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Spoilers?JKTrix said:Madoka is officially off the air.
Ah, that seemed to have ended in an expected manner.
Spoilers?JKTrix said:Madoka is officially off the air.
It's going to be hell waiting until I'm able to watch these.JKTrix said:Madoka is officially off the air.
Articalys said:Well hey, how about that, looks like that Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) pilot OAD did well enough to warrant a full anime series:
Mirai Nikki TV Anime Confirmed for Fall
Not quite enough for me to make up for the manga's ending, but we'll see.
This is the internet! Someone would do it eventually.flawfuls said:Wow somebody subbed Showa Monogatari. I had completely given up hope on that one.
Yup, fun fun!flawfuls said:Wow somebody subbed Showa Monogatari. I had completely given up hope on that one.
Trent Strong said:Holy Code Geass! I'm on episode 11 and it's awesome. Moves at a really fast pace.
Yep, a new show. Fun stuff. Hope the action will be good.exarkun said:I just watched Blue Exorcist for the first time...and wow. I really like the art, pretty good pace, and the writing is actually personable. Anyone else watching it? I'm kind of surprised I enjoyed the first episode so much.
Is this show new? And you guys are always complaining about moi stuff.
I wouldn't want to interact with certain parts of a fandom either (we all have stories surely), but I'm surprise it bothers you to such an extent. I remember you saying something similar before too. Is it that hard to ignore them? I remember when I took chemistry in the summer during high school, and there was a sizable group of Naruto fans in my class. I chose to ignore them, but admittedly, I took notice whenever I saw them role playing and stuff.doomed1 said:Well, it more has to do with the manufacturing and mass production of the music for the Disney Channel audience. Not that K-On didn't do that in Japan with those AWFUL live shows, I'd just like to limit it to a place and an audience I don't have to interact with on a regular basis. For K-On to go mainstream American tween, I just feel that it would end up making a mockery of the actually fantastic musicianship displayed in the music. That's actually what I love about K-On, some of my favorite episodes were the performance ones because KyoAni does such a damned good job of animating the performances and really knows how to show of the band's musicianship. This wouldn't really be upheld or uplifted by Disney. Much less if they made their own live-action show based on it...
If only that were truly true.InfiniteNine said:This is the internet! Someone would do it eventually.
That was pretty sweet.Forkball said:Hey guys, a friend of a friend helped make this short anime film called Anemone. You can watch it on Youtube here. The animation is pretty incredible for such a small team, and supposedly it took about 3,000 hours make.
MidnightScott said:Showa Monogatari - I like how they called anime "TV Manga" back then.I also like how they show what it looks like now, what it looked like then, and then what it looks like in anime style.
Hah, it reminded me of flower actually.trejo said:That was pretty sweet.
Instantly thought of firehawk12 when the sakura petals started falling. :lol
That was pretty much how I felt, wrong age and nationality to fully enjoy all the nostalgia-y goodness, but still interesting.flawfuls said:Showa Monogatari 1
I enjoyed this a lot. It's a fairly straightforward slice of life show about a very traditional family. The random Showa nostalgia was a nice touch even though I can't relate to it in any way. The animation and direction are usually fine, but occasionally there were some really awkward looking scenes like the weird pan around the room high five and the slow motion cg food falling, but even those scenes have a goofy charm to them. It's all very relaxing and has this wholesome charm to it. I really hope they keep translating the rest of it.
Well it's going to stop soon.Trent Strong said:Holy Code Geass! I'm on episode 11 and it's awesome. Moves at a really fast pace.
It's a shame there is no more as the show basically ends with "This is'nt the end". Man Giant Robo is one of the best anime titles out there. The last episode is just so dramatic and well done. I never expected the show would have so much depth in it's plot when I first looked at it's covers.Joule said:So I finished Giant Robo just now and where's the rest of it : ( So much story that was only alluded to. The whole Alberto/Taiso or more generally the whole struggle of the Big Fire group and the International Police.
flawfuls said:C 2
That was even uglier than the first episode. Who the hell uses CG models for human characters? Other than that it wasn't very eventful, but I'm still interested in were it will go from here.
Go where exactly?Geneijin said:AnoHana - 2
I need to borrow duckroll's power and burn my thread down. There's no fucking need for AnoHana to go there yet it did. Fucking Japan.
I would put a two dollar bill on the protagonist hooking up with the ghost.firehawk12 said:Go where exactly?
...firehawk12 said:Go where exactly?
