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Spartacus: War of the Damned - the conclusion of a legendary journey - Fri on Starz

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Neo Member
Wtf at Tiberius prancing around on his horse stabbing everybody in the back. We already hated the character so why diminish the capabilities of two leading men just to make the little shit even shittier?
Wtf at Tiberius prancing around on his horse stabbing everybody in the back. We already hated the character so why diminish the capabilities of two leading men just to make the little shit even shittier?

Jep, just randomly stabbing gods.

My vision was crixus fighting ceasar overwhelming him then crassus would join in and would end it by disarming crixus and end his life like they did in this episode. Not stupid little rapist prancing around a horse stabbing people.


Well, that was certainly a feel-good episode.

And yeah they went a bit too over-the-top in trying to make Tiberius an even more loathsome character, to the point where I basically rolled my eyes when he was given the task to finish off Crixus after having stabbed him in the back. Just came off as transparent after a point.


Awesome episode! Tiberius has taken a level in badass, Crassus shows real weakness, Caesar gets taken down a peg, bromance between Crixus and Spartacus :'( Liam had some perfect acting this episode. The deaths of Aggron and Crixus are a bit cheap, but honestly more realistic than either of them getting taken down by Ceasar in a 1 on 1. Both fighters were known for being to brass in fights, it got them killed without Spartacus.
Wtf at Tiberius prancing around on his horse stabbing everybody in the back. We already hated the character so why diminish the capabilities of two leading men just to make the little shit even shittier?

How are Crixus and Agron diminished by being stabbed in the back? The show never established that they have eyes in the back of their heads. Getting attacked from behind while focusing on another opponent is a very plausible way for any warrior to die. If anything, it is more consistent with their established abilities that they be blindsided rather than defeated head on. Just last week people were comparing the gladiators to superheroes who couldn't possibly be killed by normal roman soldiers. Before that, people complained that Ceasar lasted so long in a fight against Agron. I don't think anyone would have believed Crixus being taken down by Ceasar or Crassus, or even both at the same time. The way it played out makes the most sense; Crixus was killed the same way his army was destroyed, inspite of his powers, he couldn't protect himself against a surprise manoeuvre de derrière.


How are Crixus and Agron diminished by being stabbed in the back? The show never established that they have eyes in the back of their heads. Getting attacked from behind while focusing on another opponent is a very plausible way for any warrior to die. If anything, it is more consistent with their established abilities that they be blindsided rather than defeated head on. Just last week people were comparing the gladiators to superheroes who couldn't possibly be killed by normal roman soldiers. Before that, people complained that Ceasar lasted so long in a fight against Agron. I don't think anyone would have believed Crixus being taken down by Ceasar or Crassus, or even both at the same time. The way it played out makes the most sense; Crixus was killed the same way his army was destroyed, inspite of his powers, he couldn't protect himself against a surprise manoeuvre de derrière.

I think the objection people have isn't that he was stabbed in the back, but that it feels overly contrived to have Tiberius keep doing blatantly objectionable things. It makes him really cartoony even by Spartacus standards. It's not a deal-breaker by any means, of course; it's just a bit comical. :p

I fully expected Crixus to go down via backstab or some other unavoidable action:

Pretty much. Show's been clear about the DBZ power levels of these guys. Gannicus, Crixus, and Spartacus are for all intents and purposes unstoppable in most combat situations - when they go down, it's going to be either by overwhelming force or some sort of (likely literal) backstab. None of the Romans, including Ceasar, can handle these guys in a direct fight.


How are Crixus and Agron diminished by being stabbed in the back? The show never established that they have eyes in the back of their heads. Getting attacked from behind while focusing on another opponent is a very plausible way for any warrior to die. If anything, it is more consistent with their established abilities that they be blindsided rather than defeated head on. Just last week people were comparing the gladiators to superheroes who couldn't possibly be killed by normal roman soldiers. Before that, people complained that Ceasar lasted so long in a fight against Agron. I don't think anyone would have believed Crixus being taken down by Ceasar or Crassus, or even both at the same time. The way it played out makes the most sense; Crixus was killed the same way his army was destroyed, inspite of his powers, he couldn't protect himself against a surprise manoeuvre de derrière.

They could have done it differently - Tiberius could still have come from the back but couldn't land a hit on Crixus, and have Ceasar taking advantage of that since we know that he is a skilled fighter, just not on the level of The Incredible Four :p

I guess having Tiberius stab him in the back makes more sense tho


lol @ the missing article :p
Spartagrammar (aka a more liberal translation of Latin's phrasing, etc into English) is one of the best things about this show if you ask me.

Also yeah, all the named characters that were gladiators were pretty much going to fight to the last man, surrounded by the enemy so they were probably going to get stabbed in the back as they get descended on, so I really don't mind that.

If the preview is any indication
Tiberius will get his after all his attacks from behind


sad episode. it was obvious crixus is done for, but a backstab? by tiberius? cheap. i hope spartacus or gannicus will at least get proper deaths. if they do die on the show, that is. my biggest hope right now is that the ending scene of the show will be a countryside location, gannicus with his two women, lots of wine and "my cock rages on..." walking off into the sunset. cut
I think the objection people have isn't that he was stabbed in the back, but that it feels overly contrived to have Tiberius keep doing blatantly objectionable things. It makes him really cartoony even by Spartacus standards. It's not a deal-breaker by any means, of course; it's just a bit comical. :p

I fully expected Crixus to go down via backstab or some other unavoidable action:

Yes, Tiberius is definitely a straight up troll. I can't deny that.


Spartagrammar (aka a more liberal translation of Latin's phrasing, etc into English) is one of the best things about this show if you ask me.

