I can't even verbalize how much this episode pissed me off.
- Agron AND Crixus just casually and randomly taken down, minutes of each other, by the little fucking shit Tiberius on his fucking horse, without even a fucking fight? The 2 biggest characters on the show after Spartacus, who have been there since the very beginning, taken down in such a pathetic way almost simultaneously, by such an undeserving character? And both from behind? The "undefeated Gall" goes down from a spear to the back by a punk kid while distracted fighting another dude? Disgusting.
- You'd think Crixus' army, that large and seasoned, would have some fucking scouts or something to warn of incoming armies. But no, it's OH HI THERE 10 LEGIONS JUST APPEARED 50M BEHIND US. You know, they just sneaked up.
- One minute we're getting pumped with Rome just on the Horizon, and in the next couple minutes Crixus' entire army is entirely decimated in such a rushed and underwhelming fashion.
-Whats the point of watching anymore? There's no chess pieces left on the table, it's already checkmate. Spartacus is left with only women and children fleeing to the mountains, the good fighters are all dead, Rome is completely safe, and Crassus still has his entire army pretty much unscathed. There's nothing left that can change the overall dynamics, and we know Spartacus is fucked. They may as well ended the series at this episode, instead of dragging it on for another couple episodes as Spartacus does not have a fighting force anymore. After all this, it would have at least been cool to see Crixus' army REACH the gates of Rome, and scare a few people, instead of this utterly anticlimactic ending to their rebellion.
Literally the only thing that would partially redeem this bullshit is if Tiberius got raped and crucified by his dad.