch the show in English with the Japanese opening?
I'm watching it dubbed and the opening and ending are in Japanese, so I think you're good.
I dont particularly like anime, i havent watched one since i used to buy them on VHS tapes in the late 90s, but i watched Space Dandy on netflix out of sheer boredom one night and got hooked. This show is just straight up awesome. Love how the tone flips from serious to batshit crazy depending on the episode. The animation and art direction overall are just gorgeous too. Ive watched it in japanese with subs, and i dont know if i could get used to hearing anyone else voicing it now tho. Still, awesome showI love QT
Anyone else see this yet?
They're making a Space Dandy deck-building game ala Dominion via KickStarter; it's goal was really low, admittedly, but it reached 100% in under an hour! I find it amusing how much Americans love this series despite Japan not really caring all too much.
Of all the English dubs out there, Space Dandy's is by far one of the best. Planet Trendy especially.
Of all the English dubs out there, Space Dandy's is by far one of the best. Planet Trendy especially.
C'mon breh
english one not qt enough
Nothing about a possible S3 at this point. But yes, S2 does have an ending.about to start s2, is there going to be a s3 or is it done? if so, does s2 have an 'ending' per se?
about to start s2, is there going to be a s3 or is it done? if so, does s2 have an 'ending' per se?
Seeing this thread bumped gave me hope that something is stirring
Last 4 RTs> The Space Dandy sequel dream is still alive.
There's desire to make more and Cartoon Network representative said they're willing to invest into it.
マッハ55号上杉さんの展示会にて渡辺信一郎監督トークショー観てきました!監督作ということでビバップにダンディのお話を楽しくしていたら、途中からボンズ南さんまで参加してダンディやりたいね~!というお話が聞けて嬉しかった~!!🚀 #55x20
南さんがアメリカのカートゥーンネットワークの方からついおととい「ダンディ続編やるなら全額だす!」って言われたそうなんだけど、それ聞いた監督が「じゃあ今やってる仕事ストップしてダンディやっていい?」って言ったら南さん一瞬「 えーっと」ってなってましたw
マッハ55号がデザインするアニメ・音楽・書籍の世界20年展 THE MACH55GO WORKS 55x20 Gallery X BY PARCO 渡辺信一郎監督が出演!ボンズの南社長も飛び入り参加! 名前を変えてスペースダンディがまた見れる日がくるかも⁉︎ #55x20
Bumping cause I'm wondering if anyone could directly translate the four bottom tweets. Liborek3 on twitter said the following about them:
There was an event in Japan recently. Watanabe was there along with the BONES producer Minami. Minami said that the CN peeps told him if they want to make a Space Dandy sequel they will foot the bill. So Watanabe said let's do it, stop whatever you are making now and let's gooooo! Minami said eeerrrrrmmmm....
That's the entire story. Means it's probably coming in the future but BONES is too busy right now.
There was an event in Japan recently. Watanabe was there along with the BONES producer Minami. Minami said that the CN peeps told him if they want to make a Space Dandy sequel they will foot the bill. So Watanabe said let's do it, stop whatever you are making now and let's gooooo! Minami said eeerrrrrmmmm....
That's the entire story. Means it's probably coming in the future but BONES is too busy right now.
Definitely not a nothing burger but not an announcement either. I think they all honestly want to do it and the money is there.
Might be hard to do right now since they are the studio doing the hero academia adaptation, which probably won't end anytime soon, but getting a third season of dandy would be amazing.
This world is too shitty. We don't deserve another season of Space Dandy.
Might be hard to do right now since they are the studio doing the hero academia adaptation, which probably won't end anytime soon, but getting a third season of dandy would be amazing.