The Twelve Kingdoms 20-22 - This (19-22) was the worst disc of this series by far, so far... ugh.
20 - Finally, the end of Taiki's story! No real ending here though, just an "and his troubles continued, and somehow bad stuff happened, and he's still in Earth and doesn't know it". Do they ever actually resolve this, if it doesn't return full time to his story? They had plenty of time, but decide to make his arc glacially slow instead of actually keeping up any kind of pace, so instead of actually getting through it they only get partway and then quit... great.
21 - What, it's not over? Oh, a RECAP episode? Of Taiki's arc? Who thought THAT was a good idea? Beginning-of-episode recaps are one thing, but an entire episode that is a recap, mixed with a few bits of new info so I couldn't just skip the whole thing... THIS is a recap that I agree with you about really disliking. Awful, just awful.
22 - So we finally return to Youko's story! Great! But wait, nothing happens in this episode. Instead it's about Youko and her troubles with being a queen now in a world she doesn't understand, and the mouse guy's troubles at scholar school. Very slow episode and nothing happens. Amazingly enough I think episode 19 was actually the best one on this disc, and that's saying something... There were some good things about this episode, it sets some backstory and provides more information about the world, but this series is just so uninteresting sometimes when nothing happens for so long... there are good shows where nothing happens and it works well, but this isn't one of them.
As for the actual plot though, not surprised to see Youko and her ministers having issues. On that note, this episode did a good job of making me dislike monarchies (though of course I did already). In my opinion they need a revolution, democracy > monarchy!
mAcOdIn said:
Well Youko's boss but I like one of the side characters introduced in the next arc almost as much. Granted, Escaflowne doesn't have anything like this but Escaflowne also is pretty shit as far as the world and characterization goes, Escaflowne's like a ride not a story, they just move and move and move.
Escaflowne actually has good pacing, a fast-moving plot, a story that stays good throughout, etc... Twelve Kingdoms doesn't have those things. Sure when it's good it's good, but when it's not, not so much. And so far there's a bit too much of the latter.
I mean, it is a good show, but it has its problems.
Everything in balance, eh?
No, Clannad's a bit better than I was remembering (and I didn't watch it even this far anyway). The Twelve Kingdoms is certainly better, but Clannad's not that bad.
mAcOdIn said:
Was this the episode where he calls that little girl, Kyou's sister, Ryou I think, up to the roof to talk to Nagisa and she thinks she's going to ask her out or something? I kinda liked that part. I know, I'm a bad person. I also actually like Clannad's main character, Tomoya at times, when he's emo he sucks but when he's trolling people he's fun, if he'd just be like that all the time instead of feeling lame and useless all the time he'd have been cool.
Yes, this is indeed that episode. I don't really like that stuff, being mean like that isn't nice... sure sometimes it's amusing, but it's not right. So continues to often be either irrationally angry or acting like that? Great.
This is like the worst list I have ever seen, I didn't think it was possible to make a list this bad this season as I felt there was more than enough average to good shows but somehow you've managed to miss all the good ones sans Iroha, that's....impressive.
So I decided to watch the first episodes of a bunch of stupid shows... yeah, it's true. But in my defense I haven't been able to watch anything new in a while... once I do I'll be sure to fix that by watching Lotte no Omocha.

... Well, I'll watch AnoHana at least. What other good ones are you referring to though, other than that?
Love myths? Like what, a stork? I don't get it.
No, I meant things that our culture uses as romance/love references which aren't based on fact -- hearts as a love symbol for instance would probably be a good one, for our culture. And the heart shape for that matter.
Anyways, it's not just the nose bleeds, it's everything, the treat their nudity and sexual situations as something to be done with a checklist and they're almost all stupid. I know there's probably always been shows like this but now it seems to be in everything. I'm sure 10 years from now they'll make something as serious as Sword and the Stranger and that guy'll get a nosebleed fighting a female adversary, it's just constantly getting dumber. But that's partly beside the point, it's that they're never realistic, I'm not talking cheesy lines or the shit you'll find in western movies, everything is off, making it seem like it's forced, which it usually is, which makes it manipulative and pisses me off. Like I said, if someone wanted to make a show with kids that have sex but at least approached it with the same maturity as the kids in the story I wouldn't care. Really. I know there's two camps when it comes to nudity and kids, those who won't have any of it and those who are more, shall I say, realistic that acknowledge it's there and won't write something off just because it has that, I'm usually in the latter. There's western movies that deal with this stuff too. We were all that age once before, kids are that age now, everyone knows how it goes, no need to hide it. But when they approach it form this weird angle that they do it's clear it's not for any real reason at all, it is pandering in a weird way. That's fucking creepy. And in shows that don't show anything but handle it idiotically, it's well, idiotic. So, sure, some of it probably is cultural but I do have a hard time believing there's a ton of kids OR adults that pass out if a girl excites him, it's stupid, I doubt anyone but the small nerd population identifies with this stuff. So while it may be cultural it's probable a sub culture's of the main culture culture and they're being pandered to and for some reason get the majority of the attention by the studios.
Ah. Yeah, you're mostly right -- it is very juvenile. I don't know why anime decided that being so juvenile is the right thing to do, but by now it's such a long-held thing that I doubt it's going to change anytime soon...
I'm not so sure that things are getting worse, though. Stupid, fanservicey junk has been around for decades. Maybe in some ways it's getting worse, but in others it always was like this.
But yeah, I agree that compared to Western things the way anime usually treats romance and such is pretty weird, so, so juvenile and ridiculous... it's the style they use, but it is kind of odd. Part of it is about the audience though, they think the audience doesn't want anything more than that. That makes sense for some stuff -- that would most likely be accurate for stuff for the younger male audience -- but not for everything, and it is like that in way too much stuff.
But still, some of it IS cultural differences -- we have ours, they have theirs like nosebleeds and fainting. I don't know enough to say whether that's something that's just for the anime subculture though, versus something that applies more widely to Japanese culture; that is a good question, I agree. You well might be right, but I'm not certain.