Halycon said:AnoHana 02: This is a work fiction. Any similarities to real people, places or games are purely coincidental.
Revive your dead girlfriends with the power of POKEMON.flawfuls said:That episode was a missed product placement opportunity. The whole thing was basically a pretty compelling pokemon advertisement.
Halycon said:Revive your dead girlfriends with the power of POKEMON.
No. He would be a novelist and... ah, forget it. I lack finesse to finish that.firehawk12 said:At least he's not wearing a wig and pretending to be Menma himself? :lol
Have you ever tried getting a shiny Ponyta? Perfectly plausible.flawfuls said:What is funny is that the main character scoffed at the idea that the girl wanted an autograph because that was not a big enough deal to make a girl rise from the dead for, but had no problems with the idea that a pokemon is what she wanted.
The first half was just something they tacked on to stretch out the source material. I didn't think it was too bad, but it did mean that not a lot actually got covered in the episode.KuwabaraTheMan said:Blue Exorcist 1:
First half of the episode was really lame, but things picked up a lot in the second half. There's not a whole lot to go on right now, but I'll keep watching. I think the set up could be pretty cool if they execute on it well, and it's not a bunch of lame 'comedy' like in the first ten minutes.
Yeah, it's pure nostalgia for old people since nothing really happens other than wacky family hijinks.trejo said:Showa Monogatari 1
There's nothing really egregiously bad about the show and I do believe there is something potentially nice here for people with different tastes from mine but it is just not for me. Pity.
Get I9 to switch it. There are even good shots you could use from both shows.Halycon said:I regret putting C at the center of the banner and the Hanas all the way to the side.
Who would've thought loli animu shows would turn out to be the strongest of the season?
Indeed. Despite Dresden not being a fan of Kusunoki I enjoyed the arc overall. My guess is Haqua gets 3 eps, Nagase gets 2 eps, Chihiro gets 3 eps and we get 3 filler eps in between the arcs.Joule said:TWGoK 2: I kinda wish the ED was as creative as the first season's. I really liked that one. Other than that Kasuga's arc is done in fairly quick fashion. Not really a favourite arc but it was fine. More importantly Haqua~
I"ll rework it later then.Geneijin said:Get I9 to switch it. There are even good shots you could use from both shows.
Halycon said:I regret putting C at the center of the banner and the Hanas all the way to the side.
Who would've thought loli animu shows would turn out to be the strongest of the season?
From what I remember, Haqua is a bit of a bitch when she first arrives, too. FML.Solune said:Indeed. Despite Dresden not being a fan of Kusunoki I enjoyed the arc overall. My guess is Haqua gets 3 eps, Nagase gets 2 eps, Chihiro gets 3 eps and we get 3 filler eps in between the arcs.
Was this the episode where he calls that little girl, Kyou's sister, Ryou I think, up to the roof to talk to Nagisa and she thinks she's going to ask her out or something? I kinda liked that part. I know, I'm a bad person. I also actually like Clannad's main character, Tomoya at times, when he's emo he sucks but when he's trolling people he's fun, if he'd just be like that all the time instead of feeling lame and useless all the time he'd have been cool.A Black Falcon said:Clannad 04 - The girl talking to him (I don't know her name, the one with the wooden star she made) is spacing out thinking about how cute that star is, so our main character... sticks his juicebox straw in her nose, planning on squirting it up there (but he's denied by her noticing the feeling so he had to quickly pull back)? Ah... yeah, he's messed up. Also, male friend continues to be a moron. Now that girl is depressed because of how she thought she was acting like a normal girl, but isn't. And then we get it confirmed that his friend is a moron again (believing the bread story)... but of course, why IS the main character doing so much to help the main girl? It isn't for the bread for sure, so it must be because he likes her whether he admits it or not. Given how long this series is though, and that it's harem too, I doubt that plotline will exactly move very fast. After that, some amusing but again not that nice humor (getting the girl to come by saying "there's someone who likes you"? MC is cruel...). And finally, so this show has a character with Ayu's backstory too? Being original, aren't you, Key... except this is making it obvious way sooner than Kanon does. She isn't the main female character in this one though, so I guess that makes sense.
This is like the worst list I have ever seen, I didn't think it was possible to make a list this bad this season as I felt there was more than enough average to good shows but somehow you've managed to miss all the good ones sans Iroha, that's....impressive.A Black Falcon said:Also, on the lists note, my list for this season, so far. Mostly based on the first episodes.
The order for the first two is tentative, 12 eps vs. 2+1 OVA isn't a fair comparison.