Yeah I like it too. It's fun and gives the show's dialogue a distinctive quality, especially when you combine it with the swearing.

You appear as honorable man yet attempt to slip cock in ass.

Yes, Tiberius is definitely a straight up troll. I can't deny that.

They're clearly setting that dude up for a hard ass fall. I'm curious to see who will be left standing by the end, and if they choose to take some characters like Gannicus or Caesar into a spin-off.


now officially on board the Tiberius train.
raping Caesar, killing Agron and Crixus, in the same episode! Legend status confirmed.


Have to agree, Spartagrammar is definitely one of the best things about the show.

Great death for Crixus, could have been a bit more hard fought, but great going out speech. Sucks there is a break now...


I really liked all the little callbacks to season 1 in this episodes. I thought the Crixus scenes were really good. Agron went out like a bitch though.
Incredible episode. So many callbacks/references to season 1 and 2.

Really sad to see Crixus go and to be brought down by the slimy little raping fuck, but not surprising. He became too arrogant and consumed with killing Romans and as a result, paid the ultimate price. What's really bloody annoying is that Navea still draws fucking breath. What the fuck man, what the fuck. she should have died like 15 episodes ago. Fuck.

Agron also killed by the slimy little rapist. what a terrible way to go out. Although his death was obvious after his decision to go with Crixus and split from Nazir.

Tiberius, well what the hell can anyone say? He's a goddamn raping machine, it seems to be the only damn thing he knows how to do well. Seeing him get his comeuppance is going to be glorious, even more so than Glaber's.

One last thought, how is that Sybil gets hotter with each passing episode. Goddamn.


Without saying obviously spoilers next episode via the promo, certainly shows more of the aftermath and may not be all pure gloom from this latest episode. It will be interesting!

PS - Did Saxa go with Crixus?


Without saying obviously spoilers next episode via the promo, certainly shows more of the aftermath and may not be all pure gloom from this latest episode. It will be interesting!

PS - Did Saxa go with Crixus?

No, she is with Spartacus
Not going to lie, I was loving that private speech made only to Spartacus by Crixxus Martin Luther King (His roman name).

What an amazing episode. I hate Crixxus's girl so damn much. I was hoping and praying that they would take her head on the very spot. You were made to think that Crixxus actually had a legitimate shot of succeeding in this episode, even though I was almost certain his plan was doom to failure.

Even so, if only he had gone with the plan that he originally planned on going with after seeing Crassus's army, but that idiot girl of his forced him to make what he had to have known was an idiotic decision strategically. Built him up with that undefeated gaul bs.

Yea, he possibly would've still lost, but at least they may have caused far more damage than they actually ended up doing. I'm pissed that Crixxus's girl is still among the living. And, yes, Tiberius seems to be a master rapist. They are never easy to take down. How many men did he take from behind in this one episode? My goodness.


I will be really annoyed if Kore somehow ends up killing Tiberius as some sort of dull echo of Naevia taking out Ashur. Seems like that sort of thing would appeal to the writers.


Hunky Nostradamus
at Tiberius ramming Caesar.

Lol Caesar got ass raped.

I laughed really hard at the scene where Caeser got raped :p


Agron really dead? He just seemed badly wounded.

That crossed my mind as well, and looking at the Wikia, IMDB, etc. it seems as though
he might still be alive.


Agron's fate has been spoiled by the promotional screens that have been floating around, and I thought it was pretty clear from the scene in the episode. He's not dead. Just badly wounded. What his ULTIMATE fate will be is still unknown. But he's not dead.

Anyway, pretty damn intense episode. That Agron/Nasir goodbye scene got to me a little bit.

And, I do have to say, it's been pretty nice reading all the positive reception to the Agron/Nasir romance, here and elsewhere. Really shows how far we've come that we can have a gay romance in a show like this, have it be treated with equal weight as the heterosexual romances, and not be completely plagued by "get these fuckin f*gs off my TV!" everywhere you turn on the internet. Although, I'm sure that filth exists somewhere...

Bang-up job, Steven DeKnight.


Another little thing that made me laugh was Gannicus mentioning the "Crixus face"

"Seems but yesterday you stood the open mouthed Gaul, anxious to prove yourself in the arena"


Yeah, same here, for some reasons i thought it was pretty... off. I dunno.

I think they're trying a bit too hard for genuine pathos. It clashes with the superheroics and the more lurid parts. It's like they stopped remembering they're making a "trashy" show.
I can't wait to see how horribly Tiberius is going to get killed.

It had better be the best the show has ever done. I'm talking like molten metal melting him in half, or having him chopped from crotch to head mortal kombat style.

Off better yet just leave him in a room with Cesar and leave it to your imagination.


If Tiberius ends up surviving the season and into the (potential) Caesar spinoff, I eagerly await to read the shit storm online.


Crixus plan was just too stupid for words. It was unfortunately a death wish on his part. Now how they choose to make him die I have a problem with at this point.

Oh well. The Spirit of Crixus lives on as SLADE!



She is *by far* the worst character on the show.
But not this episode. She was actually quite likeable this episode. The next episode will be heartbreaking when Spartacus and Gannicus discover what happened though. Let's try to get a happy ending for those two and their women. Spartacus + Kore + Laeta, Gannicus + Saxa + Sybil.
Crixus plan was just too stupid for words. It was unfortunately a death wish on his part. Now how they choose to make him die I have a problem with at this point.

Oh well. The Spirit of Crixus lives on as SLADE!

And don't forget he's also Azog the Defiler in the Hobbit movies.

Hope to see Many Bennett in a lot more stuff after Spartacus.
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