Pokemon and angst seem perfectly fine to me. :lol
duckroll said:Oh boy, I can't wait!![]()
Actually, it has less to do with the Otaku fanbase and more to do with the teen/tween-bopper fanbase. You see, I'm a kind of tolerant snob about many things in media (which is to say that I have a taste and strong opinions, but I respect other tastes as well even if they are unlikely to change my opinion), and music is one of those things. While I can respect and understand people's taste in music, even if I think it's crap, what I don't appreciate is the corporate abuse of music, and in the last ten years, Disney has been the biggest perpetrator of that (the second largest being Glee, the bastards). The thing is, while K-ON! would be a FANTASTIC franchise for the american teen/tween-bopper demographic, Disney would present it in a way that would maximize its capital potential, meaning blatant corporate manufacturing and marketing of the brand. This makes the franchise more about the BRAND than the MUSIC (and the interpersonal dynamics that come with making it).Geneijin said:I wouldn't want to interact with certain parts of a fandom either (we all have stories surely), but I'm surprise it bothers you to such an extent. I remember you saying something similar before too. Is it that hard to ignore them? I remember when I took chemistry in the summer during high school, and there was a sizable group of Naruto fans in my class. I chose to ignore them, but admittedly, I took notice whenever I saw them role playing and stuff.
I still have reservations on dubs in general. If that can't be done well consistently, I doubt the music will be up to par. It will be a mockery.
Dance In My Blood said:I would put a two dollar bill on the protagonist hooking up with the ghost.
That was heavily implied in the first episode though. The tension will be that Menma brings them together as much as she tears them apart.Geneijin said:...
You didn't see what Yukiatsu did?
I don't think they're going there. The couplings are pretty much set in stone, especially since the fifth wheel has enteredcosmicblizzard said:What's the problem there? Don't know much about the show.
Isn't it like, a body of a 15 year old mind of a 9 year old scenario? I don't remember specifically.cosmicblizzard said:What's the problem there? Don't know much about the show.
I didn't think it would imply that. I guess I should have expected it, but I felt they could have achieved as much without that by making him a self-repressed dude.firehawk12 said:That was heavily implied in the first episode though. The tension will be that Menma brings them together as much as she tears them apart.
The fact that he'sis sort of a parallel to what happens to the main dude. One's a physical shut-in and the other is a psychological shut-in.creepy raper dude
Again, maybe I've been I9'ed, butcosmicblizzard said:Wait, so what actually happened that Geneijin is so mad about? I'm curious.
Maybe it's because I saw it all in the first episode, so I knew they were going there all along... seems perfectly reasonable to me anyway, especially since Poppo is the third bro-like example of how to deal with grief.Geneijin said:I didn't think it would imply that. I guess I should have expected it, but I felt they could have achieved as much without that by making him a self-repressed dude.
The songs are mostly moon language to me, but the Mio actress does have a great, powerful alto voice at the very least. Of course, the difference is that they're all adults as well, so there's none of that inevitable failure that is associated with the Disney stars.trejo said:Great music that came out of the show? Doomed1 I sometimes get the feeling you're just trolling but the sad part is that you're probably not.
I mean, I don't really see how K-on's teeny bopper japanese garbage is any better than Disney channel's tenny bopper english garbage. But that's just me.
Well, if Geneijin drops the ball, I guess I'll have to pick it up. Although I prefer to be on Team Neutral. :lolAigis said:So, AnoHana 2, watch or not?
Going by Geneijin's post I'm leaning heavily towards no and just saving my time and dropping it.
Aigis said:So, AnoHana 2, watch or not?
Going by Geneijin's post I'm leaning heavily towards no and just saving my time and dropping it.
I'm not adverse to it, but I'm just upset right now they resorted to that. Very negatively. It's really my fault for not expecting this.firehawk12 said:I didn't think it was a big deal.
I speculatedMaybe it's because I saw it all in the first episode, so I knew they were going there all along... seems perfectly reasonable to me anyway, especially since Poppo is the third bro-like example of how to deal with grief.
I won't but you won't hear me idolize it as much.Well, if Geneijin drops the ball, I guess I'll have to pick it up. Although I prefer to be in Team Neutral. :lol
Pretty much this. I should have better known considering the director!I think it's still one of the better shows of the season - it's basically nostalgia in cartoon form, but I have no doubt that the show is going to be Asian angst though. If you can deal with that, it's still worth watching.
It's worth watching, but I'm incredibly salty about a certain development. Some problems from Episode 1 still persist in Episode 2, but it was mostly a good episode.Aigis said:So, AnoHana 2, watch or not?
Going by Geneijin's post I'm leaning heavily towards no and just saving my time and dropping it.
Oh definitely. It's not even egregious. It was at worse off-putting or uncomfortable.firehawk12 said:Honestly, I think that it's less egregious than yuri bondage shower scenes anyway. But I think both are relatively tame regardless.
At least he's not wearing a wig and pretending to be Menma himself? :lolGeneijin said:Oh definitely. It's not even egregious. It was at worse off-putting or uncomfortable.
I actually have higher expectations of AnoHana since they did this, believe it or not, but I'm still disappointed regardless.