1. Nichijou (easily the best new show this season)
2. Gosick (it's 24-26 episodes, so it can count I think...)
(medium, will see)
3. Hanasaku Iroha
4. Dog Days
5. Softenni
(definitely poor so far)
6. Hen Zemi (the OVAs are quite a bit better than TV ep. 1)
7. A-Channel
(worst easily)
8. Sengoku Otome (Battle Maidens: Time Paradox)
Love myths? Like what, a stork? I don't get it. Anyways, it's not just the nose bleeds, it's everything, the treat their nudity and sexual situations as something to be done with a checklist and they're almost all stupid. I know there's probably always been shows like this but now it seems to be in everything. I'm sure 10 years from now they'll make something as serious as Sword and the Stranger and that guy'll get a nosebleed fighting a female adversary, it's just constantly getting dumber. But that's partly beside the point, it's that they're never realistic, I'm not talking cheesy lines or the shit you'll find in western movies, everything is off, making it seem like it's forced, which it usually is, which makes it manipulative and pisses me off. Like I said, if someone wanted to make a show with kids that have sex but at least approached it with the same maturity as the kids in the story I wouldn't care. Really. I know there's two camps when it comes to nudity and kids, those who won't have any of it and those who are more, shall I say, realistic that acknowledge it's there and won't write something off just because it has that, I'm usually in the latter. There's western movies that deal with this stuff too. We were all that age once before, kids are that age now, everyone knows how it goes, no need to hide it. But when they approach it form this weird angle that they do it's clear it's not for any real reason at all, it is pandering in a weird way. That's fucking creepy. And in shows that don't show anything but handle it idiotically, it's well, idiotic. So, sure, some of it probably is cultural but I do have a hard time believing there's a ton of kids OR adults that pass out if a girl excites him, it's stupid, I doubt anyone but the small nerd population identifies with this stuff. So while it may be cultural it's probable a sub culture's of the main culture culture and they're being pandered to and for some reason get the majority of the attention by the studios.A Black Falcon said:So basically, you dislike the ways that anime expresses sexual interest, like nosebleeds, etc? I find that stuff stupid too, but that's cultural difference as much as anything; those things aren't familiar to us as love myths so they just look stupid. I'm sure that's different for Japanese people.
That's not entirely a defense, a lot of it is indefensibly stupid, but that is a partial reason.
This is the most offensively bad comedy I have ever seen. It tries so hard and so often and just always fails. Always. Not even a laugh track would make it better, it's just so bad.Joule said:Seitokai Yakuindomo OVA: Hahaha sexual jokes. The end. Really they just need more Suzu and Aria all the time.
Lol, she looks like a Snake or some shit in the top pic!Dresden said:And I don't like what they did to Chihiro:
from that to this:
She's supposed to be the plain girl! Now she looks like every other haremette in the show.
/petty concerns
She may as well be, the useless girl.macodin said:Lol, she looks like a Snake or some shit in the top pic!
Dresden said:The first half was just something they tacked on to stretch out the source material. I didn't think it was too bad, but it did mean that not a lot actually got covered in the episode.
Along with this and AnoHana.... noitaminA sure is crappy this season.Aigis said:Yikes at CG people in C EP2. Not sure how much longer I can defend this.
KuwabaraTheMan said:Yeah, I figured as much. It wasn't terrible, but it felt really generic. Hopefully, the future episodes won't have as much of that padding in it.
I'm just not sure why they felt the need for that in a show that is only planned for a short run.
Infinite Justice said:Its supposedly gonna be a 25 ep season. Is there enough material for that?
There's about 24 chapters out right now, and by the end of the 25-ep run there should be more than enough.Infinite Justice said:Its supposedly gonna be a 25 ep season. Is there enough material for that?
Enma has a magical girl, and she doesn't wear any clothes. Win-win if you ask me.Hellsing321 said:Well thats over. Now what?
We Without Wings?Hellsing321 said:Madoka Magica
Well thats over. Now what?
Well Haqua IS a tsundere, but when she's dere <3. See chapter 138-139 /end Shameless plug.Dresden said:From what I remember, Haqua is a bit of a bitch when she first arrives, too. FML.
And I don't like what they did to Chihiro:
*hilarious comparison*
She's supposed to be the plain girl! Now she looks like every other haremette in the show.
/petty concerns
Hellsing321 said:Madoka Magica
Well thats over. Now what?
I'm glad no-one did.Dresden said:I'm just glad I didn't make a thread about C.
The universe has collapsed!Geneijin said:AnoHana - 2
I need to borrow duckroll's power and burn my thread down. There's no fucking need for AnoHana to go there yet it did. Fucking Japan.
Dawg Dayz.Jexhius said:We Without Wings?
Defending the show is different from defending the CG. I'm waiting for people to come in and tell me it isn't ugly, like last time.Aigis said:Yikes at CG people in C EP2. Not sure how much longer I can defend this.
Jexhius said:I'm glad no-one did.
No kiddingduckroll said:Don't speak so soon...
I'm definitely not defending the CG at all but I mean the show as a whole. Shit's cheaper than a SHAFT show and I give them a lot of shit for being cheap.Jexhius said:Defending the show is different from defending the CG. I'm waiting for people to come in and tell me it isn't ugly, like last time.
KuwabaraTheMan said:Well, I haven't read the manga, but it's monthly and there's already 25 chapters out, so that should be about enough material right now, unless the chapters are really short.
Dresden said:There's about 24 chapters out right now, and by the end of the 25-ep run there should be more than enough.
That said I have a feeling they'll cut the anime off before the start of the Kyoto arc, so they might try to use 16 or so chapters for two seasons. Who knows.
Enma has a magical girl, and she doesn't wear any clothes. Win-win if you ask me.
Relix said:Well I'll be damned...
Madoka's 3rd Episode was actually interesting and good. Erm... ok will watch. XD!!!
I wonder what's the deal with [C]. I mean, really. I don't get how it came to be, or how it's been directed by Nakamura. It's just weird.Aigis said:I'm definitely not defending the CG at all but I mean the show as a whole. Shit's cheaper than a SHAFT show and I give them a lot of shit for being cheap.
Maybe they'll pull a SHAFT and make it unugly for the disc release??
Yikes!Geneijin said:
Jexhius said:I'm glad no-one did.
Relix said:Well I'll be damned...
Madoka's 3rd Episode was actually interesting and good. Erm... ok will watch. XD!!!