7Th said:Also, is it me or have OPINIONS discussions in this thread gotten worse lately? I think people kind of used to somewhat justify their OPINIONS in the past; nowadays, we just post what we think and don't bother trying to argument why we think what we think. The Madoka discussion that was had last week and the P&S discussion of a few pages ago are the perfect examples of what I'm talking about. Maybe we just, like duckroll said, realized that nobody actually reads half of what we post in these threads.
I COULD do this, but I know that much of the "in-depth" analysis I have on some series is just stuff only I see and wasn't intended in the work in the first place so I think it's somewhat pointless. That's why when I'm arguing for or against a particular series I try to keep my criticisms and accolades simple. I think the only real exception was the whole Index thing and even then that was more born from stream-of-consciousness type thinking more than anything else.